Author Topic: Way of Kings signings  (Read 15804 times)


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Way of Kings signings
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:08:29 PM »
Is there any kind of book signing party scheduled for Way of Kings at BYU? If so, can I assume it would be for release night (August 31)? Or has there even been a book signing tour been scheduled yet (if there will be one)?

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 06:22:07 PM »
There will be an announcement pretty soon. But yes, expect the release party at BYU the late night of August 30th.
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 06:46:39 PM »
Ok, thanks Peter.

May I ask what the signing 'parties' are like at BYU? Are they more involved because it is Brandon's hometown? I ask because I am debating on coming out. If not for Way of Kings, but maybe for a future book signing (like maybe even Towers of Midnight). Is he willing to sign multiple books?

I guess I am just wondering if is it a more personable level due to being at his college, or is it more like the bookstores he visits for the tours?

I would like to come out for the BYU signing, but I also would be coming a long ways and wouldn't want it be a real short experience, if you know what I am getting at.


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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 07:05:22 PM »

In the past you wait in line for a long period of time.  I myself have spent probably . . . . . 50 hours total waiting at just release parties. xD  For Warbreaker I was there a day early and slept over.

Yes he will sign multiple books.

Generally in the past after all the signing is done he hs done a QnA afterwards.


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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 07:09:34 PM »
Ok, sounds similar to the book signing I went to last October for Gathering Storm. I was wondering if he did anything unique due to being at BYU and it was referred to as a 'party'.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 07:18:36 PM »
The BYU release is going to be a lot of standing in line late at night. (Though it won't be cold—that's a plus.) There may be some line prizes (the bookstore staff tries to keep people entertained).

Brandon most likely won't have time to do a reading or a general Q&A. He will sign however many books you bring with you. He will probably limit personalizations to three books per time through the line (which effectively in this case means only three personalizations since it's going to be a huge line). However he will chat with everyone willing to stand in line. (Brandon will sign & number the copies of THE WAY OF KINGS ahead of time, so people who just want the book and don't care about getting it personalized can just grab it and walk out right after midnight.)

I think last year Brandon finished pre-signing and went out and chatted with people in line sometime before 11:00.

So it really depends what you want. If you want to see Brandon do a reading or a general Q&A, later in the tour is better. If you want the carnival atmosphere of hundreds of people who can't wait to get their hands on a book, that's what you get on release night.

Though maybe Brandon could do a reading and a Q&A BEFORE midnight. That would make sense. Place in line would be determined by your receipt number, so you don't technically need to stand in line the whole time. People could gather around. Hmm... I'll look into that.

I may bring my unicycle and the enormous sword Brandon gave me. I haven't decided. I assume at least one person will be dressing up.

How far would you be coming?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 07:21:03 PM by Peter Ahlstrom »
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2010, 07:28:51 PM »
I would be coming from the Chicago area. So for what you are describing, it doesn’t sound like it would be worth it (however much I would love to see Brandon again). When I had the pleasure to meet Brandon in October for the Gathering Storm book signing, he was able to do a reading, Q&A (albeit very short-though, not complaining) and signing. But as you said this would be a ‘late’ night signing at BYU, so I can also see why not having the reading or Q&A.

I just wasn’t sure if this was going to be unique in any way as it was Brandon’s home town/school, more like an actual party, but it doesn’t sound like it. Again, probably due to the lateness. The only difference I see from the signing I went to with him is he is apparently going to number The Way of Kings books at BYU, which was not done with Gathering Storm at my local bookstore.

Thanks for the information, Peter.


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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2010, 08:18:12 PM »

Wait, their doing it by receipt number this year? O.e  I know they were going to do that last year, but then it didn't work that way and ended up being whoever was in line first.  When can you first pay for the book?

Has Brandon already promised any numbers to anyone?  Was very sad when #1 of Warbreaker was already going to Scoot. xD

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2010, 10:00:39 PM »
There should be a signing much closer to Chicago.

Miyabi, you're right. I was wrong about the receipt thing. It goes by whoever's in line first. But I don't know whether they'll hand out the numbers right at midnight or

I don't know about any reserved numbers yet.
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2010, 10:07:59 PM »
I've driven out to a couple of his UT releases as well as local signings.  Generally, Peter was dead on.

The local ones are far less waiting typically, and there's usually some other things going on.

The release party is nice because it's the first release, so a lot of his biggest fans are there, which makes it fun.  He also has in the past given away fun things via raffle which are almost worth going for in themselves.

During the MB2 release for instance he gave away a manuscript version of MB3.  This was printed out on regular paper with red ink marks from Brandon's editor.  It was also made available to someone a good deal of time before the book was actually released.

He also gave away another version of a MB3 manuscript at the Warbreaker release.

I'm not sure if he's doing something similar here (Peter probably knows).  If he is, and you are interested in it, you should probably make the journey.  If you want to increase your chances, you should come with me.  Both those two manuscripts were won by people who were in my (relatively small, 5-7 people) group.  (Side note:  Counting those two manuscripts plus my ARC copy of MB3, my group of friends has 4 different versions of the final book (if you include the final).  It's nice to see the progress it went through).

« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 10:10:14 PM by Phaz »

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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2010, 12:32:45 AM »
I assume at least one person will be dressing up.

I personally know of AT LEAST four.
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2010, 12:55:30 AM »
This thread makes me want to fly or road trip out to utah.  Very badly.
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2010, 03:19:12 AM »
I want to cry now. 
Why must Utah be on the other end of the country (I'm even further away than the Chicago poster)?

I'm always a little down when any book signing tour gets announced too because there are never any stops nearby.


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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2010, 05:10:09 AM »
At least you are in the country.  It's a journey just for me to get to the border.... still considereing the trip though.... definately would if money wasn't an issue.  Curse capitalism!  Curse Money!  I want to quit my job early and  fly to utah!
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Re: Way of Kings signings
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2010, 01:53:59 PM »
I've driven out to a couple of his UT releases as well as local signings.  Generally, Peter was dead on.

The local ones are far less waiting typically, and there's usually some other things going on.

The release party is nice because it's the first release, so a lot of his biggest fans are there, which makes it fun.  He also has in the past given away fun things via raffle which are almost worth going for in themselves.

During the MB2 release for instance he gave away a manuscript version of MB3.  This was printed out on regular paper with red ink marks from Brandon's editor.  It was also made available to someone a good deal of time before the book was actually released.

He also gave away another version of a MB3 manuscript at the Warbreaker release.

I'm not sure if he's doing something similar here (Peter probably knows).  If he is, and you are interested in it, you should probably make the journey.  If you want to increase your chances, you should come with me.  Both those two manuscripts were won by people who were in my (relatively small, 5-7 people) group.  (Side note:  Counting those two manuscripts plus my ARC copy of MB3, my group of friends has 4 different versions of the final book (if you include the final).  It's nice to see the progress it went through).

Having a signed manuscript would be nice, but I still don't think it's worth making the the 1,500 mile trip, however much I like Brandon’s works. But also especially considering I will be going to GenCon at the beginning of August and my vacation time is beginning to run low this year already. There isn’t any chance he might go to GenCon, is there?

I may try a release party at BYU in the future, just to see what it is like. But it is good to hear he will probably have a signing nearer the Chicago area. Peter, any idea if it will be in the actual Chicago area? Or can you not give that info out, yet?