Author Topic: Revenge of the Sith  (Read 7857 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2004, 11:37:14 AM »
I think he'll die of a brain anyeurism from thinking about the rabid fanboys who are whining about it 6 months before it even comes out. "Yoda farts! Blah blah blah!"


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2004, 12:31:04 AM »
Dang it Nic, you have way to much time on your hands to think of all these gizmos in Star Wars... a cortosis weave saber dart?!  I'll admit, that's a pretty cool idea, but i'm scared to play in your campaign now (your mind trick didn't work, I rolled a nat 20 will save).  I don't think my jedi will survive much longer in your world.

I would agree that you won't see Mace's brain splatting on the wall.  Remember, this is Lucas.  I agree he'll probably be shot in the back, but it won't smear his carcass.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2004, 12:48:03 AM »
I don't feel sorry for you MoreDew, we all know Nic notches his DM's book when ever he kills a player.

I think I agree with the Boba killing Mace, and more then likely in the back.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2004, 12:52:15 AM »
yeah, it's pretty sad when he notches his books with gold...
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2004, 01:19:20 AM »
yeah, it's pretty sad when he notches his books with gold...

Especialy considering he requires his players to provide the gold as an offering to him the GM.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2004, 02:22:01 AM »
Okay, I just finally saw this and it looks amazing. Since I'm stuck at work at 10:30 at night, I'm going to do a shot by shot analysis of the new stuff, starting about halfway through. I apologize if this results in any ***SPOILERS***.

1) Anakin has yellow eyes. Did Maul have yellow eyes? The emperor does, and I'm wondering if it's a trait of Sith I'm not aware of.

2) Volcano, and a brief shot later on of an Obi-Wan, Anakin duel by a volcano. I remember reading rumors of a volcano duel years and years ago, which helps scar Anakin thoroughly enough that he requires the Vader armor.

3) Not sure what those creatures are (they might be robots), but the lava world is very reminiscent of a video game version of Kessel that I once saw.

4) That's much more of James Earl Jones' voice than I expected. It's also a very girly position for Vader's hands.

5) The droids in the blockade runner? Another flashback, or something new?

6) Cool Wookies.

7) Several capital ships in a battle over Coruscant, some unidentified but at least one trade federation doughnut. The second fighter to woosh by has very TIE-like wings, like a link between Maul's ship and the eventual TIE design.

8) Anakin and Padme kiss. Does this mean we see him as non-evil in the beginning? Or is she kissing her wayward Sith in a state of denial?

9) There's the TIE-thingy again, this time flying over what are obviously Clone Warrior proto Star Destroyers from episode two. Another trade federation ship in the background. The TIE quite obviously has R2-D2 in a side-car astromech position, so it might be Obi-Wan or a pre-evil Anakin.

10) Mace Windu fighting against someone with a red lightsaber. It's hard to see location, but the wall and spire in teh background imply that he's in the Jedi Council Chamber.

11) Huge wookie army, very cool, walkers and tracked vehicles in the background. They don't appear to be on Kashyyk, though, unless it's some weird part of Kashyyk I'm not aware of, where you can actually see ground with no trees. I think I spelled that name wrong. Not as techy an army as I would have like; where's the bowcasters?

12) This spooky-looking dude reminds me of someon from the cartoons. I should watch them more consistently. The teeth are spooky, but kind of squirrel-ish.

13) A big ship of unkown origin, possibly on Coruscant, possibly grounded. It's burning and the little ships are hosing it down to put it out. That skyline is very Coruscant-y, but it's very far away and I didn't think Coruscant had that much empty space on the surface.

14) Very brief shot of Anakin hacking something, doesn't look quite as evil yet.

15) Padme with Leia-cinnamon-roll hair! Hooray!

16) A space view of the lava planet, with a Naboo ship in the foreground.

17) Aforementioned lavaside duel.

18) More ship battle over Coruscant, very pirate-like the way they're firing back and forth at each other. The one on top is a Clone Warrior proto Star Destroyer, the other is unknown. Trade Federation and all kinds of other ships below.

19) Evil Anakin chokes Obi-Wan with his black-gloved robot hand.

20) A proto X-Wing with six wings, all apparently fixed in place.

21) Obi-Wan still being choked, and Anakin looking remarkably spooky while doing it. He looks almost impassive rather than angry, which is a lot scarier (though it may be a sign that Anakin is under some sort of influence at the time). This scene alone, brief though it may be, convinces me that Hayden Christensen can do evil Anakin really, really well.

22) Inside of a capital ship, looks very similar to the trade federation hangar from episode one. Look very carefully and you can see a fighter escaping in the lower right while the doors close--also very reminiscent of episode one. Weird.

