Author Topic: Swear words, what to use.  (Read 6392 times)


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Re: Swear words, what to use.
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2009, 07:06:52 PM »
Just a suggestion Skar.

I can completely understand your dilemma.  It's like I originally posted, you can't hide swear words from something such as a military combat novel.  This would be a lie and well...unrealistic.  May I pose a suggestion.  Why not elude to those words, but not say them.  Use a symbol or a gap in your writing to allow your readers to get the idea without the actual word.  Regardless, the reader is going to say or think that word in their mind, that is inevitable, but it will show your children and family that you do have a sense of decency and morals that you are trying to cling to.

Maybe do something like this.  "Hey Lieutenant, get the ___ over here"  or  "Son of a #%@%! that was close!"

Just my two cents.