Author Topic: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie  (Read 1335 times)


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Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« on: December 08, 2009, 03:58:59 AM »
Silk said I could go ahead and post as long as I posted how she defeated me over in the Dueling league thread. So here is my next installment.

To recap:

Kail and Ellie are two teens who've been transported to a world out of myth and legend by a magic sword. They were separated and now are searching to find each other.

Kail has met and begun to fall in love with a Troll, who he now travels with, trying to find Ellie.

Ellie has befriended a giant talking wolf named Bloodbath. While searching for Kail she was captured by an army and Bloodbath was wounded. She was then taken in by a fae queen named Morrigan and forced to travel with them.

Ellie is in possession of a set of magic rings which grant her inhuman strength, speed and endurance. She is also carrying the Sword of Worlds.

As always, thanks for all of the help!
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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 11:08:07 PM »
Lots of line edits on this one. You seem to be favoring passive voice, some run-ons and you are over doing the 'one sentence paragraphs' to the point where it isn't dramatic anymore. It is annoying. Some of the traveling break bored me (it happens) but I was interested in some of the character interactions and the prisoner at the end. Ellie failed to do anything to completely annoy me, so that's a plus. Anyway, it was a decent continuation. Nothing too bad or good but probably necessary. I'll send you my line edits.

Good luck. Keep it coming. :)     
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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 12:58:18 AM »
This whole "Ellie keeps doing naive stuff in the name of righteousness" is going to get really old, really fast. No, wait, it is old already. We need a way to deepen Ellie's character without her making me roll her eyes. I completely expected Malik to free himself and then bad things happen. However, the best idea in this chapter is that the Unseelie aren't necessarily the good guys. Interesting. I just wish Ellie did more than constantly acting kinda dumb.

I liked how you used the leys as natural gateways between worlds. I wish I knew why they have to go to a different world. I presume the urgency involves Malik and his execution, but I'm not entirely sure. Is there some reason why he would have to be killed on another world or something?

I didn't mind the part where they were walking through the path. I thought it was cool and descriptive.

I still feel we are moving slowly through the book...

Not much else I can say, unfortunately ;)

EDIT: Wait, yes I can. In my line reactions, I said, "Oh man. I can't wait to see Kajsa's reaction to a Sigil Knight. That will not go over well." :D
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 01:00:01 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 01:53:31 AM »
It was good to see a Sigil Knight really cut loose in this chapter. We now understand why the soldiers that captured Ellie were so afraid/in awe of her. Kajsa's reaction should be epic indeed.

At this point I'm beginning to wonder why Ellie still has the Sword of Worlds. You've intimated that Morrigan needs something from her, and judging by how she's buttering her up I'd say she needs it to be given voluntarily, but it just doesn't seem plausible that they would allow her to keep so much firepower right in their midst. I mean, with that sword, this frightened little 18-year-old girl took down a creature capable of killing a T-Rex with its bare hands, and without breaking a sweat. Surely they must fear leaving her with that kind of power, lest she realize she has it and try escaping.

I'm also noting a distinct lack of tension in the story. Ellie seems far too comfortable with the place she's in. She's certainly a brave person, but brave or not, she ought to be frightened near out of her wits, or numb with hopelessness, or something more than levelheaded calm. It's hard to worry for Ellie and her predicament when she herself does not. It also makes me want to smack her for sheer naiveté.

I did like Malik. I could just picture Michael Clarke Duncan playing him in the movie. Looking forward to seeing more of him in the future.

That's it for now. As Chaos said, we're still just plodding along...
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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 02:06:09 AM »
I did like Malik. I could just picture Michael Clarke Duncan playing him in the movie.

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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2009, 10:02:28 PM »
I, for one, am okay with plodding as long as the characters are pulling their weight.  Speaking of characters, the only thing that really bothered me about Ellie in this chapter was her reaction to the dinosaur.  She was upset at its death?  Seriously?  Does she weep for cockroaches too?  What about snakes?  I guess my beef is this: she knows she's in a brutal world, and she also knows there's this huge freaking monster charging her group.  Shouldn't she feel the slightest bit relieved that it got offed before it had a chance to off her?

Anyway, there were also a few times when it felt like you were playing with the fourth wall a little too much.  For example, the line
"It was similar to looks I'd received from Sonja on occasion and one that would hereafter be referred to as the 'mom look.'"
  You are talking to your reader here, or at least it sure sounds like it.

There were some other lines that stuck out to me and not in a good way.  Maybe its just because I haven't read another submission in a long time, but it seemed like Ellie's references to our own world jarred with the story a bit too much, e.g. where she talks about never being in a jungle, and where she talks about her old gym teacher.

As to the description of the T-rex, could you tell us more about how it was different?  For example, does it have t-rex arms? 

Also, about the journey on the road through worlds, give us more description here!  Take at least one or two of the more interesting worlds and give us a real feel for them.  After that, you can slide through most if not all of them, but you are missing an awesome opportunity to show off your world(s).

About Riddick, he can pick up two 150 lb barrels under his arms?  Is he super human too?  If he can carry that much weight, have him at least grunt and appear strained. 

There were a few lines that should have been thoughts, e.g. "do they make eight by eights?"  Ellie is asking herself this question, so it should be a thought.

