Author Topic: Something for your amusement/interest/review,  (Read 4115 times)


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Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« on: October 23, 2006, 09:40:36 AM »
Well I recently had a very interesting revelation/conversation witha friend of mine, I think it's pretty neat so I have submitted it here, who knows you might be entertained or inspired or something, enjoy.

Ashley(A) (9:23:59 PM): yo just cookin stuff
Max(M) (9:24:12 PM): yay cooking! I just had a revelation and boy is it a doozy
A (10:00:34 PM): lol, what was it
M (10:00:49 PM): well it pertains to the nature of the soul, that kind of stuff doesn't bother you does it?
A(10:01:23 PM): no
M (10:01:28 PM): okay then here I go. first truth: The soul is more than the sum of it's parts. second truth: The soul can exist on it's own. third truth:the soul is not required to be alive. you have the spirit which is say someone's conscious, who they are how they think. you have their essence which is the most fundamental part of their being, that which determines the nature of their spirit.
A(10:04:48 PM): hmm
M (10:04:53 PM): then the anima, which is the driving force the thing that animates the spirit and anchors it to the essence but I think the better word for this is will, it pulls the componets out of darkness and forces them into being. but all this together creates someting that is more than itself. a sort of 2+2=5
A (10:06:36 PM): haha'
M (10:06:38 PM): that 5 is the soul. but something does not need to be alive to have a soul. a soul can be dormant, but it can also be destroyed, it cannot however be seperated from it's vessel. the soul of knife would be dormant and therefore based soley on it's essence rather than spirit. the essence of a knife is cutting, you cannot seperate that act from the knife
A (10:08:39 PM): yeah
M (10:08:48 PM): but breaking the knife would disable it from cutting, by doing that you have broken it's soul by tearing it's essence out, the same way you can break a persons soul by breaking their spirit, anima(will/ being alive)+spirit+essence=soul, spirit+essence also =soul
A (10:11:06 PM): yea, i see what youre saying
M (10:11:16 PM): however one cannot have a soul devoid of essence nor can one have a sould devoid of spirit, the spirit may be dormant or suppressed, but it mast have the capacity to exist. the body is a very large part of the soul. the psyche is the soul's way of interacting with the physical world. the body is heavily linked to the essence which in most ordianry cases is fulfilled and executed thru the body. no body no essence, ussually.the psyche communicates with the spirit. essence=physical(ussually) spirit=mental
A (10:15:09 PM): yea'
M (10:15:32 PM): the mind and body accomidate the essence and spirit while the heart(not physically) supplies the anima. damage one and the soul is damaged, but develope one and you further develope the soul. the physically world is most likely one of the lower levels of existence
A (10:16:41 PM): did you write all of this down>? XD haha
M (10:16:48 PM): as we speak
A (10:16:56 PM): cool
M (10:17:29 PM): when you develop in the womb for nine months your body is created to house the soul, you are given the various tools to deal with the physical world, however during birth creation of the soul is involuntary. but after birth development of the soul IS voluntary and if you do not develop it before you die your soul dies with the body, but and this is where my ideas become a little harder to believe.
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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 09:40:57 AM »
A (10:20:13 PM): ok haha
M (10:21:54 PM): through prolonged cultivation the essence can transcend the body, not so much in a magical immortal way, but in that the nature of the person remains imprinted on the world forever, the world itself(or more likely a group of people) become the driving force(anima) that powers the continued existance and evolution of the persons spirit
A (10:22:34 PM): hm
M (10:23:23 PM): we(not physically) are the remenants of people who's souls did not die with their bodies and those fragments have coalesed to create something bigger than themselves people who do not truly die are the people who make up the consciousness of the world, the people who become part of the universal ideas and thoughts and feelings of everyone. to avoid soul death by becoming part of a collective planetary soul, not even planetary, universal. the spirit of kindness, the essence of courage, must surely exist in all societies terrestrial or otherwise. the point is souls are engines of creations, they power and control bodies to give shape to the universe. any questions, objections, or thoughts at all?
A (10:28:37 PM): i think you have some good ideas
M (10:28:56 PM): you don't disaggree? at all?
A (10:30:08 PM): well, not necessarily i mean, if thats what you believe than thats cool
M (10:30:37 PM): haha
A (10:30:47 PM): but i dont think its unbelievable or anything haha
M (10:31:24 PM): well I'm trying to look at this from a perspective devoid of science and religion. because consciousness is merely an emergent property of the body whereas thought itself is consciousness of the soul, or byproduct of the spirit more likely. but I don't think you retain consciousness when you die. I think consciousness and being aware only happens in a body
A (10:33:37 PM): ye
M (10:33:38 PM): but  the unconscious is immortal
A (10:33:39 PM): yea
M (10:34:04 PM): the soul that doesn't die with the body is not conscious it doesnt know what it is, but it still exists. you know how they say a person isn't gone unless you forget them
A(10:35:11 PM): yea
M (10:35:20 PM): and how "yeah they always used to do that" etc, when a person is remebered or someone references the workings of someones spirit it is because that persons soul still exists, a fragment of it is embedded in the conscious of other people and if lasts long enough it is incorporated into their own soul
A (10:36:51 PM): hm ya
M (10:37:42 PM): which is why I say we(not physically) are partially the result of a collective universal soul(morals perspectives etc)  the past, all of history, all the  memories , those are the soul of the universe
A(10:40:36 PM): ahaha thats cool XD max, i like how you think :-D lol
M (10:42:25 PM): all souls have the potential to be part of the lets say origin and durin your life is when you imprint yourself on the universe by becoming part of it so when you die you don't really die, just sort of lose weight. but the way to develop the the soul i think has to do with identifying and confronting your essence. the anima is what gives form to the essence and drives the spirit into life. anima=purpose essence=motivation spirit=execution, the purpose is what you need to do, why you exist, your essence is the basis of your being the one word definition of a person, and the spirit is what you do, the soul is how you do it. so in a sense, your soul is you style. style is the most important thing in life a person is defined by what they do, but it is the style that defines the doing
A (10:50:26 PM): yea
M (10:51:35 PM): i think I'll call it "the theory of ethereal pin-stripes"
A (10:52:10 PM): haha
M (10:53:00 PM): told you it was a doozy
A (10:53:29 PM): lol its cool

So I hope you enjoyed that.
Tappin my feet the the beat of original sin.


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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2006, 02:12:22 PM »
The changed username had me expecting to find a link for cheap medicine at the end. Good thing your picture was there so I knew it was you :)
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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2006, 10:42:48 PM »
haha sorry bout that. the number is sort of an inside joke.
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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2006, 10:50:38 PM »
or your social security number!  Hoorah, free money!
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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 02:54:49 AM »
I'm not retarded, it's my SIN# not my SSN#
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Re: Something for your amusement/interest/review,
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2006, 08:16:57 PM »
Wow, that's almost as many as I've committed. I'm impressed.
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