Author Topic: Yet more grumpiness  (Read 43492 times)

The Lost One

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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #270 on: February 16, 2006, 10:26:30 PM »
I was being nice to my wife by buyer her a piece of jewlery for Valentines Day. Little did I know how the car would react to this.

First, the back brakes started to squeek and then the engined rumbled. I thought I would make amends by getting new brakes for the car, which cost over $325. But that wasn't enough for the car. It wanted new spark plugs, then new ignition wires, the a new cap and rotor for the distributor. All this love and attention towards the car was still not enough. It's jealousy over the gift that I gave my wife still remained. It died today and I only hope that the special ignition coils that I ordered today will resurrect it. Darn you '94 Nissan Altima GXE. I don't care how jealous you get, I will never take back the gift to my wife to satisfy your repairs. Never.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #271 on: February 17, 2006, 06:05:24 AM »
So I'm grumpy because I have a flu and I'm completely exhausted. But mostly I'm grumpy because I'm at work and I was taking out some trash, when I got sprayed by a skunk that was rummaging in the trash bin. The spray just nicked my pants, which is enough, not to mention that the entire building now smells of skunk.

I generally like mustelids, just not skunks.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2006, 06:06:00 AM by 42 »
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #272 on: February 17, 2006, 06:15:11 AM »
I wish medical doctors would bother to educate people rather than just dispensing drugs like candy machines.  >:(

A girl at work said she'd got an antibiotic from the doctor at a walk-in clinic and it was really helping. I told her great but I hoped she was taking a probiotic as well, since antibiotics kill off all bacteria in your body--even the good bacteria that keeps your bowels stable and functioning. She kind of looked at me blankly so I said to make sure she got acidophilus either in yogurt or by buying a good probiotic.

Well, she'd never even heard of acidophilus or probiotics. It makes me cringe, knowing that doctors give out antibiotics without telling people exactly what havoc they are going to wreak on their bodies. Prolonged, unmonitored antibiotics is what got me into this mess in the first place--I had no idea that being on an antibiotic for five years to prevent inflammation after jaw surgery would lead to irritable bowel, food allergies, and further organ malfunctions that would eventually result in chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and depression. Yeah, now I'm turning things around, but if I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have the health challenges I have today. I wish people were more aware of what they put into their bodies, rather than just doing what the doctor says. Ug! Sometimes I get frustrated with the way medicine works in our day and age. Any would-be doctors out there, please be careful what you proscribe--since few people bother to educate themselves.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #273 on: February 17, 2006, 11:51:58 AM »
Well, I'm grumpy that you have to go through all these health problems just because of something as simple as taking antibiotics. That is terrible. Stupid doctor. I'm glad you posted, though. At least we all know now. (Or at least know more than before.) And what's the deal with fibromyalgia, anyway? It seems like half the women I know have it, and they don't even know what causes it. They just know that depending on the severity, it can be really hard to deal with and cause a lot of pain. That makes me grumpy, too. Erg!


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myaRe: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #274 on: February 17, 2006, 12:06:25 PM »
And what's the deal with fibromyalgia, anyway? It seems like half the women I know have it, and they don't even know what causes it. They just know that depending on the severity, it can be really hard to deal with and cause a lot of pain.

Caveat: I am not criticizing anyone (especially Chimera, who is cool!). This is merely opinion.

My husband, who is an internist, has had to treat people with fibromyalgia. He's found that a good deal of people with fibromyalgia are hypochondriacs (so that has warped his view of people with fibromyalgia). He calls it a junk diagnosis because they don't know how else to diagnose certain conditions. If you've ever read the symptoms for it, it's so vauge so as to make one wonder that the disease was created as a catch all. It's often diagnosed until a more specific diagnosis comes along. But that's the problem with auto-immune diseases like fibromyalgia  and lupus, for example. They are very difficult to diagnose, understand, and treat. They are very strange diseases.

My neighbor was diagnosed with fibromyalgia  before she was finally diagnosed with celiacs (an auto-immune disease with intolerance for gluten, I believe...), and now that she knows what the problem is she can deal with it and is so much better.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2006, 12:08:18 PM by MrsNessaC »
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #275 on: February 17, 2006, 12:07:48 PM »
Fibro is hell. At least, that's how it's been for my mom. My very close friend and old boss at BYU, Gloria Cronin, also has fibro. I have CFS and endo, but not fibro--so far. And I'm doing all I can to avoid that. So I know the cry of "Stupid Doctors!!" very, very well, and I sympathize, Chimera.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #276 on: February 17, 2006, 01:02:57 PM »
My husband, who is an internist, has had to treat people with fibromyalgia. He's found that a good deal of people with fibromyalgia are hypochondriacs (so that has warped his view of people with fibromyalgia). He calls it a junk diagnosis because they don't know how else to diagnose certain conditions. If you've ever read the symptoms for it, it's so vauge so as to make one wonder that the disease was created as a catch all. It's often diagnosed until a more specific diagnosis comes along. But that's the problem with auto-immune diseases like fibromyalgia  and lupus, for example. They are very difficult to diagnose, understand, and treat. They are very strange diseases.

You're right in that fibro and CFS are catch-all diseases--in the westernized medical world, at least. A doctor listens to your symptoms and says, "Oh, you're horribly tired all the time? You have chronic fatigue," or "You're muscles hurt all over? You have fibromyalgia"--but then they tell you that these conditions are untreatable. Except that an antidepressant could make some of the pain and fatigue go away.

