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Author Topic: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****  (Read 8118 times)


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HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« on: August 02, 2008, 07:31:48 AM »
My collective theory on the story of HoA!

-Note : I'm not going to clutter this post with evidence.  It's there, just look for it in the books and on the threads.  Siting all of my evidence would make this post WAY too busy and long.-

1 - Allomancy - I feel that it will be downplayed a bit, but will still retain some of it's importance.  It will still be key to defeating Ruin and the deepness, though it will take a back seat to Hemalurgy.  Obviously Atium will not be as much an issue as it was in the previous books.  I also don't feel there is much more to learn about it, other than minor stuff to solidify the more blurred edges hanging around from the last two books.  I believe that when TLR took the power from the well he created Allomancy in order to attain his immortality and to control the people through rewarding them with it.

2 - Feruchemy - Where we learned a lot in WoA I believe we will get what is left from HoA.  I do believe that the metals we have not heard about yet will come into play, but probably only minorly.  I do think that there MIGHT be a possibility of them posing a semi-key plot. -see Sazed-  I think that Feruchemy was created by a past claimer of the power from the Well and it was created in order to preserve thing, thus linking it to Preservation.

3 - Hemalurgy - We will get the rest of what is involved to creating a Hemalurgist.  I believe that we will find it will concert the following. :Sacrifice(s), What metals do what:  I also think we will find that those with either Allomancy or Feruchemy gain great advantages in those if they attain Hemalurgic abilities.  I think that this was probably the first of the powers to have existed, thus it better binds the two others and ties it all to the mists.

4 - The Mist - Vin's theory about it being the Deepness will be proven.  We will also learn how it is she burns the mist.  I personally believe that it is a combination of using multiple systems at the same time creates the ability to burn the mists.  I believe that using all three magic systems and burning the mists at the same time will be some ultimate power that has yet to be discovered and will be important.  After all, look what Vin did with just two.

5 - Ruin - Ruin needs a physical form in order to affect the physical plain.  That is the thing that it needs.  I believe that the inquisitors will somehow provide this gateway that is required.  How it will happen?  Not sure yet.  I also think that Ruin is heavily tied into Hemalurgy.

6 - Preservation - Preservation has been buried within one of our protagonists.  Who I'm not sure.  I think it will either be Vin or Sazed though.  Also I think preservation is heavily tied to Feruchemy.  I think that Preservation planted itself into a person so it could affect the physical world in the same way that Ruin needs to find a gateway.

7 - Elend - Elend, now having Allomantic powers, will be able to feel more a part of the team and will be more accepted by the remaining crew members.  He will continue to play the same type of character in the third book.  I think he will be the one to figure out, but not actually cause the "unity" :read that at the end of this post:

8 - Vin - She will again discover more about herself and her powers.  Her having access to Hemalurgy will be heavily relied upon as they learn how it is used.  -There is no basis other than my theorizing on this next part.-  She will discover she also has Feruchumical abilities which will lead to her being able to unify the powers.

9 - Sazed - He represents more than knowledge and preservation.  He represents all of humanity in a struggle between logic and belief.  He will uncover the rest of the Terris religion and he will learn to believe. . . not in a religion, but balance.

10 - The Unification - I believe that the only way to defeat Ruin will be to unify Ruin and Preservation into a single entity.   This will, in my theorization, happen when Vin uses all three magic systems together to call upon the mists.  Unifying the two magics that represent each extreme with Allomancy, the middle ground together, causing balance in the world.

So it's almost 3 A.M. here. . . haha.  I just thought this would be a good way to put everything together.


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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 08:23:56 PM »
8 - Vin - She will again discover more about herself and her powers.  Her having access to Hemalurgy will be heavily relied upon as they learn how it is used.  -There is no basis other than my theorizing on this next part.-  She will discover she also has Feruchumical abilities which will lead to her being able to unify the powers.

I think they all sound pretty good, except I disagree with this one.

Feruchemy is hereditary among Terrismen.  I think it's safe to say Vin's parents were a nobleman and Skaa. 

Now, she might gain the powers through Hemalurgy, but I think that is unlikely as well.  We know that Inquisitors are made with Hemalurgy, we know it's a 'messy' process requiring a sacrifice of someone.  I just don't see Vin sacrificing someone to make herself stronger.

Yes, it could happen by accident, or by the person's request (such as Sazed asking Vin to sacrifice himself to give her the power) but I think that's really really unlikely.


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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 08:28:08 PM »
8 - Vin - She will again discover more about herself and her powers.  Her having access to Hemalurgy will be heavily relied upon as they learn how it is used.  -There is no basis other than my theorizing on this next part.-  She will discover she also has Feruchumical abilities which will lead to her being able to unify the powers.

I think they all sound pretty good, except I disagree with this one.

Feruchemy is hereditary among Terrismen.  I think it's safe to say Vin's parents were a nobleman and Skaa. 

Now, she might gain the powers through Hemalurgy, but I think that is unlikely as well.  We know that Inquisitors are made with Hemalurgy, we know it's a 'messy' process requiring a sacrifice of someone.  I just don't see Vin sacrificing someone to make herself stronger.

Yes, it could happen by accident, or by the person's request (such as Sazed asking Vin to sacrifice himself to give her the power) but I think that's really really unlikely.
I don't think she will need to gain MORE Hemalurgy, but will be able to expound on what she already has.

Also, I think that we will find that farther back in her history she has Terrisman genes.

