Author Topic: Lost *Spoiled*  (Read 20126 times)


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2006, 10:12:57 PM »

I know that TWG has spoiled me rotten when it comes to Internet community.  And I really enjoy the comments on

But I swear to the Trancendant Pig, if I see one more person talk about the "23rd plasm" instead of the 23rd psalm I am going ot murder someone.

Plasm, I ask you!
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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2006, 10:55:38 PM »
He wasn't thinking, that's the point. ... Being rejected by his newest 'adopted' family - Claire and Aaron, was just too much for his psyche to take after everything else in his past.  He lost it.  I think he can get better though.  Lost is all about the redemption, yo.

Yes, his psychic snapparoo was definitely prompted by feeling helpless to keep his "family" safe and to be part of that family unit. My heart broke, though, when he took Aaron because it was just so shockinly extreme. No, I didn't think for one second that he'd drown the baby. Still, his extreme reaction might've felt more "warranted" to me if Claire had cut off ALL contact with Aaron and everyone else had rejected him too--lots of jeering and rude words and such.

Anyway, I really, really wish he had kept only ONE statue as a reminder of his weakness. Having all those others around really sunk him, big time. That just didn't make sense. So he needed one to carry around and just hide six others just to stare at every so often?? That seems like something you'd do only if you -were- strung out on heroine. Oh, and another thing: why, oh why did Locke KEEP those statues? How freakin' stupid. Why not destroy them? aaaugh! That frustrates me.

Oh, and Jack better not fall for that stupid Anna Lucia chick. blech. I really don't like her character. I'd hoped to like/understand her better when the story backtracked to her first day on the island, but seeing more of her story just made me roll my eyes. *sigh*

On the more happy side, I did appreciate the Hurly/Libby side story. That was cool. :) But I worry so much for poor Charlie now...
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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2006, 11:42:28 PM »
Oh, and Jack better not fall for that stupid Anna Lucia chick. blech. I really don't like her character. I'd hoped to like/understand her better when the story backtracked to her first day on the island, but seeing more of her story just made me roll my eyes. *sigh*  

I don't know. I want Sawyer and Kate to end up together, so  I don't care what happens to Jack. I dont' like him so much anymore. When Ana asked Jack "You hittin' that?" I almost fell off the couch.   Obviously she's just used to the whole cop thing - trying to be "one of the guys".  I find myself hoping she has a Breakfast Club type moment where the girls all find a dress for her and put make up on and set her up with Jack.


Oh, and as for hating Ana Lucia, hon, after they made me not only like Saywer but SHANNON, I believe they can do anything.  If they can make me like Shannon I fully expect them to annoy me by making me like Ana.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 11:44:10 PM by fuzzyoctopus »
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French is a language meant to be butchered, especially by drunk Scotts. - Spriggan


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #48 on: January 27, 2006, 12:31:54 PM »
I also want to know why Locke kept those statues. What good could they possibly do? What good!


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2006, 07:57:10 PM »
Perhaps the heroine could be used for medicinal purposes?  

I love LOST, but I'm constantly taken aback by the extreme measures some of these people take for seemingly little problems.  Hurley doesn't want everyone to hate him . . . so he plans to blow up all the food.  Eko wants to lay to rest the brother he betrayed . . . so he sets fire to a plane full of fuel and other useful parts.  At some point I hope the series shows a more realistic portrayal of being, y'know, stranded on an island full of mystery and death, rather than focusing solely on the soap opera, as interesting as that may be.  
« Last Edit: January 28, 2006, 07:58:15 PM by Egg_Fu »


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2006, 08:37:19 PM »
Well it's a bunch of very emotionally unstable people on the island.  And I have a natural penchant for melodrama so I have to say I didn' t even think about the overabundance of extreme measures.

Also, before someone else does it:
heroin - drug.

heroine - female hero.
"Hr hr! dwn wth vwls!" - Spriggan

I reject your reality, and substitute my own. - Adam Savage, Mythbusters

French is a language meant to be butchered, especially by drunk Scotts. - Spriggan


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2006, 11:33:20 PM »
Heh. At least Jeff spells better than some others round here (Egg_Fu, also known as Jeff Sampson, is one of my authors). :)  Egg_Fu, you'll get used to jokes about Sprig's spelling. Welcome!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2006, 11:34:09 PM by norroway »
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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2006, 02:05:38 PM »
Well, of course I meant that Kate could be used for medicinal purposes.  Right?  

...Nah, I just misspelled it.  And thanks for the welcome, Stacy.


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #53 on: February 06, 2006, 06:25:50 PM »
Might as well face it . . .

haha. Aired during the Superbowl apparently (which I didn't watch).

Oh, and I'm excited that this week's ep is new. Yay!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2006, 06:26:26 PM by shrain78 »
Lord Ruler and Lady Protractor were off on vacation, thus the angles running amok.

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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2006, 09:55:51 PM »
DUDE, that was great.  Haha, "How long since your last fix?"

I LOVE how the websites ABC has put up for Lost are just showing that there are people with a great sense of humor that still work there.
"Hr hr! dwn wth vwls!" - Spriggan

I reject your reality, and substitute my own. - Adam Savage, Mythbusters

French is a language meant to be butchered, especially by drunk Scotts. - Spriggan


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2006, 12:46:03 AM »
My VCR didn't work right so it didn't tape "The Long Con"!! Worse, iTunes doesn't have the new episode on their site yet. It sucks! I *really* wanted to watch it tonight after I got home from my evening class. But I guess they don't put it on iTunes until the show has aired on the west coast as well. Hmmph. I'm sad and grumpy now.

Edit: One day later and my wait is over. Hurray! I'm downloading it now....
« Last Edit: February 09, 2006, 01:15:38 PM by shrain78 »
Lord Ruler and Lady Protractor were off on vacation, thus the angles running amok.

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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2006, 02:09:18 PM »
So, while I totally saw the con with Sawyer coming, I was surprised that the "kidnapper" was Charlie. But they made it make sense at the end, so I liked it.
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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2006, 03:26:50 PM »
I'm probably totally stupid, but I thought the girl was conning him and it was going to be another matchstick men scenario. I guess I wanted to believe that Sawyer had some good in him.


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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2006, 04:02:14 PM »
See, I hate Sawyer and don't expect anything good to come from him. So it wasn't a surprise for me.
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Re: Lost *Spoiled*
« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2006, 09:24:17 PM »
Sawyer as Lord of the Guns. Muy, muy mal. But not a big surprise.

Charlie teaming up with Sawyer (el diablo!) and then hurting Sun just so he can get back at Locke for being rightfully upset w/ Charlie for stealing Aaron? Ay carumba!! Nooooo! At first I was all happy because he didn't do even look twice at the heroin-Mary statue. But then I thought, how could he hurt poor Sun (even if he didn't mean to hurt her) or endanger her life? It's just so . . . disillusioning! It makes me so mad.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2006, 09:24:54 PM by shrain78 »
Lord Ruler and Lady Protractor were off on vacation, thus the angles running amok.

"The movie of my life must be really low-budget."
--Harry Dresden in DEAD BEAT