Um, no thank you. I don't want to take a pill and mask my symptoms--I want to find the root of the problem and FIX it. There has to be a reason my body is acting this way. I want you to figure out what's causing it, not just throw more chemicals with strange side-affects into my already sensitive body.

Anyway, this is what happened to me when I came home from my mission so weak and sick I couldn't even keep food in my body. The doctors I'd been to weren't providing any real answers--just more mysterious diagnosis and a variety of pills to try. So my mom and I began researching it--reading everything we could get our hands on. Research led us to alternative medicine. The doctor I ended up working with was a chiropractor. He was the first of over five doctors of various persuasions and abilities who looked me in the eyes and said, "You will get better again. I can help you get better again." And he did.

Unfortunately, it turned out that wasn't the end of my health journey. But I still find that when I try to take a pill to solve my problems (like an experience with Zoloft), I get worse; when I change my diet and go to a doctor who works on addressing the core of my body, like my bowels, adrenals, and liver (which apparently have stopped working for me right now--that's the first thing I'm addressing currently) and strengthening them with natural remedies that don't have side affects, I get better. But that's me. Everyone has to find what works for them. For example, I've decided if after I get my body strong and healthy I still have depression, I will take an antidepressant. But right now I don't think my depression is neurologically based. I think it is a result of my body being in a toxic and malfunctioning condition.

And I don't hate all doctors. I just have had, unfortunately, more bad experiences with M.D.s than with alternative health doctors. Almost every "western" medical doctor I go to wants to give me a drug after listening to me for only five minutes. Now, I don't buy that.

My husband, who is an internist, has had to treat people with fibromyalgia. He's found that a good deal of people with fibromyalgia are hypochondriacs (so that has warped his view of people with fibromyalgia).

And I have to say that what your husband says about most people with fibro bothers me. Simply because it is not easy to see, diagnose, or treat does not mean it isn't real. I am in real pain. And these diseases do have causes. Just not ones that most medical doctors seem willing to admit, because the remedies involve a different philosophy of medicine. The medical doctors I have gotten along with are ones who incorporate the proven research and effects of natural health into their practices, rather than always plugging the pharmecutical companies as the end-all, be-all answer.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #277 on: February 17, 2006, 03:36:47 PM »
He's not saying it isn't real, just that some people don't really have it when they think they do, that the fibro diagnosis is an easy way out. Yes, these diseases do have causes. That's what's frustrating for him. Some people with fibro are just fine with that diagnosis because it's a 'real' diagnosis for the patient--but then it leaves him powerless to find the real cause because the patient doesn't want to try to dig any deeper, satisfied with that diagnosis. *shrug* It would be frustrating on either end of the patient/doctor relationship.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #278 on: February 17, 2006, 10:42:58 PM »
I'm grumpy because I'm sick. Sick enough to not make it down to Provo while Stacer is here. Also, Brenna is sick and she's too little for normal cold remedies. I hate seeing my poor little baby hurting. Grumble.


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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #279 on: February 18, 2006, 12:03:14 PM »
That's crummy. :( I hope you both feel better soon.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #280 on: February 19, 2006, 12:11:28 AM »
Well Brenna, I'm with you.  I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and now my body aches alllllll over. I feel like five pounds of crap in a two pound bag.
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The Lost One

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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #281 on: February 19, 2006, 01:14:37 AM »
Posted by: The Lost One Posted on: Feb 16th, 2006, 7:26pm
I was being nice to my wife by buyer her a piece of jewlery for Valentines Day. Little did I know how the car would react to this.

First, the back brakes started to squeek and then the engined rumbled. I thought I would make amends by getting new brakes for the car, which cost over $325. But that wasn't enough for the car. It wanted new spark plugs, then new ignition wires, the a new cap and rotor for the distributor. All this love and attention towards the car was still not enough. It's jealousy over the gift that I gave my wife still remained. It died today and I only hope that the special ignition coils that I ordered today will resurrect it. Darn you '94 Nissan Altima GXE. I don't care how jealous you get, I will never take back the gift to my wife to satisfy your repairs. Never.  

The car is still dead. I've replaced almost the entire ignition system but the cold weather has cause fuel lines to freeze up while I was working on it and the engine flooded when the fuel lines thawed. The car might come back to life when the weather gets better. Having to fix an old car (because it's the only car I own) gets frustrating and time consuming.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #282 on: February 19, 2006, 01:20:34 AM »
Also, Brenna is sick and she's too little for normal cold remedies. I hate seeing my poor little baby hurting. Grumble.

Babies who are sick make me sad, 'specially since I am clueless as how to make them feel better.:(

Lost One, your car is evil, and is plotting with nature to cripple you ability to go anywhere.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 01:22:00 AM by OneEyedGreenPerson »
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #283 on: February 19, 2006, 02:42:24 AM »
I'm grumpy because everything is going well, then BAM! my entire freaking life starts collapsing before my very eyes.
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Re: Yet more grumpiness
« Reply #284 on: February 19, 2006, 08:19:50 AM »
This flu is SO not cool.  I just want to curl up into a ball and whimper.
"Hr hr! dwn wth vwls!" - Spriggan

I reject your reality, and substitute my own. - Adam Savage, Mythbusters

French is a language meant to be butchered, especially by drunk Scotts. - Spriggan