I was also curious about Roddick getting into scarface's face.  Did he all of the sudden grow a backbone?  He's never been brave/manly/tough before.  It's okay if he is--he's still new--but you might have Ellie react to this new character development with surprise or maybe interest or even with just acknowledgment. 

There were also a few points where I wasn't sure who was talking.  A lot of the time you will have someone talking and end their paragraph with a quotation mark, only they are still talking in the next paragraph.  It will help your reader if you leave the quotation mark off to indicate that they aren't done yet.  There was also one time where you said,
"Wait," Roddick said, grabbing my arm again.
"Lady Ellie wants only to . . ."
This was the same sort of thing.  I wasn't sure who was talking, but it turned out it was still Roddick.

Anyway, I still like the story, and I still like the pacing.  Sometimes it is very okay if the plot takes awhile to develop.  For example, the first book of The First Law trilogy is almost entirely setup, and yet the setup and characters are so interesting in and of itself that the reader can't put it down.  Your setup is interesting, and so are your characters, but you are going to have to be extra good at doing both if the plot will be moving slowly.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 10:13:24 PM by Recovering_Cynic »
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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 02:45:37 AM »
So my comments come from someone who hasn't read anything about Ellie before, so take them with a grain of salt.

First, I think you're passing up good avenues for description. Ie, walking past an enchanted forest without describing what's enchanted about it.

Mordred and Morrigan 's names sound too similar.

The Shrine Knight changes pronouns from he to it.

As with many middle chapters, I'm having a hard time figuring out the stakes. It feels slow and doesn't seem to have enough tension until she gets to Malik's tank.

I like the voice, especially phrases like "Some idiot blew a horn behind me," although I do think the language could be more potent. Ie, don't tell me Ellie has goosebumps. Give me goosebumps. I like the juxtaposition of modern/fantasy and think that's fine with the age group I think you're going for. I think there could be more voice--I want the character to be sardonic all the time.

Does she call her mom by name? Seems odd.

Good jungle description, although I think it could use more.

Some redundancy "cracking, popping sound." "screaming roar." Later, you repeat beaten and whipped twice in two paragraphs.

"Instead of losing the arm, the Sigil Knight seemed unharmed. "-- needs some show, not tell.

I'm okay for her feeling sorry for the monster, depending on her age. Though it would fit less with a teen and more with a preadolescent. In fact, the whole tone of the book feels middle grade.

Ten-foot-high flowers? Be specific. What kind of flowers? Every description you pass up is a lost chance to wow your readers. Blue leaves and golden hearts kind of flowers with fairy dust sprinkling for their leaves or dandelions with real teeth? You know, give me something cool!

Speaking of cool, "strength amulet" sounds like a pretty boring name.

"looked like a tank built by Robin Hood. "--I liked this.

Her interfering with the wagon does seem phenomenally stupid since she doesn't seem to know the facts of the situation. For all she knows, the prisoner could have been unchained and ready to leap on her as soon as she opened the door. I presume there's something earlier in the book to justify this. At least, I'd like to see her thinking more about what it must feel like to be dying of thirst.

Watch your apostraphe use. For some reason, you're not using them for a lot of possessives.

Hallows is so Harry Potter. I don't think anyone else is allowed to use that word for another decade or so.

Ellie already noticed the knife wounds. Why is she surprised by them?

Sometimes, I can't tell who's speaking. You need a few more attributions.

For a talking wolf, Bloodbath doesn't talk much.


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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2009, 05:29:43 AM »
Sometimes, I can't tell who's speaking. You need a few more attributions.

The problem here is not that he's missing attributions, it's that his line breaks are wrong. In general, all text spoken by a particular character should go in the same paragraph.

So, do this:
"I'm hungry," said the immortal fiend, and well it might be. It had not eaten in 1000 years. Part of immortality, the really significant part, is not dying, so it had no real need to eat. Or sleep, for that matter, but it did plenty of that, so why not have a morsel every now and again? "I think...yes. Tonight I'll find a feast fit to finish my fiendish fast."

NOT this:
"I'm hungry," said the immortal fiend, and well it might be. It had not eaten in 1000 years. Part of immortality, the really significant part, is not dying, so it had no real need to eat. Or sleep, for that matter, but it did plenty of that, so why not have a morsel every now and again?

"I think...yes. Tonight I'll find a feast fit to finish my fiendish fast."

Too often, this chapter does the second, leading many to confusion.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 05:32:19 AM by ryos »
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Re: Dec 7th - The Sword of Worlds - CH 18 - Ellie
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2009, 08:54:54 PM »
Morrigan says that she must leave and that Ellie must accompany her. It seems odd that it never occurs to Ellie to ask her why...

Morrigan tells Ellie that Malik is scheduled for execution. That seems... unwontedly straightforward of her, actually.

There's not much to say about these chapters that hasn't already been said. I think you could take some more time with descriptions and that the tension needs to pick up a little. With the Unseelie Court travelling somewhere, I think you've got a good opportunity to give us a better sense of the plot. I think we're at a point where we really need some information.

Your chapters continue to be interesting each on their own, though. I just think that overall we should be farther along than we are. Nothing that the second draft, when you're ready, won't fix :P