Author Topic: The Countdown  (Read 50731 times)


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #75 on: September 18, 2008, 05:05:21 PM »
I don't follow. How would that make them one and the same. Because they are both comprised of mist? I think they are separate, the mist spirit I think is of preservation hence the injuring of Elend. The spirit wanted Vin to take the power and use it to save Elend instead of giving it up and releasing Ruin.

Surely, the mist spirit would have wanted Vin to keep the power and not let the ruin have it--that doesn't mean she was supposed to keep it. It's just a better option. If she was indeed MEANT and supposed to have the power, doesn't she? The Prophecy, and i mean the true and unkown prophecy, has not come to pass. Otherwise we wouldnt have a book left of reading.

if something is meant for you, you can never lose it.

The only other factor in the story, other than the Ruin and the Well, that has become a factor post TLR's death, is the mist spirit.

When TLR, the prophecy began. So what began to happen? The began to refill, the deepness began lasting longer through the night, the mist spirit, and the Ruin at the very end. OK.

Let's disect these bad boys. We know that the HOA must defeat the Ruin now. So we Know where the Danger comes from, or what it is. Cancel one out. The HOA must NOT be meant for the well--at all, they were not meant to even reach and obtain the power--keeping or leting go of it is not even a question. Vin just happened to but she let it go, therebye confirming that the HOA obtaining the power was not destiny--or the prophecy. So what is left? The mist spirit.

I have stated multiple times why i think they will unite, if anyone hasn't read that, check out my previous posts.

"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #76 on: September 18, 2008, 05:26:16 PM »
What if elmandr1's not half wrong?

Not half wrong, but wholly wrong?  Is that what you're saying? :)

SarahG, please look over my last few posts. Ask what you want about the book concerning my theory. Give it some considerable thought, and if it doesn't hold up i'll be the first to eat my hat. :-*.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #77 on: September 18, 2008, 05:31:51 PM »
I hate comments like this. I never know what ookla's trying to do.

I never claimed he was wrong, simply stated that I didn't feel it was likely. If enough evidence to the contrary is presented, I will gladly revise my opinion.

Why not present some evidence to show why you doubt my thoery. Instead of dismissing it so. 8). You say it because Sanderson would likely surprise us, would you not be surprised if i was right.

Andrew, it is apparent that you are among the analytic arcanists in this forum--if anyone should have a closer look at this theory, it shoul be you.

But be wary, as sazed had said before, nothing it more dooming in research then looking for a specific answer.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #78 on: September 18, 2008, 05:35:33 PM »
I wasn't trying to give an opinion on your theory, but to suggest another possible meaning for Ookla's comment.  Ookla likes to be as obtuse and ambiguous as possible in his hints, such that they cease to be hints.  I find it amusing to figure out how his comments could be interpreted in opposite ways.

As for your theory, I agree with Andrew that it seems a bit convoluted.  However, it could very well be true for all I know.  I've gotten a bit lazy lately in thinking about theories; there's so much that we just won't know till the book comes out, that sometimes I get tired of speculating based on the little we do know.  We'll all know the truth in a few weeks.
He ate my horse.


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2008, 05:37:36 PM »
I wasn't trying to give an opinion on your theory, but to suggest another possible meaning for Ookla's comment.  Ookla likes to be as obtuse and ambiguous as possible in his hints, such that they cease to be hints.  I find it amusing to figure out how his comments could be interpreted in opposite ways.

As for your theory, I agree with Andrew that it seems a bit convoluted.  However, it could very well be true for all I know.  I've gotten a bit lazy lately in thinking about theories; there's so much that we just won't know till the book comes out, that sometimes I get tired of speculating based on the little we do know.  We'll all know the truth in a few weeks.

but until then we can only get so close. True. close am I--in a sense of consistency with the story.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2008, 06:18:08 PM »
OK, elmandr1, I'll put aside my laziness and make a few comments on your theory.