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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2008, 08:59:02 PM »
Also, I think that we will find that farther back in her history she has Terrisman genes. [/color]

I'm sorry, but this doesn't really make sense, and it isn't really necessary to the series either. Vin doesn't match any of the characteristics of terrismen at all, and we've heard nothing about her having feruchemy at all. Honestly, if she suddenly can use feruchemy, I'll feel somewhat cheated.
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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 03:11:51 AM »
Also, I think that we will find that farther back in her history she has Terrisman genes. [/color]

I'm sorry, but this doesn't really make sense, and it isn't really necessary to the series either. Vin doesn't match any of the characteristics of terrismen at all, and we've heard nothing about her having feruchemy at all. Honestly, if she suddenly can use feruchemy, I'll feel somewhat cheated.
It was just an essential piece to my cumulative thoughts about what will happen.


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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2008, 02:24:36 PM »
Let's start by saying that Vin did not use both powers to call upon the mists.  her earring was removed from her ear before she called upon the mists, and is most likely the reason why she has been unable to do it since.  Secondly, if Ruin needs a physical form, why not just take an Inquisitor?  He has almost total control of Marsh, and I imagine there are some Inquisitors who don't have a conscience and are therefore totally under Ruin's control.  The Prologue says that there is a barrier hampering his touch on the world.  This must be Preservation.  I don't believe preservation is weak.  I believe they are now equal, and cancelling each other out to an extent.  Ruin's ultimate goal will be to tip the scales in Its favor, or remove the opposing force altogether.

I also don't believe in the Unification theory, but that's because I don't think a physical form is required for either power. 
I wanted to write something profound here, but I couldn't think of anything.


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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2008, 04:59:08 PM »
I don't think gaining a physical form would be that simple.  I believe it would be very hard and take a very distinct set of parameters to be met and that is the barrier.  We also don't fully understand Hemalurgy and how it works, so she COULD still be using it.

Andrew the Great

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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2008, 06:03:12 PM »

5 - Ruin - Ruin needs a physical form in order to affect the physical plain.  That is the thing that it needs.  I believe that the inquisitors will somehow provide this gateway that is required.  How it will happen?  Not sure yet.  I also think that Ruin is heavily tied into Hemalurgy.

6 - Preservation - Preservation has been buried within one of our protagonists.  Who I'm not sure.  I think it will either be Vin or Sazed though.  Also I think preservation is heavily tied to Feruchemy.  I think that Preservation planted itself into a person so it could affect the physical world in the same way that Ruin needs to find a gateway.

Why would Preservation be tied to Feruchemy? That doesn't make much sense to me...And if Preservation were tied to Feruchemy, why is Ruin able to affect metal minds? That doesn't make sense. It does make sense, however, for preservation to be tied to allomancy, the only system we don't know for sure that ruin can influence, and it seems likely it can't.

And I also disagree with this physical form thing.
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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2008, 08:49:20 PM »

5 - Ruin - Ruin needs a physical form in order to affect the physical plain.  That is the thing that it needs.  I believe that the inquisitors will somehow provide this gateway that is required.  How it will happen?  Not sure yet.  I also think that Ruin is heavily tied into Hemalurgy.

6 - Preservation - Preservation has been buried within one of our protagonists.  Who I'm not sure.  I think it will either be Vin or Sazed though.  Also I think preservation is heavily tied to Feruchemy.  I think that Preservation planted itself into a person so it could affect the physical world in the same way that Ruin needs to find a gateway.

Why would Preservation be tied to Feruchemy? That doesn't make much sense to me...And if Preservation were tied to Feruchemy, why is Ruin able to affect metal minds? That doesn't make sense. It does make sense, however, for preservation to be tied to allomancy, the only system we don't know for sure that ruin can influence, and it seems likely it can't.

And I also disagree with this physical form thing.
Because EVERYTHING about Feruchemy is preserving stuff.  Speed, senses, knowledge. . . just makes sense.

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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2008, 11:50:39 PM »
No, it's about storing stuff to be used later. It is eventually used, though. The only aspect I really see as being preservation is copperminds. And, as earlier mentioned, ruin can affect these, which doesn't make sense if they are directly related to preservation. And allomancy became prevalent in a time when Preservation had pretty much complete power over the land through the lord ruler, and as far as we know, cannot be affected by Ruin. Makes sense to me.
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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2008, 01:33:45 AM »
No, it's about storing stuff to be used later. It is eventually used, though. The only aspect I really see as being preservation is copperminds. And, as earlier mentioned, ruin can affect these, which doesn't make sense if they are directly related to preservation. And allomancy became prevalent in a time when Preservation had pretty much complete power over the land through the lord ruler, and as far as we know, cannot be affected by Ruin. Makes sense to me.
Think of it this way.  If we want to eat fruit at a later time, we jar it. (preserve even though it will still be used later).   BUT it can still get things like botulism or other forms of rotting in it.  Preserve doesn't mean forever.

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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2008, 04:46:40 AM »
Ok. I see what you mean. However, that still doesn't explain why ruin can affect feruchemy, but not allomancy. That, I think, should be our most conclusive proof. Although logically, your explanation does make sense.
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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2008, 04:52:18 AM »
Ok. I see what you mean. However, that still doesn't explain why ruin can affect feruchemy, but not allomancy. That, I think, should be our most conclusive proof. Although logically, your explanation does make sense.
In my perspective.  How COULD he affect Allomancy?  I mean unless he was watching something happen AT THAT MOMENT he couldn't affect the process.  Nothing is stored in the metals they are just metals that are used ONLY while they are being burned.  Feruchemy on the other hand just kinda. . . sits there waiting to be used.

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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2008, 05:03:04 AM »
Well you look at the other side. "How could Ruin affect hemalurgy?" Apparently it can totally control a strong hemalurgist, and influence weaker ones. Yet we see nothing of the sort with allomancy.
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Re: HoA compiled. *SPOILER POTENTIAL*****
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2008, 05:11:46 AM »
Well, my thoughts on Hemalurgy is that it's always being used, they energy constantly pulsing from their bodies, BUT that's a bit of a stretch.