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Messages - Hobbun

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:25:58 PM »
Oh, already have the paperback all ready to read.  And not just Warbreaker, but also the Mistborn series and Elantris. The only one I don't have is Alcatraz.

Oooh, how about this then: read the first chapter each for Elantris, Mistborn #1 and Warbreaker. Then continue with the one you liked the best...

I'd be curious to see which one you pick.

To be honest, I would prefer to start with the one I like the “worst”, so each subsequent book just gets better and better. Very much like Phaz’s suggestion. And I am still seriously thinking about going with his suggestion and starting with Elantris first, then go to Warbreaker.

Obviously going by this reasoning, I am not going to read the Mistborn series out of order, even if the earlier books in the series are viewed as “better” (which I hope isn’t the case).

The only other question is going by my “worst” to best suggestions, where should Alcatraz be at?  I am pretty sure I am still going to start with Elantris and Warbreaker, but wonder if I should go to the Alcatraz books before reading Mistborn.

And the reason I was putting worst in quotes is I am not saying any of them are bad, but when you go from a book that is great to one that is awesome, that great book is the “worst” one.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: June 28, 2010, 01:30:41 PM »
Mine is nowhere near as special as a lot of yours. I probably fall under a large majority of the people.

I heard about Brandon when he was announced to finish the WoT. I will admit I was nervous at first if he would be able to finish the series justly. However, after reading his blogs (especially the one where he explains why he split the books into three), the response of TGS and then finally meeting him on tour for TGS, I knew the series was in the right hands.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 28, 2010, 01:11:12 PM »
I think I’ve been pretty lucky so far. His last two books he’s released for his tours, or going to release (TGS and WoK), have been in the Chicago area and at a very nearby bookstore, on top of it. I am anticipating ToM not coming to the Chicago area.

And to be honest, that’s ok with me. Not that I don’t want to see Brandon, of course I do. But I would really like to do my re-read of WoT, first. The last thing I want to worry about is any spoilers from questions people may ask in the Q&A. And besides, I know he’ll almost definitely stop in Chicago for AMoL.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:16:01 PM »
Sure. Kind of surprised that addresses weren't listed for the locations.  I am pretty positive that it's the same location where Brandon signed for TGS as I believe Oak Brook only has one Borders.

The address is:

1500 16th Street, Suite D
Oak Brook, IL

Phone number: (630) 574-0800

Not sure where you are coming from, so hard to give directions, but if you just plug the address into Google maps or Mapquest, they will give you a route.

One last thing, with TGS, they (this Borders) had started giving out colored wristbands earlier in the day (when they opened) to signify what group you were part of when standing in line.  Like the first group was orange, I believe (which is what I had). And they stood in line first, then I think it was red.

I believe there were only two groups, as each group was pretty big. Where I don't think there was a cut off on Brandon signing books, I couldn't say 100% for certain as my friend and I did not stay until everyone was signed. So you may want to get there earlier in the day to get a wristband for yourself (or also whomever is coming with you).  But, you may of course want to call the story to confirm if they are doing this again or whatever system they may be doing. I know I will be.

Oh! Sorry, one last thing.   :)   I would recommend getting to the store at least an hour early if you want decent seats. There were quite a few people who had to stand that came in at the end.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 26, 2010, 10:44:46 AM »
Oh good, he'll be in the Chicago area. And it looks like he is using the same bookstore as where he signed at for TGS. Which works for me as it is only about 20 minutes from my house, at the most.   :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: June 25, 2010, 05:24:43 PM »
Oh, already have the paperback all ready to read.  And not just Warbreaker, but also the Mistborn series and Elantris. The only one I don't have is Alcatraz.

I probably will get the hardcovers as well, if I really like the books (which I am guessing I will). I do know about the pre-signed books on Brandon's site, but I am one who always prefers to get signatures personally, unless it is just not possible anymore.

Also, the Warbreaker signed books have the remainder marks on them. To some, it is not an issue, but I am picky with my books.   :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: June 25, 2010, 01:31:43 PM »
Ok, thank you everyone for your suggestions.  I am probably going to start with Elantris or Warbreaker, first. But I haven’t decided, yet.

As for someone suggesting ‘slogging through the first 11 books of the WoT is worth it if you like traditional fantasy”, I definitely do like traditional fantasy and have every intention of rereading the series. I actually read up to book 8 of the series and stopped. But I stopped reading in general, not just WoT (long story). So I just want to reread the series again because I have forgotten so much and then also read 9, 10 and 11 before I start TGS.

As for my comment of reading Mistborn because it is ‘complete’, I said that because of a rule I have instigated now (for myself) that I try to wait until the series is over, or at least to the point by the time I finish the second to last book in the series, the last one is just coming out. I basically want to read all of them together. I started that rule because of WoT. I had to reread the series over twice as it was just too long between books and I would forget a lot of the little things (and some bigger ones) from prior books.

