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Messages - Firemeboy

Pages: 1 ... 34 35 [36] 37 38 ... 41
Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 13, 2005, 10:17:26 PM »
Very, true.  However, I think if a book were to make it nationally, even if it didn't make it to the extent that Harry Potter or The Da Vinci Code did, the local bookstores would benefit from it.  If Wake Me When It's Over had a national audience, people would hear it's from a local author, and about LDS culture, and many would probably go to a DB or a Seagull to buy it.  But we don't know if WMWIO would have a national audience, because it's only pushed to a Utah audience.

I guess I'm saying that Seagull doesn't have to fear competition from Amazon, and Covenant should welcome the opportunity to market outside Utah.  Both would benefit.  A good example of this might be The Chosen, a Jewish book about the Jewish culture, but a book that was excepted by many, many people outside the Jewish faith.  

We're just starting to see movies about LDS folks start to have a market outside Utah, and I think books could do the same thing.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Podcasting...
« on: June 13, 2005, 08:02:21 PM »
I'd love to meet you.  Anybody who makes eye contact is welcome!


Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 13, 2005, 06:01:39 PM »
Hmmm, maybe it wasn't Seagull.  Here is the quote.

"I was doing a signing at an LDS bookstore", says Nelson. Beside me was a rack of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. I'd only sold three of my books that day. Dan Brown, who wasn't even there, not only outsold me, he outsold Gerald Lund and Dean Hughes as well. I thought to myself, the LDS market needs a Dan Brown, someone who writes well and has a strong story to tell. When that happens the market is going to break wide
 And I got that from here:

Mustard, it looked like it was $65 to open an official account on e-bay.  Maybe we, and a few other covenant authors should either push Covenant a bit harder, or band together and split the cost/headache, to have our books listed.

Here is some more info...  You have to have distribution rights, and maybe we don't have those.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Booksignings...
« on: June 13, 2005, 05:52:48 PM »
I sold one audio recording, and one book...

The worst part was that I was close to the checkout.  The clerks were very nice, and kept telling people that I was there to sign books.  "We just wanted to let you know that we have an author here today, he is signing his book, it's a funny book, and he will sign it for you, if you want..."

What exactly am I supposed to be doing at that moment?  When they mention there is an author here, do I wave?  Wink?  Stand up and bow?  And when they say the book is funny, do I nod my head?  Wink again?  Give the "oh, pooh pooh" look?

I over analyze things far too much.  I'm sure deep down there is a little psychotic waiting to blossom and greet the world.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Booksignings...
« on: June 13, 2005, 01:58:09 PM »
We had somebody quote the J. Golden Kimball/Spencer Kimball joke in sacrament meeting (Do it, dammit!).  So if that is ok, then anything in my book is going to be fine.

Well, except for maybe the dog named farding.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 13, 2005, 01:12:33 PM »
If a Covenant author were to hit the big time, and by big time I mean national exposure, rather than just Utah exposure, the Seagull Book stores would sell more copies.  I was reading an article by a Covenant author who was doing a booksigning right in front of a The Davinci Code display.  He said more people came in to get that book than to get his.  If a book made it big, Seagull would benefit from the national exposure.

It's a non-zero sum game...

Matthew Buckley / Booksignings...
« on: June 12, 2005, 05:12:25 PM »
So I did my first booksigning on Saturday, down in St. George.  The funny thing about books signings, I'm starting to learn, is that people tend to think that you are kind of like a used car salesman. If they make eye contact with you, then you are going to jump up and ask them, "what will it take for me to get you to buy my book today."

The end result, being that I sit in a crowded book store without any human contact whatsoever... :)

So I'd love to meet any of you face-to-face.  Don't even buy my book, just come in, look me in the eye, and say, "hey." I'll probably start weeping.

18-June- West Jordan Seagull- 11:00a-12:30p
18-June- Redwood Seagull- 2:00p-3:30p
25-June- Ogden Seagull- 10:00a-11:30p
25-June- Riverdale Seagull- 12:00p-1:30p
25-June- Layton Seagull- 2:30p-4:00p
9-July- Family Center Seagull- 11:00a-12:30p
9-July- Bountiful Seagull- 2:00p-3:30p
16-July- South Towne Seagull- 11:00a-12:30p
16-July- Fashion Place Seagull- 2:00p-3:30p
30-July- American Fork Seagull- 10:30a-12:00p
30-July- North Orem Seagull- 12:30p-2:00p
30-July- South Orem Seagull- 3:00p-4:30p

Matthew Buckley / Podcasting...
« on: June 12, 2005, 04:57:01 PM »
Ok, if all is correct, the audio version of Chapter 1 of my book is on my blog.  Let me know if you experience any technical difficulties.  I should have the text version of chapter 1 up soon, as well...