We know the well was always there but we assume it is meant for the HOA--what if thats wrong. What if the Well was meant for Ruin? And It was up to the Hero to Destroy it after the fact? What if It returned every "Age" and an Anointed warrior is chosen for each uprising?
The Well of Ascension is a pretty central theme in the series; it’s even one of the book titles.  Also, it forms the basis of the great twist of that second book – that the Hero was NOT supposed to release the power, because that would release Ruin.  I think it would be strange for the great twist of the third book to be a reversal of the great twist of the second book.  From a storytelling perspective, major revelations like that lose a lot of their power if they later turn out to be false.

HERO by definition is a person who has died for the cuase. Or in Battle with glory. Perhaps each hero must Die.
I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that all heros must die.  A hero is simply someone who exhibits great courage or other virtues, regardless of whether he/she ends up dying.  Are you thinking of the word martyr?

I believe that the deepness is the spirit of the HOA's of the past.
it wasn't there before TLR because with him still alive, the spirit could not remain.
But I think the Deepness WAS there before TLR; after all, he was the one who defeated the Deepness.

I think that the chosen HOA, must unite himself with the deepness.
In this, you might very well be right.  I frankly have no theory at all about what exactly the Hero will need to do to set the world right again, and I find this as likely as any.

...perhaps he was just stalling for the real HOA to come and, this is going to sound far fetched, stopped time, there by putting a stop to the Ruins usurpment.
In that case, why did he not welcome Vin with open arms and explain to her what he’d done and what she must do?  Or Sazed, or Elend, or whoever the Hero was.  Instead, TLR died in despair.

Last night i stumbled upon the thought on what exactly was the mist spirit--a thought came to me that the mist spirit could be the collective souls of all the past HOA's. I liked the idea, partly cuz that would be just fandiddly, and partly because it explains alot.
Again, I have no objection to this theory, since I have no more plausible theory to suggest what the mist spirit could be.

Prophecy means a religious, or supernatural promise of the coming of a future event(disaster/prosperity) or person(anionted one/apollyon). So if the tellers of a prophecy could perdict the future, couldn't they see the Ruin changing the prophecy at hand, and then actually succeeding? wouldn't a prophecy be able to foresee this? Of cousre, it would. And i believe it did.
I’m not sure that prophecy always involves omniscience about all future events; often, it’s only one particular event that is prophesied.  Furthermore, EUOL is the kind of author who delights in defying conventions and clichés, and what could be more cliché in fantasy than a prophesy coming true?  We saw in book 2 how the characters got in trouble for relying on their understanding of the prophecies.  I wouldn’t be surprised if in the third book, we don’t see true prophecies coming to pass, but characters relying instead on their own intelligence to defeat Ruin.

Did the mist really kill people? or was it there superstiousness that made for there starvation? think about it? has anyone ever been reported to have been killed by the mist from a reliable source?
Well, Sazed has seen and examined several bodies that died of something other than starvation.  I would consider him a reliable source.

The Prophecy, and i mean the true and unkown prophecy, has not come to pass. Otherwise we wouldnt have a book left of reading.
Again, I’m not convinced that this series is really about a True Prophecy.

if something is meant for you, you can never lose it.
This is a belief that may or may not be shared by our author.  My guess is not.  My impression is that he is not a fatalist, but believes that people have choices rather than an ironclad destiny, and that those choices can cause things to go wrong.
He ate my horse.


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #81 on: September 18, 2008, 08:17:20 PM »
SarahG is wise, and Ookla delights in the psychological torment of others.  My point being, don't read too much into Ookla's post, and spend as much time looking for data that doesn't support your conclusions as you do looking for what does.

I wanted to write something profound here, but I couldn't think of anything.


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #82 on: September 18, 2008, 08:50:19 PM »
I'll comment later because I have a class coming up soon, but I will say, elmandr1, PLEASE, I beg you, please stop multi-posting. I've told you this twice... Really, it's not a good thing to do. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #83 on: September 18, 2008, 10:18:44 PM »
I'll comment later because I have a class coming up soon, but I will say, elmandr1, PLEASE, I beg you, please stop multi-posting. I've told you this twice... Really, it's not a good thing to do.
ok, sorry, i just get excited is all. :'(.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #84 on: September 18, 2008, 10:28:02 PM »
I don't believe I remember that particular annotation. I would love to read it if you could dig it out, though.

