Author Topic: Warbreaker: Free Ebook  (Read 277633 times)


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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #45 on: June 27, 2006, 06:13:32 PM »
I think it really depends if you think this is generating you more fans than it could be loosing.  How have hits on this site increased since you started posting Warbreaker chapters?  I know for me, a newcomer, these chapters mean that I'm often on this site.  It's how I found out about the Mistborn pre-release, and now I'm bringing a friend.  I wouldn't discount your agent out of hand (no one likes that), but weigh costs and benefits.

I think it's also unlikely that this will be the first work of yours that someone reads.  I only found this forum through your website, and the first thing I did there was read Mistborn sample chapters.  Then I began exploring, wanting more.

Personally, I really like being able to read the Warbreaker chapters.  It's something I've never seen an author do before.  It's exciting to read a book as it's written, before it's published  (the really good story doesn't hurt, either), and exciting for me as a would-be-author to see a book developing from an author I respect.

I don't know if that was helpful, but as one of the new people here, I thought I'd offer a perspective from one of the masses who found out about this forum the way another potential reader might.


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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2006, 06:23:58 PM »
Hard to tell the actual hit change since we moved servers right before this happened and the tracking software is different in how it determines hits.  I would say we're getting about 20%-25% more Unique visitors a day then before.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 06:24:11 PM by Spriggan »
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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2006, 06:39:32 PM »
It's hard for me to guess what the reactions of the average unconnected reader would be. But one thing I can say for sure is that large masses of people care extremely little about quality, and by putting your chapters up online you definitely won't put those people off any--as long as the story is good, it will be an excellent hook. And those who do care about quality are probably more likely to be aware of the different drafting and editing stages that go into making a finished book, so they'll be more likely to be forgiving.

Your current disclaimers might be made a little more explicit.
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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #48 on: June 28, 2006, 01:25:39 AM »
In my experience as a corporate writer, the trouble with writing is that everyone thinks they can write--no matter how good you are you're still just moving words around, and that's something the rest of the world has been doing since they learned how to talk. You don't get this problem with visual arts (or any other form of art) because people are not connected to the medium in the same way; they don't use sculpture to express themsevlves 16 hours a day, so they know that they don't understand it. Writing, on the other hand, is something that everyon always think they can do better (even if they don't admit it or even know it).
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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #49 on: June 28, 2006, 01:38:34 AM »
For what it's worth, I tend to agree with Ookla.  Even among professionals who are supposed to be able to write (I'm talking about lawyers) the ones who can tell the difference between draft and final quality writing is small.  Even less of the general SF audience will discern a difference between your early draft quality and final draft; and far fewer will remember the difference when they get the published volume.  What they will detect are significant plot shifts. (Or if some shiny toy you flashed early on disappears in later versions because it didn't move the story.)  In that regard, I guess I'd be more concerned about how much I posted rather than the effect of posting early draft quality.  I think I might pull the chapters, after I really got rolling and felt I had solidified the early concepts.

FYI -- I really like the concepts here, i.e., the notion of breath and certain persons accumulating it for whatever purpose. This idea raises more questions for me than any other idea I've seen in the first 10 chapters.  And it seems to create the greatest potential for complexity and inconsistency.  I'm also fascinated to see how you work out what appears to be an LDS-influenced theme about resurrection as your work develops.  It always seems to me that the religious influence in a writer's life leads to the richest themes, especially when they are being explored thematically and intellectually, and not being espoused as dogma.  



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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #50 on: June 28, 2006, 08:35:28 AM »


Thank you much for the replies!  I'm going to, tentatively, continue posting these.  The truth is, I like doing it.  I want to offer interesting things on my website and on these forums.  Maybe I'll stop eventually, but for the moment, I'm going to keep going.  


I think you're right.  I need better disclaimers, both on my website and in the chapters themselves.  I've written a new one up, and pasted it on all of the chapters.


Interesting insight.  I personally like how the mythology of the writer has an effect on his/her fiction.  I do tend to deal with religious topics more often than some, though it's always been a goal of mine to explore rather than preach.  The most interesting viewpoints for me to write, in fact, are often those of people who believe differently from myself.  

All Again,

That said, chapter eleven is up!  I'll be doing an edit of the previous Siri chapters to make them in line with things in this one.  I like the concept of Siri having to spend a week in the palace, unable to leave.  It allows me to pace things better.  Also, I'm going to take your suggestions and increase the tension in the previous Siri chapter (when she wakes up after that first night).  My plan is to point out (as I do in this chapter) that extending the tension, knowing that the God King is going to take her eventually, is even worse than just getting things over with.

