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Messages - Firemeboy

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Books / Chickens in the Headlights
« on: May 25, 2005, 11:43:10 AM »
This topic has been moved to [link=;action=display;num=1118350509;start=0]Matthew Buckley[/link] by Fellfrosch.

Books / Re: Snow Crash
« on: May 24, 2005, 09:09:08 PM »
Well thank you all, very much.  I will obtain a copy and try to read it before Father's Day (I've got Brandon's book coming then).  I'll try to see how it fits into Instrucitional Technology.

Books / Snow Crash
« on: May 24, 2005, 02:40:57 AM »
Anybody read it?  Heard of it?

I think I mentioned in my intro post that I was working on my Ph. D. in Instructional Tehcnology.  I've heard about this book several times now in relation to my major.  One instructor  even made it required reading in his course, and now I've just read about it in Wired Magazine in relation to X-Box 360...

Anway, so is this a classic I've missed?

Matthew Buckley / Re: I just found out what my title is...
« on: May 03, 2005, 04:18:15 PM »
You going to be signing books for TWGers too?
 Certainly...  I think the book comes out the first few days of June.  At least that is what they tell me.  

Yeah, I like the line across the top too.  That was something they came up with.  I didn't even realize the cover was done, but happened to come across it on their website.  It's a bit cartoony, but then I guess when the book is about a group of brothers who own a dog named 'Farding', you can't exactly expect gold-leafed/leather bound.


Matthew Buckley / Re: I just found out what my title is...
« on: May 02, 2005, 05:23:46 PM »
Covenant just posted the cover anda  blurb to their site.  Looks like this is what the cover will look like.

I think I kind of like it.  

Matthew Buckley / Re: I just found out what my title is...
« on: April 20, 2005, 02:35:19 PM »
They just missed it.  And I never saw the final copy because the final chapter was part of the stuff that didn't make it in until the last minute.  That chapter wasn't in the copy they likely sent you to review.

Matthew Buckley / Re: I just found out what my title is...
« on: April 19, 2005, 03:16:57 PM »
I'm online almost everyday.  I stay online for about 10-12 hours everyday.  At work, at home, I am always withing seconds of my e-mail.

Expect last Thursday, when the editor from Covenant wrote and told me that the last chapter of my book doesn't have a title, but they will fix it if I can just get them the change by the end of the day.

I checked in at 9:00 that night, and discovered that the last chapter just won't have a title.  So the first edition has an 'error' which makes it worth even more than a boring 'fixed' edition.  The good news is that the managing editor seems to think they will run another edition.  She says humor sells well, and they think this book has a shot at another printing.

So make sure and get your first edition copy when it comes out in June, it will be worth 10s of dimes some day.

Matthew Buckley / Re: I just found out what my title is...
« on: March 29, 2005, 04:40:57 PM »
So I've been a bit frustrated by all of the edits that have been going on with my book.  I wrote to one of the editors at Covenant (who is just fabulous), and it kind of summed up my opinion.  I hope I haven't killed any relations with Covenant in the future.  :)


We should probably have a discussion sometime about this philosophy in general.  I'm curious about your viewpoints.  I think my book in many ways has become better.  Your suggestions about a theme were great; I really think it added to the book.

But I think also my original book had just a bit more edge to it.  Not edge in a bad way, but in a good way.  It was more real, more true to life.  I'm almost afraid it has become too 'squeaky clean'.  Not that filthy dirty is a good thing, but I almost think the humor of the book has become more Leave it to Beaverish.  It's not quite as funny.

I know it's a bit coarse, but the phrase "we'll have to push your intestines back in with a spatula" is a funny line.  Not just the line, but because of the person delivering it, and to whom it is being said.  My mom used that line once.  We all have used similar lines. Not about intestines and spatulas, but something we said in the heat of the moment.  Something we would never say in public, and we hope is never repeated.   We are  embarrassed by it, but later we can laugh about it.  I'm afraid we are missing something if we don't paint the characters as they really are.  They look too much like June Cleaver; always in a dress, always playing the housewife.  Sure, Beavers' escapades are funny, for a bit, but what would be really funny is if, just once, June lost it.  "Dammit Beaver, why can't you be more like Wally!"

That would be funny.



Robison E. Wells / Re: Awake
« on: March 28, 2005, 07:18:44 PM »
June is what they have been telling me.

Robison E. Wells / Re: Awake
« on: March 28, 2005, 04:44:30 PM »
I will be there.

And I just got off the e-mail with Angela, they are going to get it back in.

That is a relief.

Robison E. Wells / Re: Awake
« on: March 28, 2005, 02:08:21 PM »
Hope you like it!  Thanks again for writing a blurb for me.  If you don't like it, you can always say something like, "the funniest book I ever read by this author, on a Tuesday in March of this year.  :)

I chose the pen name because of the 'theme' that currently may or may not be put in.  It looks like it may, but I'm not sure to what extent.

The book, while fiction, is based on events in my childhood, and those I've had as a parent.  So the 'lessons learned' are true.  But since the characters are fake (I didn't use my brothers names, my name, etc.), I didn't want somebody to read it, feel all warm and fuzzy, and then realize that maybe the whole thing was made up.

It's told from first person, Matthew Buckley, and he keeps this journal he calls 'book of injustices' (which by the way is probably not in the copy you have).  He keeps track of everything that goes wrong, especially those things that directly stem from the fact that he is in a large family.  By the end of the book, he realized that all of these things that go wrong maybe aren't that bad.  It's just part of being in a family.  And the idea is that my book, (Chickens in the Headlights) is written based on this Book of Injustices that Matthew is keeping.

So anyway, I took on the name of my character, and am publishing it under the name Matthew Buckley.

Besides, when Covenant authors take over the world, I'll have an alias.  :)

If you want to read the book with the updates, let me know and maybe Angela or Melissa can send you a new one.

Movies and TV / Re: The Office
« on: March 27, 2005, 03:18:00 PM »
They originally wanted Gareth to be a burley, macho person.  But they nailed him with the guy they got.  He was absolutely brilliant in the part.

Robison E. Wells / Re: Awake
« on: March 27, 2005, 01:43:48 AM »
Rob, one more question for you.

I just found out that I did a very bad thing.

When covenant was first reviewing my book, the editor wrote to me and said that the book lacked a theme.  I thought about it and realized that this indeed was the case.  I went back and added a running theme throughout the book.  In total, probably only about 800 words or so, but I felt that this made the ok book, a really good book.  I felt that it improved the book a lot.

Well, we started going through edits, back and forth.  We are now sending the book to press (I got the final final today in the mail).  It finally dawned on me that these changes are nowhere to be found!  They used my orignial manuscript to make the changes, and not my new and improved ones.

Are you, or anybody else here, familiar enough with the process to know if there is anyway to get these changes back in there?  Angela told me that for this edit only large glaring edits were possible.  It sounded like it was very difficult to make changes right now.

I'm sick about it.  I don't know quite what to do.


Movies and TV / Re: The Office
« on: March 26, 2005, 01:05:07 AM »
Arrested Deveopment is awesome.  I'm going to lose all faith in TV if they cancel it, which looks likely.

Robison E. Wells / Re: Awake
« on: March 25, 2005, 10:13:00 PM »
HOM, are you still planning on being in Layton over General Conference?  If so, I'm going to swing on by to heckle.  I mean, say hello.

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