Not saying Brandon is going to be that way, in having years between books, but it is something I have found with the epic 800-1000 page fantasy books. It’s great they are huge, but something like that, understandably so, is going to take a huge amount of time to write, edit, revise and print. That is also why I have waited on reading Martin’s series (Song, Fire and Ice) as well.

It is awesome hearing that the endings in Brandon’s books are that top notch. That is the problem I have run into a lot of book series where the story itself is great, but the ending is so anti-climatic. I am really looking forward to reading Brandon’s work!

Thanks again to all for your suggestions.  :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:53:04 PM »
Awesome write up, thanks Phaz.  I am a WoT fan, but am holding off on TGS as I am going to do a reread of the series. I actually like your suggestion and am leaning towards that.

There's really no bad place to start except in the middle of mistborn. I started with Elantris, myself. I, personally would probably start with mistborn if I could do it all again.

Or maybe the Way of Kings. That could be awesome and terrible at the same time.

Ok, now this is what I am referring to, in “If I could do it over, I would start with Mistborn, first (instead of Elantris).”  Can I ask why you feel this way?

Brandon Sanderson / Which book should I read first?
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:43:50 PM »
I will admit, I have not had the pleasure to read Brandon’s books as of yet (I know, shame on me) but I am in the process of finishing a series before I head off to GenCon.

However, I do plan to start up Brandon’s books afterwards. Now, which book/series do you recommend I start first? I was thinking of going with Mistborn as that series is completed (well, at least I think it is), but would it be better to go with Elantris or Warbreaker first?

I guess I just want to avoid the “Oh, that’s a good series, but I would have started with ________, first.”

What do you suggest?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:53:59 PM »
I've driven out to a couple of his UT releases as well as local signings.  Generally, Peter was dead on.

The local ones are far less waiting typically, and there's usually some other things going on.

The release party is nice because it's the first release, so a lot of his biggest fans are there, which makes it fun.  He also has in the past given away fun things via raffle which are almost worth going for in themselves.

During the MB2 release for instance he gave away a manuscript version of MB3.  This was printed out on regular paper with red ink marks from Brandon's editor.  It was also made available to someone a good deal of time before the book was actually released.

He also gave away another version of a MB3 manuscript at the Warbreaker release.

I'm not sure if he's doing something similar here (Peter probably knows).  If he is, and you are interested in it, you should probably make the journey.  If you want to increase your chances, you should come with me.  Both those two manuscripts were won by people who were in my (relatively small, 5-7 people) group.  (Side note:  Counting those two manuscripts plus my ARC copy of MB3, my group of friends has 4 different versions of the final book (if you include the final).  It's nice to see the progress it went through).

Having a signed manuscript would be nice, but I still don't think it's worth making the the 1,500 mile trip, however much I like Brandon’s works. But also especially considering I will be going to GenCon at the beginning of August and my vacation time is beginning to run low this year already. There isn’t any chance he might go to GenCon, is there?

I may try a release party at BYU in the future, just to see what it is like. But it is good to hear he will probably have a signing nearer the Chicago area. Peter, any idea if it will be in the actual Chicago area? Or can you not give that info out, yet?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:28:51 PM »
I would be coming from the Chicago area. So for what you are describing, it doesn’t sound like it would be worth it (however much I would love to see Brandon again). When I had the pleasure to meet Brandon in October for the Gathering Storm book signing, he was able to do a reading, Q&A (albeit very short-though, not complaining) and signing. But as you said this would be a ‘late’ night signing at BYU, so I can also see why not having the reading or Q&A.

I just wasn’t sure if this was going to be unique in any way as it was Brandon’s home town/school, more like an actual party, but it doesn’t sound like it. Again, probably due to the lateness. The only difference I see from the signing I went to with him is he is apparently going to number The Way of Kings books at BYU, which was not done with Gathering Storm at my local bookstore.

Thanks for the information, Peter.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:09:34 PM »
Ok, sounds similar to the book signing I went to last October for Gathering Storm. I was wondering if he did anything unique due to being at BYU and it was referred to as a 'party'.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:46:39 PM »
Ok, thanks Peter.

May I ask what the signing 'parties' are like at BYU? Are they more involved because it is Brandon's hometown? I ask because I am debating on coming out. If not for Way of Kings, but maybe for a future book signing (like maybe even Towers of Midnight). Is he willing to sign multiple books?

I guess I am just wondering if is it a more personable level due to being at his college, or is it more like the bookstores he visits for the tours?

I would like to come out for the BYU signing, but I also would be coming a long ways and wouldn't want it be a real short experience, if you know what I am getting at.

Brandon Sanderson / Way of Kings signings
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:08:29 PM »
Is there any kind of book signing party scheduled for Way of Kings at BYU? If so, can I assume it would be for release night (August 31)? Or has there even been a book signing tour been scheduled yet (if there will be one)?

There's about 32 different shardworld books that are planned.  There are other books, such as Scribbler, which aren't shard world.  However, the shard books each have their own flavor and style.

So, what exactly is shard world?  Are Brandon's early books part of shardworld and do I need to read them before starting Way of Kings?

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