Author Topic: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*  (Read 30100 times)


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #75 on: September 26, 2010, 08:42:04 PM »
See  "Herald Chapter Pictures--Identities *spoilers*" topic for additional evidence for Baxil's mistress being Shalash.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #76 on: September 26, 2010, 11:05:38 PM »
Ok, I have a wild theory about he Heralds. Its just complete speculation at this point but I'll post it anyway.

So we know that Jezrien is called the Stormfather by some, but when we see him he doesn't seem very stormfatherish. One the other hand, that face Kaladin sees during the highstorm seems pretty Stormfatherish to me.

We know there is a connection between Kaladin and his powers and Syl. My thought is that maybe there is a connection between the Heralds and even more powerful Sprens.

This is just a guess but I'm thinking that the face we see in the storm is a powerful spren and that its Jezrien's spren. My guess is that each of the Heralds is connected to some godlike spren, which in turn makes them godlike themselves.
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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #77 on: September 26, 2010, 11:26:56 PM »
Hmm, that's possible.  There clearly are spren much larger and more powerful than Syl, such as the sea spren in Axies the Collector's interlude, and that could actually be the point of that particular interlude....showing us a glimpse of these godlike spren that bond with the Heralds. 

In fact, a few people have proposed that spren are splinters of the Almight's shard, much like Seons are thought to be the splinters of Aona's in Elantris...the problem with this theory has always been that spren and the Heralds and the Knights Radiant seem to be in existence while the Almighty is still alive, before Odium kills him....but is there anything to say that the Almighty couldn't have splintered his own power or shard long before his death?  Not enough to leave him powerless, but definitely carving off slivers of his own Shard or power to share amongst the Heralds and Orders in the form of spren, segmenting his own divinity as it were.  This could be what enables Odium to kill him in the first place...his power is too spread out, shared amongst his Heralds and throughout the world in the form of lesser spren to effectively fight back.

I'm thinking about how Brandon's confirmed that the Returned in Warbreaker are supposedly Splinters, but nothing in the book or elsewhere suggests there is another Shard on that world other than Endowment, who definitely seems to be alive still, at least as there's a voice that talks to the Returned before they are sent back.  Who says Shardholders have to be dead for their Shards to be splintered?  Maybe they can splinter their own voluntarily.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #78 on: September 27, 2010, 05:56:53 PM »
if the heralds were bound to those superspren, then where are the spren now? one would think they would be able to bond with another person, making them heralds, rather than just leaving nine out of ten of them gone from the face of the earth


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #79 on: September 27, 2010, 06:51:32 PM »
Well that could be the point, that the Heralds aren't gone.  The speculation about Shalash being Baxtil's mistress would seem to indicate that they haven't performed their duties, but they're still very much alive and wandering the earth...which would mean their superspren (lol) are still bonded to them and not really evident to other people.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #80 on: September 27, 2010, 06:56:14 PM »
well then what happens to the spren when the heralds go to whatever hell they go to while waiting for the desolations? I suppose the spren Axies saw could be Talns, but then why does it look towards the origin whenever it appears?


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #81 on: September 27, 2010, 07:02:06 PM »
Because that's where Taln will come from?
If it is indeed Taln's superspren, and waiting for him.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #82 on: September 27, 2010, 07:04:40 PM »
I thought that heralds return where they died, because all of the desolations take place on the shattered plains, which is why Talenel was at the shattered plains at the end


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #83 on: September 27, 2010, 07:08:51 PM »
No... Talanel was met by Hoid at Kholinar, the Alethi capital. I suspect that he had just ridden a Highstorm* from the origin of storms to somewhere in Alethkar, landed in a place with lots of bushes/trees (a Rosharian forest, perhaps) then run to the closest place where he knows where civilization will be, to the nearest dawncity. Kholinar.
Having ridden a highstorm and crashlanded, then run some distance, he is absolutely exhausted and collapses after entering the city.

*I seem to remember one of the mythological powers ascribed to the Knights Radiant was riding on the storms.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #84 on: September 27, 2010, 07:55:27 PM »
or he could have teleported, but why was he so exhausted, it would be pointless to teleport if it made you pass out, and if he was that exhausted before, I dont think he could have teleported. therefore the shattered plains is where he appeared


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #85 on: September 27, 2010, 10:20:10 PM »
WHoa whoa whoa... That's a bit of a leap. If he was teleporting, he could have appeared anywhere. If he was going to appear on the Shattered Plains, why didn't Hoid just wait for him there? Wouldn't it have been easier?


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #86 on: September 27, 2010, 11:55:16 PM »
 I'm not sure I support the idea that the heralds have bonded superspren.....because its sort of cheesy.....but mechanically it DOES fit. After all syl has gotten noticably larger in just the short time she has been bonded to Kaladin, so it is fair to presume that after 4500 years they could get pretty damn big.

Personally I don't think there were any spren around when the Heralds were active, the herald in the proloque ( I suck at remembering names) never mentioned them, even in passing. He didn't think of his own spren, or note any pain/fear spren on a giant battlefield. Also dalinar doesn't mention a single spren in any of his visions...

My first thought is that if the almightys shard truely is splintered...then spren are a likely candidate for being the result, which is why they aren't in dalinars visions, since the almighty was still active then.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #87 on: September 28, 2010, 02:01:38 AM »
if the heralds were bound to those superspren, then where are the spren now? one would think they would be able to bond with another person, making them heralds, rather than just leaving nine out of ten of them gone from the face of the earth

I don't think Herald's bonded superspren as much as the Herald's spren became superspren. Look at Syl. At first she was a small spren, easily mistaken for a windspren, with no form and only a bit of power to bond things together.

By the end of the book she has formed consciousness, taken a more substantial form, is now much bigger and more powerful (though this power manifests through Kaladin.

I think the power of the bond is what makes spren stonger and larger.

And I doubt Axies is a herald. If he was, Brandon would've given at least a little hint about it. But he is special. That much is true.
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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #88 on: September 28, 2010, 03:14:27 AM »
No... Talanel was met by Hoid at Kholinar, the Alethi capital. I suspect that he had just ridden a Highstorm* from the origin of storms to somewhere in Alethkar, landed in a place with lots of bushes/trees (a Rosharian forest, perhaps) then run to the closest place where he knows where civilization will be, to the nearest dawncity. Kholinar.
Having ridden a highstorm and crashlanded, then run some distance, he is absolutely exhausted and collapses after entering the city.

*I seem to remember one of the mythological powers ascribed to the Knights Radiant was riding on the storms.

He's not a windrider, that's a different order.


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Re: WoK: The Heralds *Spoilers*
« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2010, 03:36:22 AM »

Personally I don't think there were any spren around when the Heralds were active, the herald in the proloque ( I suck at remembering names) never mentioned them, even in passing. He didn't think of his own spren, or note any pain/fear spren on a giant battlefield. Also dalinar doesn't mention a single spren in any of his visions...

Nohadon said "alas, not all spren are as discerning as honorspren" in one of Dalinar's visions.