It was actually quite the process to podcast.  I had to first burn the several tracks of chapter one off my disc, then convert the files from windows format to mp3 using a downloadable program, then piece them together using another downloadable program, then find a server that would hold the 17 mb mp3, then hook up audioblogger to my blog, then call in a post to my blog using my phone, then replace the link to that post with the link to the mp3...

A fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon...

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 10, 2005, 11:42:40 PM »
This is a very good discussion, I hadn't thought of many of these aspects before.

I have always felt that my book could have a larger audience (Though that may just be delusions of grandeur).   In fact, when I sent it to Covenant, they originally turned me down because my book didn't have anything LDS in it.  I added a 2 page introduction that mentioned Family Home Evening, and that was all they needed.

But, as MSID said, Seagull definitely pushes Covenant's books.  I'm in four different spots in Seagull, probably 50-75 books total.  But when I went to a Deseret Book in Las Vegas, there were only four books total.  

However, I would still like to be on Amazon for the reasons EUOL mentioned.  I wasn't on Seagull online until a few days ago.  Most of my sales are going to come from in-store sales.  I wager that few come from seagull online.  I'd rather be on Amazon and be possibly reaching a nation wide audience, because there is probably no way that I can reach a wider audience than those Utahns who happen to shop at Seagull.

Is it possible for me to open up an account on Amazon?  Eat the $65 and just sell my book for the price I can get them at Covenant?

There is a thought...

Oh, and by the way.  Thank you to the powers that be for giving me a corner of this site.  I will link to here from my web site (the link from here should be working now... :))

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 09, 2005, 11:23:00 PM »
You know, you'd think that Covenant would have a more active Amazon campaign to try and sell to those LDS people outside of Utah.

I agree!  I have asked about this several times, and I'm told that "Amazon will pick it up eventually", and "Just have them buy it from Seagull Book online."

Well, that is fine, but I have several people who I think would buy the book, but would balk when they saw the "Christian themed" website.  

I don't know.  There are a lot of service that Amazon has, and it's a whopping $65 a year to register all your products with them.

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 09, 2005, 02:55:23 PM »
I'll be down south in July.  I think I hit three utah county stores in one day...

Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:28:27 PM »
Yes, I did.  Twice.  :)

I think it's silly they don't let you.  The reason they gave me was that they thought I'd try to sell books from my site...

Hey, I just found out my schedule.  I don't know if it's all final, so I'll just post the first couple of weeks.

18-Jun  West Jordan Seagull 11a-12:30p
18-Jun  Redwood Seagull 2p-3:30p

25-Jun  Ogden Seagull 10a-11:30p
25-Jun  Riverdale Seagull 12p-1:30p
25-Jun  Layton Seagull 2:30p-4p

I'd love to meet anybody in person.  You don't have to buy a book.  In fact, I'll create a diversion if you just want to shoplift one.


Matthew Buckley / Re: Chickens in the Headlights
« on: June 08, 2005, 05:25:58 PM »
Anybody done any podcasting?  I'm going to try and get permission from Covenant to post the first chapter of my book in text, as well as 'podcast' the first chapter of the audio book.

Podcasting doesn't look too tricky, but we will see.  I'll post here when/if I get it on my site.

Robison E. Wells / Re: Question for the Mustard...
« on: June 06, 2005, 04:17:30 PM »
Not paying!  I want my two dollars!

Hey, another quick question.  I've heard that there is no way to really track book sales?  Is this true?  Do I need to pester the right person, or will I really just not know until I get 'paid' (in 6 months)?

Robison E. Wells / Question for the Mustard...
« on: June 06, 2005, 12:35:58 PM »
HOM, you mentioned once that Covenant was thinking about trying to market book outside the LDS market.  Do you know if anything came/is coming of this?  Have they tried it?  

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