Mistborn: The Final Empire, Prologue part two:
It's all just part of the image I'm trying to create--a place that isn't set in any particular time. In fact, it's a little bit frozen in time, as you'll find in later books.
That's where I got it from.

That's immensely interesting.

...perhaps he was just stalling for the real HOA to come and, this is going to sound far fetched, stopped time, there by putting a stop to the Ruins usurpment.
In that case, why did he not welcome Vin with open arms and explain to her what he’d done and what she must do?  Or Sazed, or Elend, or whoever the Hero was.  Instead, TLR died in despair.

The Lord Ruler believed he was the real Hero. When the Well refilled, he would set the world right.

In that case, the Well is something that is very important. Every thousand years it fills...

Anyways, I really don't know how to further respond to elmandr1's theory. It could be true, it could not be true. All we have now is rampant speculation, and we can't know for certain what will happen. For that reason, we cannot disprove your theory, neither can we prove it. Speculation, you see.

Not having it disproved, though, is a really good thing. Be happy :D. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #85 on: September 18, 2008, 10:55:07 PM »
One thing I haven't seen discussed although I could have missed it is in regards to the people that are shook by the mists but went unscathed. It seems out of character for them to just stand out there calling for the others to join them. Either they would be too scared by what the mists did that they would run away or they wouldn't be scared at all and would have helped feed their families rather than letting them starve to death.
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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #86 on: September 18, 2008, 11:05:37 PM »
Good point. I mean If your family was in a hut next to you and there was some mist out there killing people wouldnt you still try to help. Has anyone seen the movie The Mist? Good flick but same idea. Some people go out because they cant leave their family and some stay due to fear.
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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #87 on: September 18, 2008, 11:11:48 PM »
To me it just seemed weird, kind of like 'Hey, I just got attacked by the mists but I am fine. Lah dee dah, look at me waving at you. Just come on out here, it won't hurt you. Well, it has hurt some people but it won't hurt you. Come on. Are you coming? No? You're starving you say? Oh ok, well, see you later.'
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.

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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2008, 11:57:20 PM »
Ok, I will examine your posts in great detail and see what I can come up with right off the top.

We know the well was always there but we assume it is meant for the HOA--what if thats wrong. What if the Well was meant for Ruin? And It was up to the Hero to Destroy it after the fact? What if It returned every "Age" and an Anointed warrior is chosen for each uprising?

Umm....What? I'm a little confused. Are you suggesting that the well of ascension was meant for a super-deity that wants to turn the world into a bunch of unorganized matter? Lack of foresight on someone's part, there...

Perhaps whoever the next HOA is just one of many...perhaps there were hundreds--spread thousands of years apart?

So the question rises, then how come we don't know of the others before TLR?

This is possible, and is a good idea. However, I must state that this is not the wheel of time. Brandon has not made numerous references to cyclic history. I would also like to point out that  it's entirely possible that the hero of ages in previous times (if this is the case) did not have access to the same abilities as Vin, and therefore (if this is the case) we can rule out allomancy as being important (Which, I think, is not the case).

If there were previous Heroes of Ages, you would think there would at least be legends about them, as opposed to a bunch of random religious prophecies.

Another point. The title of the book is THE Hero of Ages. This is not by any means confirmation that there is only one hero, but it seems to imply it.  And even Hero of Ages as a title tends to imply that there is only one hero of ages. But, it is entirely possible.

HERO by definition is a person who has died for the cuase. Or in Battle with glory. Perhaps each hero must Die. Another is that the lord ruler, like hitler, would have destroyed anything that suggests or prooves this.

As has already been mentioned, I think you are referring to the word "martyr."  Hero has no such connotation. In fact, all it means is someone who other people (or a person) admire. This is usually because of something cool that they did, like save the world, but not necessarily.

Where does the Deepness come in?

I believe that the deepness is the spirit of the HOA's of the past.

This is where you really start to stretch it. You're suggesting that the deepness (some terrible thing that killed hundreds of people and convinced everyone that unless it was stopped would destroy the world) is made of the souls of past Heroes of Ages (who are supposed to somehow save the world)? Doesn't really make sense, though again, it's plausible.

it wasn't there before TLR because with him still alive, the spirit could not remain.

