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Messages - firstRainbowRose

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 58
Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:20:54 PM »
I'm already camped out next to the cash register ready to purchase my preorder.  ;D

Wow, there's actually people camping out already?  But... the next book doesn't come out until October.  (Again, anyone know if there's going to be a release party?)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:17:46 PM »
Wow... go from discussing the way a character looks to if he's crazy.  And I think to an extent he is slightly crazy, but it's more of a Crazy Genius.  I mean, you have to be slightly off base from what most people thing (thus being slightly crazy) in order to come up with something no one else has ever done, give it the passion and the drive to make it seem possiable, and then go off and do it.  Crazy?  Yes, but also a genius.

As for the looks, didn't EUOL say that one of candylion's pics of Kelsier looked exactly like he was imagining?  If so, why not look at that... easy answer.  *peace*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 20, 2008, 10:26:50 PM »
And this Dragonsteel thing intrigues me, which means I'm probably going to be ripping my hair out til I find out what it is (hinthint)

If you want to check it out, while EUOL was doing preview wednesday he put up a couple of the chapters in his blog.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Annotaion suggestion
« on: January 20, 2008, 08:46:35 PM »
I can see how that might reveal the plot of the book, but really if they're going to be reading all of the annotaions and putting that much effort into it, they're more than likely going to get the book.  And even if they didn't like you said they'd be able to find the end twist anyways.  But really, I don't think anyone just glancing through would go that far as to read the endings.

Or if there are major spoilers in the bullet list you could put it under the hidden text thing, and then let them have the choice of spoiling it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 20, 2008, 08:42:27 PM »
I'm up for the mistborn series part two, because he's said what he's going to do is take the world and jump it forward a few thousand years and then write characters that have the abilities, but are in a more modern setting.  Like I said on the blog it's a great way to draw readers into the old series, prove he can think differently than mosts authors as well as being a three part series, so new readers are getting hooked to his style without just saying "Ah, that one was good, but I don't know if I'd like the others."

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Annotaion suggestion
« on: January 20, 2008, 03:39:34 AM »
The annotations are supposed to be read with the story, but I have to agree with you there.  It would be great to have a bullet list of the things that maybe EUOL feels were the importiant parts of the chapter, and that way we also get a review/see what he felt were the most important parts vs what we felt was most important.

I can't tell you. Ha ha ha ha!

Am I pethetic if that reminds me of the "Noah" act by Bill cosby?

And as I understand it gold is a substance that shows you the past, present, and most likely future of someone you look at.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Cover (Slight Spoilers for Mistborn 2)
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:23:57 AM »
Yeah, I'm in agreement with everyone else.  I love this cover best.  I read an interview where EUOL said that it was his favorite cover yet, and I have to agree.

Brandon Sanderson / Hero of Ages cover
« on: January 14, 2008, 02:56:53 AM »
Okay, I tried to find if this had already been posted but couldn't find it.  Sorry if it's a double post.

I was looking on the net today and found this:

I must say, I really like the cover.  It's a bit lighter than the others, but I have to agree with the comment that was made in the interview: I like it the best so far.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Praise for Mistborn
« on: January 10, 2008, 06:07:24 PM »
I believe EUOL had a deal with Tor to bring out MB3 in June (I think it was June...) of this year, so it's not that much longer of a wait.  (At least, that's what he said when he did the WoA release.  It may have since changed.)

(Anyone know if he's doing a release party again for it down at Walden?  I know he said he couldn't do a three day prior release again, but is he at least going to do a release party of some sort?)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Is this our B.S? - Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficcion
« on: January 05, 2008, 08:16:11 AM »
Uber congrats!

And I have to agree with everyone else.  You're going to let us read it aren't you?

Will you pick one up for me?  It seems I did a conflict of scheduel and can't get out of the other one to come.  I'll pm you the info as far as pick-up and junk.  As for what to have signed, my name... whatever he wants to put, or if he doesn't know his favorite line from the book.

Thank you!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 2 Pre-Release
« on: July 31, 2007, 06:29:06 PM »
You could also do the ablitiy to read MB3 as soon as we're done with two.  Or you could try talking to Walden and seeing if they'd give you a couple of giftcards to give out.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: HP: DH Release party
« on: July 22, 2007, 06:32:02 AM »
Enjoy it.  Have a box of tissues nearby towards the end if you are likely to cry at all... that' s all I'm going to say on the matter.

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