Author Topic: Revenge of the Sith  (Read 20001 times)


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2005, 09:49:11 AM »
That trailer is actually really good. I kind of worry that it gave away too much plot, but then I've decided I don't care. It's cool and makes me want to go see the film. That's what a trailer is suppose to be like.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #91 on: March 15, 2005, 09:51:06 AM »
well, I think most of the plot could be inferred. There were some procedural details I couldn't have just guessed, but I don't feel like anything is spoiled.


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #92 on: March 15, 2005, 11:29:28 AM »
Yeah.  What was there for it to give away?  Anakin turns into Darth Vader!  Anakin is a little prick.  Obi Wan is disappointed in Anakin and himself.  Many Jedi die.

I'll be seeing it in the theater but I was never expecting to be surprised by anything in this one.  We've seen its sequel after all...

I'm hoping to be surprised by the quality of the dialog.  That would be nice.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #93 on: March 15, 2005, 11:44:45 AM »
I'd also like to be surprised by the delivery of the dialogue. That would be even better.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #94 on: March 15, 2005, 12:14:00 PM »
Wait, Anakin turns into Darth Vader?


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #95 on: March 15, 2005, 12:44:41 PM »
As the eternal Optomist,  The name Star Wars alone is enough to get me to the theater on opening night.  
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Actualy, either way, it's film history, so I will be there.  

I was irritated by Jar-Jar in ep1.  
And the Fireplace Scene in Ep2 suffered from Really poor delivery (IMAO this was do to poor direction)

Watching that Trailer and rewatching EP1 made something click for me.  

Lucas HAD to start Light and Bright in Ep1... Each film gets Darker and Darker, until Empire,  Then it lightenes up some for ROTJ
So EP1 is a trivial matter, the mains, dont realise the import of the events to what is going to happen.  
Ep2 is more serious but its still focused on maintaining the Status Quo,
Ep3 CRUSHES the Status Quo and the import of it all needs to Slam down like a Blast door on our mains
EP4 is the strugle for survival in this new reality
EP5 is finding a path that might lead out (Luke's Training)
EP6 is the breaking of the darkness set upon the Galaxy in 3

Looking back, it seems to me that, from a story and style prespective, Lucas knew what he was doing.  
Starting trivial with foreshaddowing and then lowering the Boom in 3.  


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #96 on: March 15, 2005, 12:48:08 PM »
will Jar Jar die in EP 3?  Someone, please tell me he will.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #97 on: March 15, 2005, 12:58:39 PM »
I'd never looked at it quite like that, but yes, I see some very valid analysis there. I'm not sure that Ep4 is darker than 3 appears to be, however. For example, my kids can watch nearly all of Ep4 without freaking. Ep5 less so. The ewoks kind of freak them out, but that certainly doesn't make EP6 darker. Again with Ep1, there are large chunks the kids can watch. Most of what they can't has to do with action rather than darkness (i'm willign to put them through the pod race, though Kirsti isn't). Ep2, we haven't found much of suitable length to show them (perhaps the courting bits on Naboo, but that doesn't interest me. Perhaps it would the girls though). Ep3, well... from what I'm seeing, I have little hope they can show any. So while there is a general trend downward into darkness, I think it's interrupted, rather than continued with Ep4 (the destruction of the Death Star is a mighty blow for the rebellion). They take a step back up, but fall a bit again in 5.

It's well known that Lucas likes the Cambellian interpretation of myth, and tries to use it in his work. What's interesting is that he also uses a Medieval story telling technique. If you read Medieval literature, esp of a mythological nature (ie, Beowulf, Song of Roland, et al), the events are more important than the narrative voice and description. YOu are expected to fll in a  lot of your own details. Lucas, intentionally or no, also leaves much of the personality/detail construciton to the viewer. His focus is on showing the events that together form a meaningful sequence of developments. I've found it to be very effective, however, it doesn't make the movies very accessible for casual viewing. The original trilogy managed to fuse both the casual viewing and the myth-cycle/story-telling aspects, which is why they are superior to the prequels thus far -- they're just better examples of filmmaking.