Chapter twelve is also done--I'll probably get it up tonight.  Maybe even the edit of the previous chapter I've been talking about.


« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 09:30:57 AM by EUOL »

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #51 on: June 28, 2006, 09:30:04 AM »
And, chapter 12 is up.

I worry that I might need to move this one forward a little bit.  We haven't seen Vivenna for quite a while.  Yet, it is also nice to let us focus on Siri and Lightsong for a while before introducing Vivenna as a serious viewpoint.

The balance between making her competent and completely out of her league is a tough one to strike in this chapter.  Too in control, and she wouldn't be sympathetic at all (though I don't expect her to be able to match Siri for raw likeability).  Yet, too much out of control, and we don't have enough of a division between her character and Siri's.  

What do you think?  Do they feel different enough?  Do you want to see this earlier, or is it good here?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 09:31:29 AM by EUOL »

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #52 on: June 29, 2006, 11:12:10 AM »

Lucky number 13.  What do you guys think about the short Siri scene in the middle?  Stand out too much?  Too simple?  I wanted to break the Vivenna sections apart for some reason--felt like a good pacing move--but now I'm not certain on the Siri section.  

I'm kind of planning this to be the end of 'Section One' at least in my mind.  I tend to break books apart into chunks so that I can approach outlining in a useful way.  So, with ths, the 'introduce characters' chunk is done.

However, if I officially 'Part One' it, then the Siri scene stands out even more.  Maybe I need to cut it and move it to another section.  Put something else here?  Her waking up?  Then I can launch the beginning of part two with the first view of court, and Siri's being presented before them.

Ah, look.  Now I've talked myself into it.  Responses?

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2006, 12:58:11 PM »
I've really enjoyed the Vivena chapters.  The humor with the mercenaries, Peprin, and Vivena herself.  I think the balance you talked about between "competent" and "out of her legue" are also dead-on.  I really like her -- I think she may be my favorite.  

As for the Siri scene, I didn't find it distracting to be in the middle of the chapter.  It was short, simple, and gave a glimpse at what Vivena is trying to save.


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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2006, 09:21:32 AM »
Okay, I collected Ch1-13 into a single file, to make it easier to download.  I also did another revision of chapter one in this version.  So, if you want to watch my editing process, take the old chapter one you have and do a compare documents with this chapter one.  I just tweaked a few worldbuilding elements, such as removing the fact that it was 'impossible' for Vasher to enhance colors.

I also posted chapter fourteen.  Note that I cut out the Siri section from chapter thirteen and started this chapter with it.  There is a NEW Siri section in chapter thirteen, and you can find it in the collected Part One group.  It's about the same length, but has a slightly different tone.  I wanted to put off mentioning her going to court until the next chapter, so that part one tied off a little bit better.

I plan to do a complete read through of Part One eventually, correcting for consistancy (Mab the cook and Siri having to remain in isolation for seven days are both things that have to be reworked in the earlier chapters.)

Thanks for the comments!

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #55 on: July 04, 2006, 10:04:25 AM »
Whew!  15 is up.  I need to go to bed.

A few changes in this one.  First, I'm not going to have Awakeners or Returned glow, even to those with the First Heightening.  I decided I need to be careful not to let this book stray too much toward feeling like ELANTRIS, since both books contain pseudo-deities that live among the people.  I like having Breath simply create more color around a person, and that being the indication.

Secondly, a small change.  Instead of referencing books she's read, I'm going to have Vivenna reference tutoring she's received.  I've read--and written--the book learned archetype too often. This is a subtle change, but a good one for being in line with Vivenna's character, I think.

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2006, 03:04:26 AM »
Chapters Sixteen and Seventeen, written during my Honeymoon during small spaces of time.  Enjoy!

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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2006, 06:23:45 AM »
Congrats on the wedding!

Great to get some more chapters too, still enjoying it!


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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2006, 06:34:23 AM »
The last line of chapter 17, is it supposed to be cryptic to Siri and/or the reader? He could be trying to make her paranoid. He could be giving a genuine warning. He could be trying to comfort her, saying not to let the politics of the court get to her.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 01:09:46 PM by thelsdj »


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Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2006, 04:15:32 PM »
Yeah, that last line is bugging me too.  Nice catch.  

I'm not sure what I want it to mean yet.   :-/  If you have suggestions for alternates, let me know.

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