Let's see if I can nail down my feelings precisely. Elantris is great, but has little action for a large chunk of the book. Mainly political drama, tension, a little romance, and a hint of horror, which is great.
Warbreaker is very fun. A little dark at times, and wonderful complex characters. It takes itself a little less seriously than others.
Mistborn has plenty of action, complex, wonderful characters, awesome magic, the hero's journey, thieves, slaves, tyranny, betrayal, laughs, romance, and gritty action sequences spaced throughout. Not to mention, every book is better than the last and the endings are fantastic. Hero of Ages has one of the best endings I've ever read. Every time I read it i get an adrenaline rush in places. It's dark and brooding. If I were to read one book of Brandon's I would read the final Empire. Not because It's my favorite, 'cause it's not. But because .. . . ach, IDK. my feelings hate me.
The freelings and opinions expressed by Valkynphyre do not necessarily accurately represent the feelings of Valkynphyre or any of his associates. Feed the sheep. They're hungry.