Why not?

So are you suggesting that the Lord Ruler is also a Hero of Ages? That's an interesting thought.

And if the above statements are true, then this makes a lot of sense, though you seem to be merging the mist spirit and the deepness in your theory, which doesn't really make sense for reasons I'll get into in a moment.

"Why not" what? Are you referring to why couldn't the spirit remain here, or why would this theory not work, or something entirely different?


I think that the chosen HOA, must unite himself with the deepness....This would explain Vin's battle with the TLR...when she thought she had used the mist....

That is a really cool idea. However, as has been mentioned, we have no idea how the hero will defeat the deepness because we don't really know that much about the deepness.

...perhaps he was just stalling for the real HOA to come and, this is going to sound far fetched, stopped time, there by putting a stop to the Ruins usurpment.

Not if the Lord Ruler is actually a Hero of Ages as you suggested above. Otherwise, him being alive should not keep the mist spirit from showing up by your logic. There could be other reasons why it can't come while he's alive, but not that he's a hero of ages. Or, alternately, the Lord Ruler is a Hero of Ages and is doing something to stop Ruin. Or a combination of the two.

This still works with my theory that the mist-spirit is the collective souls of past HOA's and the real HOA(for that "Age") will merge and become one with the spirits and achieve the knowledge that allows s/he to wield the power properly and perhaps develop the knowledge of how to destroy the Ruin.

This is another problem spot. First of all, earlier, you suggested that the Hero of Ages must merge with the Deepness (which seems to be of Ruin) in order to defeat it. Now you are suggesting that he/she/it must merge with the mist spirit (which I personally feel is of Preservation, though I can't prove it). The mist spirit and the mist are most definitely not the same thing, though. So pick a side of the theory and go with it. I vote the mist spirit, as it makes more sense.

Even if you do use the mist spirit, though, there is a problem. If the Hero of Ages, in order to defeat Ruin, must gain the knowledge of all of the previous Heroes of Ages, then how did the first Hero of Ages defeat Ruin? I think it much more likely that the Hero will glean limited knowledge from holding the power at the Well of Ascension, which he/she/it can then use to piece together what they need to know.

Well if the deepness is indeed the mist, and the mist spirit is the collective souls of the  HOA's then is it not one and the same?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: No. The deepness-mist kills people and things and stays out during the day. The other (I think I'm going to call it lord ruler) LR-mist goes away during the day and is relatively harmless at night.

Prophecy means a religious, or supernatural promise of the coming of a future event(disaster/prosperity) or person(anionted one/apollyon). So if the tellers of a prophecy could perdict the future, couldn't they see the Ruin changing the prophecy at hand, and then actually succeeding? wouldn't a prophecy be able to foresee this? Of cousre, it would. And i believe it did. The real prophecy probably tells of the Ruin coming up great power and a great person of that age would...and the Ruin would be destroyed, and all will be good again. The Expected.

Actually, to prophesy something, you don't have to be able to see the future. I read a series once where the whole way through you are  hearing things from prophecies that tell how the Heroes will defeat the villain in a very vague way (as most prophecies do). Then you get to the end of the series and the main character finds a letter from the original person who wrote the prophecies. In said letter, the guy states that he made the entire thing up to fill a need that he knew would one day come, and in the hope that the prophecies would give the heroes the courage they needed to fill the role of the hero.

And though it is only semi-related, I don't think Ruin can be destroyed. If it is, the world would be taken over by Preservation, and everything would stagnate. If they were both destroyed...that's an interesting question.

My opinion is that the prophecy is that the H.O. of that A. must unite him or herself with the mist spirit, not attain the power of the well. how do i know? because the Ruin has the power, so it definitly not what else has appeared or distinguished itself since the death of the TLR? The Mist spirit.

We know that Vin will find a way to do it without the power of the well (unless there are two wells as some (including me) theorize[though with little proof]). We don't know that it can't be done with the power of the well. In fact, The Lord Ruler seems to indicate that it can be done with the power of the well.

