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Messages - Firemeboy

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 41
Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 03:13:41 PM »
Was there only one other person in the balloon?
Was this person male or female?
Was the other person trying to harm the woman?
Did she jump from a very high altitude? (say over 50 feet)
Did the woman jump to escape the other person in the balloon?

So, to recap.  A woman is up in a balloon, naked, with another person.  The woman chooses to jump, and then dies as a result of the fall.  She is clutching a broken stick in her hand that is pretty small.

Is any of that incorrect?

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 02:39:47 PM »
Was the flying object gas powered (i.e. helicopter, etc)?
Was the flying object a hot air balloon?
Was the flying object a glider?
Is the broken stick longer than a yard?
Was there anybody else up in the flying object with her?
Did the flying object crash before or after the woman fell?

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 01:20:58 PM »
Was she naked when she left the plane?

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 01:17:58 PM »
Was it in fact a plane?
Did she jump out of the plane of her own free will?
Was she pushed or forced out of the plane?
Was the stick part of something that would help keep her from dying?

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:56:39 PM »
Was the woman sky diving?
Is the stick part of a rip cord? (maybe a wooden knob on the end, I don't know...  I've never been sky diving)
Did the woman jump out of a plane or some other flying object?
Did she fall from a higher object attached to the ground? (i.e. building, cliff, bridge).
Is the fact that she is naked important, or does that just spice up the puzzle?
Was she hanging on the stick for dear life, and when it broke she fell?
Was she paragliding?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: DB Carries Elantris
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:52:02 PM »
Well, sell it right there on the grounds then.  There is pleny of room.  Just line up by the money changers.  :)

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:29:10 PM »

Did the woman fall out of the sky?
Was the woman recently swimming?
Is the woman a human? or just a 'female'?
Is the stick used for walking?
Is the stick made out of wood?
Did the stick cause her death?
Did she die from drowning?
Did she die from the results of a fall?
Was she murdered?
Is this too many questions?
How about now?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: DB Carries Elantris
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:18:25 PM »
Hey, for what it's worth...  When I do a search for my book, the top return is this site.  They did a review on my book a while ago.  The next return is the BYU Book store followed by this site.  Then there are a few bookstores that sell the book, and toward the bottom is the AML link (Association of Mormon Letters).

Anyway, to make a long story short.  If you can snag a review from lds files it might be worth it, and I will let you know when Google finds the Meridian review.  If it appears before ldsfiles then it likely has better traffic than the other sites.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: DB Carries Elantris
« on: July 27, 2005, 12:14:01 PM »
Forget by the temple, just take a box of books right onto temple square...  Nobody will bug you, as long as you have a black tag...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL Sightings
« on: July 26, 2005, 08:07:07 PM »
Not my book.  :) Brandon's book.  The one I got for Father's Day...  The one I bought myself for Father's day.  

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 26, 2005, 04:46:07 PM »

So, I'm not sure who is up next.  Archon solved it, but e also solved the poker one.

We could get two riddles going, just to cut down on waiting time...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL Sightings
« on: July 26, 2005, 04:43:25 PM »
I will be in and out of Seagull Book stores, but will try to swing in.

Is it frowned upon to bring your own book to a signing?  Is that bad form?  Will the bouncers politely show me the door, all the whilst punching me in the kidneys?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: DB Carries Elantris
« on: July 26, 2005, 04:04:00 PM »
I just got a review in Meridian, but I'm not sure how big its readership is.  HOM might know better if there are benefits to getting in the magazine.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: DB Carries Elantris
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:59:37 PM »
From my experience, it's a bit hard to do book signings with DB, adn get them to promote your book, although you've probably got a leg up on me since I'm publishing through DB's direct competitor.  Apparently they just came out with a new policy that states only four of their stores will host authors.  You can't sign any other books in any other stores.  This has just recently changed.  On week I was signing copies in DB, just on the side, and the next, the employees wouldn't let me.

Anyway, hope you have better luck with them than I have. The entire chain of DBs has sold about as many copies of my book as one or two Seagull books have sold.  It's literally 150 books to several thousand sold by SB&T.

Anyway, I'll be interested to see how it goes for you. Good luck.

Everything Else / Re: Riddles
« on: July 26, 2005, 01:27:51 PM »

And you can actually do this by just flipping one of the switches.  

You turn one switch on and leave it for a good minute or so.  Then you flip it off, and turn on the second switch, then go upstairs.  If the bulb is on, you know it's the second switch.  If the bulb is hot, but off, then you know it's the first switch.  If the bulb is off and cool, you know it's the third switch.

Nicely done.

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