And, as many of you know I've argued before, the prequels are effective at treating a new take on the Faustian figure and the consequences of Faustian pursuits. In the series of well-articulated understandings of the Faust figure, I have to put Goethe first, naturally. Marlowe comes next, and then there are some French guys with some fairly weak ideas of Faust but some effective presentations of those ideas. Lucas is probably on this third level, with much better ideas about Faust but less-well articulated in terms of enjoyability.

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #98 on: March 15, 2005, 01:05:19 PM »
I would almost consider EP4 an epilogue to 3.  
This is where these people ended up
This is the state of the galaxy
all is not lost
New Skywalker = New hope

Oh and the Casual viewing for the Original Trillogy is supported by a contemporary and indentifiable character that the audiance can relate to better than these mythical figures.  Han Solo,  just a hustler among Knights, Messias, Fallen Heros and Princess
« Last Edit: March 15, 2005, 01:07:06 PM by D66 »

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #99 on: March 15, 2005, 01:44:42 PM »
well, if you wanna talk about Han Solo...

just kidding. YOu call him a hustler, I think of him as more of a cowboy/wandering hero. While Jedi Luke is obviously a (Jedi) Knight (or at least a squire). What's interesting there is the play with roles. We often think of the cowboy as the (at lest more) modern knight. So there's both the play where the movie says "The cowboy isn't really a knight, see the difference?" as well as the play on "He doesn't look the same, but he's just as heroic, if a bit reluctant.

The reason I don't think of him so much of a hustler is that he really only rips off the corrupt system. He gives in and becomes the good guy when the opportunity comes. He just can't leave people in need (in his backstory it's how he hooked up with Chewbacca, and he comes back for the first Death Star, tries to leave in Ep5, but helps the princess instead. But he's too free to be a knight in the traditional sense. He's a lot like Shane in the movie of the same title -- he'll resort to the dirty bits of the business, but a lot of it is to keep other people away from it.


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #100 on: March 15, 2005, 03:11:46 PM »
All true, but I think Oseleon was pointing out Han's approachability more than his morality. He was an everyman who was easy to identify with, and the prequels have (thus far) not given us anything to fill the niche. I think that we identify more and more with Obi-Wan as time goes on, though, just because we're so familiar with him--and, of course, solid acting in Ep3 could make us identify strongly with any of them.
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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #101 on: March 15, 2005, 03:51:48 PM »
I know, I'm just going off on tangents.

Obi-Wan is more approachable than others because he is the obvious one set up for a fall. Amidala has such a one-dimensional character, but with anakin, well, we can all identify with the fantasy of having that power and potential, but we know where he ends up, so we don't WANT to identify with him. THat leaves us with Obi-Wan. He's the only one we can identify with without feeling like we're evil, I think. Plus he really does have a lot of elements of the classical tragic hero. For the power he wields, he's awfully human.

But to be honest, I think R2 is the coolest character of the prequels to date. He's also the most identifiable in many ways.


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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2005, 11:25:35 PM »
Holy crap, I finally saw it. All I can say I'm going to go ahead and invest some serious anticipation in this movie, which means that Lucas is either my hero again or on the verge of breaking my heart. It looks awesome, though.

edit: Spoilers: I just went through frame by frame (I know, I'm a geek) and saw a couple of cool things. All those people Anakin hacks up are actually trade federation--he presumably gets some jedi too, but Palpatine might start him on TF guys because he knows Anakin already hates them. Also, when Yoda is dodging falling senator pods that's actually Palpatine throwing them at him, and apparently the senator dome is otherwise empty. Just a couple of things I thought were interesting.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2005, 11:52:07 PM by Fellfrosch »
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." --Mel Brooks

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #103 on: March 16, 2005, 12:09:02 PM »
yeah, if it gets you to admit that and wins Jeffe over, I'm calling it a good job... at least on the trailer.

Jeffe, want to see this together on the 19th? I'm not sure my wife will be up for a first showing. Probably my sisters/brothers-in-law will go too, downtown to a nice screen, and I'll hook up with them.

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Re: Revenge of the Sith
« Reply #104 on: March 16, 2005, 12:27:06 PM »
cant, fate has played a cruel joke on me and I will be at a buisness conference in Miami.
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