And Ruin may not actually have the power. It's possible (and even likely) that the power is some type of Preservation (hence what the Lord Ruler did seeming to be of Preservation).  Thus, if the power was of Preservation, it is logical to assume that it is what was trapping Ruin. So it's entirely possible that Vin released the power back to Preservation, and Ruin is now just free in its natural (unrestricted) form.


another something that only convinces me further. Remember back to when Vin fought TLR? what did she use to do it....? yes, i know, im genius. Grin. Which would explain why the Ruin would spread rumors about the mist, getting people to turn away from it. Did the mist really kill people? or was it there superstiousness that made for there starvation? think about it? has anyone ever been reported to have been killed by the mist from a reliable source?

She used the mist through allomancy, which leads me to believe that the mists of the time were of preservation (though the deepness mists probably aren't) and were able to be burned by allomancy (which I also think is of preservation).

the kandra hold a secret, a dear, dear secret. Vin knows it. And you and i know it. Thats my thoery of how she could do it.

There I think you have something. There is a good chance that the Kandra know several things that will be critical in the long run.

Surely, the mist spirit would have wanted Vin to keep the power and not let the ruin have it--that doesn't mean she was supposed to keep it. It's just a better option. If she was indeed MEANT and supposed to have the power, doesn't she? The Prophecy, and i mean the true and unkown prophecy, has not come to pass. Otherwise we wouldnt have a book left of reading.

if something is meant for you, you can never lose it.

Firstly, if something is meant for you, that means absolutely nothing whatsoever. I could send a gift to you right now, and it would be meant for you. That does not in any way mean that it will reach you, or that you will not eventually lose it. In the same way, just because the power is meant for the Hero, does not mean that the hero will take the power. Or, if the power is meant for the hero, does not mean that the hero will not lose the power (as Vin did).

I would like to point out once again that it is quite likely that Ruin does not have the power that Vin held at the Well of Ascension.

The only other factor in the story, other than the Ruin and the Well, that has become a factor post TLR's death, is the mist spirit.

That's possibly the least true statement I've ever seen. Think about everything that was introduced in the second book... We learn more about hemalurgy, we meet Zane, we learn about the kandra, we learn how to control Koloss, we learn about feruchemy....We pick up all sorts of interesting things. The mist spirit is not in any way the only other factor introduced.

Give it some considerable thought, and if it doesn't hold up i'll be the first to eat my hat.

Careful what you say... If you're proven wrong, we'll give you recipes. Then we'll expect you to post the video of you eating your hat online and provide a link.

Other than that, I pretty much agree with Chaos and SarahG.
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Random girl: "That explains so much about the way my professors have been teaching..."

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Re: The Countdown
« Reply #89 on: September 19, 2008, 12:41:53 AM »
Ok, I will examine your posts in great detail and see what I can come up with right off the top.

We know the well was always there but we assume it is meant for the HOA--what if thats wrong. What if the Well was meant for Ruin? And It was up to the Hero to Destroy it after the fact? What if It returned every "Age" and an Anointed warrior is chosen for each uprising?

Umm....What? I'm a little confused. Are you suggesting that the well of ascension was meant for a super-deity that wants to turn the world into a bunch of unorganized matter? Lack of foresight on someone's part, there...

I'm suggesting that The Well is meant to be the evil, or the great power that the HOA must defeat. The Well is the CORE of the issue.

Perhaps whoever the next HOA is just one of many...perhaps there were hundreds--spread thousands of years apart?

So the question rises, then how come we don't know of the others before TLR?

This is possible, and is a good idea. However, I must state that this is not the wheel of time. Brandon has not made numerous references to cyclic history. I would also like to point out that  it's entirely possible that the hero of ages in previous times (if this is the case) did not have access to the same abilities as Vin, and therefore (if this is the case) we can rule out allomancy as being important (Which, I think, is not the case).

If there were previous Heroes of Ages, you would think there would at least be legends about them, as opposed to a bunch of random religious prophecies.

Another point. The title of the book is THE Hero of Ages. This is not by any means confirmation that there is only one hero, but it seems to imply it.  And even Hero of Ages as a title tends to imply that there is only one hero of ages. But, it is entirely possible.

