Author Topic: Money  (Read 6017 times)


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Re: Money
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2010, 07:04:11 PM »
Despite the fact that my local library is the homeless hangout, I love it. I mean seriously, how can someone complain about free books? Even if they're not new releases, there's still plenty of good reading to be found.


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Re: Money
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2010, 07:50:06 PM »
Libraries  are great, except when the books are treated poorly, go go Hawaii and the general thought that books are useless. >.<
I can't stand reading from books that have been treated poorly, I mean sure I can understand the spine of paperbacks but when the pages are covered in stains and smell very strongly of smoke it just disgusts me, so I prefer to find a way to acquire the books I want, normally it is a deal between my parents that every time I memorize a new piece of music for my private lessons I can pick out a books less than 15 USD.


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Re: Money
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2010, 07:50:38 PM »
i can't stand libraries! the one by me doesn't get books until 2-3 years after they come out... no new releases
That's why you use the library to check out older books, and save the money you would have spent for new releases.

I can guarantee you that there are many excellent fantasy (and sci-fi) books that your library has that you haven't read yet.
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Re: Money
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 08:14:47 PM »
To all of the people who are telling me that they can't understand my hatred of libraries, in my defense, when I first brought it up I described it as irrational. I know that it doesn't make sense. I don't get it either.

I think that the concept of libraries is a good idea. I support libraries, and the spending of tax money on them. I have nothing against libraries in principle.

For whatever reason, one which is still unknown to me, however, I hate libraries. I don't like books from libraries (I'm talking about the actual physical book, here, not whether or not I like the story). They never have the books that I want, and if I reserve them, minimum waiting time is 2 to 3 months.

The one thing that I've noticed is that I really don't mind reading non-fiction stuff from libraries. In fact, I've gone into libraries and read these books for research. And as Liralyn  mentioned, the BYU library is quite awesome. This many books in one place is a wonderful thing. I have every intention of using the non-fiction stuff quite frequently.

I also will say, I really like the BYU library. I've been there to do homework several times now, and my productivity goes WAY up. There's tons of information available, and all sorts of other cool resources.  Perhaps it will be the library that finally overcomes my hatred of libraries.

Also a factor, I think, is the fact that I simply like owning books. It makes me happy that I own around 70 - 80 good books, all of which I would happily reread. And do. And I can just walk up to my shelf and pluck them off at any time.

Because of this, however, I tend to only read books that have been very highly recommended to me, or by authors whose other work I've enjoyed. Very rarely do I pick up something on a whim. Though it has happened once or twice.
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Re: Money
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 08:42:51 PM »
It sounds like your local library had a terrible selection. I suppose I've been somewhat lucky in that respect... mine has a ton of fantasy and sci-fi books.
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Re: Money
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2010, 08:51:34 PM »
It sounds like your local library had a terrible selection. I suppose I've been somewhat lucky in that respect... mine has a ton of fantasy and sci-fi books.

he probably only goes after new releases and those always have a waiting list of they are bestsellers. Just the way it is .The library can't buy 100 of them to weather the storm and then they sit on the shelves with only a few being checked out.

as far as people not taking care of books. It is worse for audiobooks. I have checked out CDs with scratches all of them that won't play or tapes that won't run. I always tell the librarians about this. They thank me and fix them. Other people don't. It is because they are not directly spending their money on it so they don't care. Alot of library patrons are pigs. How hard is it to tell a librarian that the audiobook doesn't work. They will just copy a new one.