23) This is the coolest shot in the whole trailer: Darth Sidious himself, mouth open and horrible teeth bared, whales on somebody with a dark red lightsaber. Now that would be a fitting death for Mace Windu (and almost has to be--who else is cool enough to be killed in a duel with the emperor, not counting the people we know don't die?).

24) Same capital ship battle over Coruscant, little proto TIE fighter in the foreground dodges a major explosion.

What can I say? This trailer had me from the first note of the soundtrack, and got cooler and cooler from there. Here's hoping.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 02:25:06 AM by Fellfrosch »
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2004, 08:44:55 AM »
same type of spoilers as Fell's. Not really bad. DOesn't spoil the movie, just the trailer

1) Maul had yellow eyes. Dooku, however, did not.

3) Lucas uses EU ideas when they dont' conflict with his ideas.

4) I was really disappointed with the shot of Vader. hopefully, that shot will be less a centerpiece for the movie than it was for the trailer.

6) yes, very pleased with wookies. It's like everything that Jedi was supposed to be.

10) NOOOOO! Anakin CAN'T kill Mace. I'll kill him myself to prevent it!

11) I think the planet has like, 16 'y's in the name. How familiar with the planet are you? I mean, even if it's typically forested, can't there be a cleared area?

15) praise the mighty buns! At least we know Leia didn't invent it.

23) indeed, who else is cool enough to NEED to be killed by the Emperor. Mace is described by anakin in ep II as sort of a paragon of power. Considering the amazing things Yoda does, Mace bust REALLY be a BMF.

and to round it off, here's somone's review of the trailer


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2004, 05:44:15 PM »
The trailer was awesome!  I wet my pants when I finally saw it.

Just a note, I think when someone has been truly converted over to the darkside, their eyes turn yellow, according to the Star Wars d20 books.  As for the part of the emperor killing Mace, that would be a sweet battle!  To see the emperor wielding a lightsaber would be cool.  And I have to admit, Vader's hands were in a girly position.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2004, 05:53:35 PM »
The fight with Mace in the council chamber might be with the emperor--he sends Vader off to kill Obi-Wan or whatever, and then wades into the council chamber himself and starts taking names.

Maybe Dooku was wearing contacts.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2004, 06:10:16 PM »
I believe that Dooku is not fully turned over to the darkside.  He kind of hints at that in Episode 2.  He's using the darkside to defeat the darkside.  Perhaps the emperor senses this and Dooku will get whacked for it.  The thought of the emperor taking names just sounds so freakin cool.  Man, I can't wait for this movie!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 06:10:59 PM by MoreDew »
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2004, 06:34:54 PM »
I believe that Dooku is not fully turned over to the darkside.  He kind of hints at that in Episode 2.  He's using the darkside to defeat the darkside.  Perhaps the emperor senses this and Dooku will get whacked for it.  The thought of the emperor taking names just sounds so freakin cool.  Man, I can't wait for this movie!

The problem with this thought is this quote:
"Join me, and together we can end this destructive conflict."
Sound familiar? Should. Darth Vader says it to Luke after talking about betraying the Emperor in Ep V. Dooku says almost the exact same thing to Obi-Wan in Ep II. It's part of how you corrupt someone to join the dark side. Even the EMPEROR tells Luke to "Strike me down!" You make them think that what you're doing is actually good, and is necessary because the light side of the force can't seem to pull it off. Dooku doesn't try very hard, either. after a quick rejection he turns away and signs the execution order. No, I'm not convinced that Dooku was anything but evil.

Oh, and Palpatine's eyes aren't yellow most of the time either.

I think it's just a cool effect, but it's not consistent enough to say it happens to all of them.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 06:36:05 PM by SaintEhlers »


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2004, 10:40:21 PM »
It's possible, but there's something about Dooku that convinces me that he's not entirely evil.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2004, 12:26:32 AM »
The real question is: "Does Saruman have yellow eyes?"
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2004, 12:49:24 AM »
In honor of this thread, I thought I'd post the Jedi Drinking Song again.  Unfortunately, it looks like the Dust Rhinos have stopped offering it as a free download.  That means you can only listen to about half of it.

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2004, 11:14:45 AM »
3) It's not Kessel and I think they are beetle-like thingys being ridden by the Geonosians (the bug guys from Ep2)

5) Definately something new  ;D

7) I believe that is the new Jedi starfighter design

11) From the behins the scenes set diaries that I've read (released on the pay part of there are indeed areas of Kashyyyk that are not completely forested. (or even frosted...mmmm!)

12) Spooky-looking guy has not appeared in any cartoons to date. May change with round 3 of Clone Wars next year.

23) Gotta be Sidious or Anakin/Vader taking out Mace. Either that or he goes down under a batallion of droids so someone can escape.