Ok, ask yourself where Allomancy was born...answer that and then i will continue with this part of the debate, if it has not become aparrent.

HERO by definition is a person who has died for the cuase. Or in Battle with glory. Perhaps each hero must Die. Another is that the lord ruler, like hitler, would have destroyed anything that suggests or prooves this.

As has already been mentioned, I think you are referring to the word "martyr."  Hero has no such connotation. In fact, all it means is someone who other people (or a person) admire. This is usually because of something cool that they did, like save the world, but not necessarily.

Ehm. In Greek Mythology, from which the word Hero orginates, when a warriors sets out to war, like in Troy or the like, if s/he shows great valor in battle, they become or are refered to one of two names; Champion and Hero. Whats the difference? A Hero dies before the war is over...

Where does the Deepness come in?

I believe that the deepness is the spirit of the HOA's of the past.

This is where you really start to stretch it. You're suggesting that the deepness (some terrible thing that killed hundreds of people and convinced everyone that unless it was stopped would destroy the world) is made of the souls of past Heroes of Ages (who are supposed to somehow save the world)? Doesn't really make sense, though again, it's plausible.

Why do you say that it is terrible? What proof have we that it is truely that? The superstions of naive skaa, they only fear it because of the MistWraiths! We know that it has killed some people, as Sazed has found, but it has let others live--which means it is killing for a reason and not just for the sake of. Thus why its killin decides whether its evil or not. We do not know why yet, so the rest is speculation. The Deepness being good is just as pluasible as the latter. I say its good. I say that the Ruin, which has corrupted the Prophecy, only lead people to believe so--for the same reason, or atleast in relation to its purpose.

it wasn't there before TLR because with him still alive, the spirit could not remain.

Why not?

So are you suggesting that the Lord Ruler is also a Hero of Ages? That's an interesting thought.

And if the above statements are true, then this makes a lot of sense, though you seem to be merging the mist spirit and the deepness in your theory, which doesn't really make sense for reasons I'll get into in a moment.

"Why not" what? Are you referring to why couldn't the spirit remain here, or why would this theory not work, or something entirely different?

TLR, was the HOA, because he arrived at the Well. I'll Elaborate further below. I suspect that the Deepness is apart of the mist spirit, or atleast that the Mist Spirit is connected to it in a manner. Other then that, i could only imagine.


I think that the chosen HOA, must unite himself with the deepness....This would explain Vin's battle with the TLR...when she thought she had used the mist....

That is a really cool idea. However, as has been mentioned, we have no idea how the hero will defeat the deepness because we don't really know that much about the deepness

Thats not an arguement! Saying we have no idea is a paradox of a statement. Had we already known how she must do it--then speculation and theories wouldn't exist! Therefore, my thoughts would either be right or wrong, here, we can either agree, disagree, or nuetralize ourselves. BUT no matter which side you choose, this is an IDEA. LOL. So you do have an Idea, you have plenty.

...perhaps he was just stalling for the real HOA to come and, this is going to sound far fetched, stopped time, there by putting a stop to the Ruins usurpment.

Not if the Lord Ruler is actually a Hero of Ages as you suggested above. Otherwise, him being alive should not keep the mist spirit from showing up by your logic. There could be other reasons why it can't come while he's alive, but not that he's a hero of ages. Or, alternately, the Lord Ruler is a Hero of Ages and is doing something to stop Ruin. Or a combination of the two.

Actually, i have updated this from further analysis, he is the HOA, and i didn't mean stall, bad choice of words. Lets just say that the events that should have occured back in Alendi's time have been...postponed? or set aside.

sure, those could be possible, i say as the HOA, he bore the mist spirit within him.

Ok, i have to go Pray the Sunset prayer so i will end it at that. I will continue later, if i remain. However let this be said. The Well is For the Ruin, like the Ring is for Saramon, the HOA must reach the well...obtain the power that is not his/hers and--brace yourselves...kill himself.

thats another possible theory that i thought of. but i dont know.

Perhaps, when the mist spirit stabbed Elend, he meant to show Vin that she needed to kill herself...

this is a different thought.

"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."