Author Topic: Warbreaker: Free Ebook  (Read 264760 times)


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #630 on: January 23, 2008, 12:34:29 AM »
4.0 is available for download now.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #631 on: January 23, 2008, 05:53:11 PM »
First of all I just wanted to say that, I think, Mr. Sanderson is a fantastic author. I was an enormous Robert Jordan fan and I believe that the Wheel of Time is the greatest series ever. However, with the unfortunate passing of James Rigney(Robert Jordan) and the decision by his wife to have Mr. Sanderson finish the series, I have found a new author that I enjoy very much. I have read Warbreaker version 3.0 which was awesome and have read the first installment of Mistborn which was equally fantastic. Now I will probably wait for the second installment to come out in paperback as I find it troublesome to read hardcovers. Although, I may just have to suck it up as I can't wait to see how Vin and the others put together the new empire. Ah...but I digress, what I would like to know is if anyone has read version 4.2 and if they have can they let me know if there are any really significant changes made....

Keep up the great work Mr. Brandon Sanderson!!!!
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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #632 on: January 23, 2008, 08:36:19 PM »
Here's my PDF version that's fully bookmarked for your reading convenience, this is different from what EUOL posted on his blog.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #633 on: January 23, 2008, 09:18:31 PM »
Here's Brandon's note (from the document) on what changes were made:
Revisions done in Version 4.0

   This draft was still largely working on medium-level and large-level problems.  Because of this, I haven’t yet ‘spot fixed’ chapters.  Larger changes for this version include:
   A rewrite of the character Peprin, who’s name has been changed to Parlin.  The old name fit the old character; the new character was different enough that I wanted a new feel for his name.  Peprin wasn’t working, in my opinion, as he was too over-the-top.  He was a little TOO dense, and we already had plenty of humor in the Vivenna sections--humor done much better and more intelligently by Denth and Tonks.  I felt that Peprin’s goofiness was detracting from the story and wasn’t gaining anything, so I backed off and made the character far less ‘present’ in the narrative.  In doing so, I hope to actually make him more sympathetic.  This may take another draft to get right.
   Vivenna is now more aware of why her father sent Siri instead of her.  Readers were feeling that Vivenna was too dense in these early chapters.  It was obvious to them why the king would make the change; it should have been obvious to Vivenna.  I agreed as I re-read the narrative, and did a reworking here.  This effected her motivations for going to T’Telir in the first place, and I think strengthens her as a character.
   My agent wanted more of a sense of danger in the early chapters--a better understanding of the oncoming war, the inevitability, and the threat it posed.  I worked on this noticeably at the beginning in an attempt to establish better ‘rooting interest’ for Idris.  This also played in with Vivenna’s reworked motivations at the beginning. 
   I split the “Vivenna living on the streets” chapter in two and added a little bit more material there to draw out her time.  I felt that having her get tossed onto the streets in one chapter, then get captured again in the very next seriously weakened this phase of the book.  The reader and she both needed more time to suffer.  It’s still not terribly long, but I think that the slight fiddling with pacing here will have a large impact on the tempo of the story here. 
   Slightly better transition of Vivenna being scared of Vasher and agreeing to help him.
   A lot of people were having trouble understanding 1) Why Susebron could awaken objects at the end without dying and 2) Why the statues could be Awakened in the first place.  I decided that for the first, I would simply be more explicit in my explanations.  For the second, I decided that I needed to revise the narrative to fix a plot hole.  Hence the change to give the statues human bones, which I had considered in the first draft and discarded.  I think it works better here.  Both of these things are going to require a little more polishing in draft #5, but I think the climax finally has all of the explanations it needs. 
   I filled out what the different Heightenings are and explained them in more detail, including an Ars Arcanum. 
   I made a bunch of smaller changes on the paragraph or scene level to smooth the story.  I probably also introduced a lot of typos in doing so.  ;)
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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #634 on: January 26, 2008, 12:28:56 AM »
I have just started the new version and found it much nicer in the beginning between Vivenna and her father. I loved the changes there. So far, there have been a couple doubles and typos, but totally understandable in the process. I love that we get to see the process.

So, basically, I like the changes I have noticed so far, and they do seem to flesh Vivenna out a bit more, especially in the beginning.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #635 on: January 29, 2008, 01:18:45 AM »
Brandon, first of all, I love your work.  I like many came to know your stuff due to the WOT announcement.  I read both Mistborn books and was hooked.  I wanted to try your polished work first before checking out Warbreaker.  Since, I read the latest draft, I thought it was spectacular.  The only bit of advise I have is an extremely small thing.  It involves the scene with Lightsong in the prison when his brother finally snaps.  I love having him become a scribe, but I think the part where he always gets his brother into trouble and ending up in jail is a little over the top and seemed out of place.  I mean how could a scribe really end up in jail so often?  I might have missed something since I was reading so quickly to try and see how it ends, but that is my two cents.  I know it is a small thing, but that was really the only part of the book that seemed out of place at all.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #636 on: January 30, 2008, 06:21:53 AM »
Think I might have found a typo. In the scene where Vashir speaks with Bebid the priest in the cafe on page 64, it reads "let them to a little Awakening themselves" - which I believe should be do. Another one is on page 114, with "Lightsong stood suddenly, grabbing the cap off his head and tossing it asked". I'm guessing this should be askew.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #637 on: February 07, 2008, 08:33:19 AM »
It took me so much longer to finish this than I thought it would have, but with the real life stuff going on it was not on the top of my priority list. Now that I am done, however, I am ready to give some thoughts.

First, I really enjoyed the changes made to Peprin/Parlin. I agree that the name change was a good idea, because he was really only somewhat recognizable as the character from before. And it worked, I was more bothered by his murder this time than I was before. I was more sympathetic to him as a character, in general, as well.

Secondly, Vivenna....I really appreciated the extra time that went into her character and chapters. I haven't read this through fully since the first draft you released to us one chapter a week, so the changes were more, well just more, I think, for me than they would have been if I had read later installments as well. I thought her development was much more fully thought out, and more real.

Siri and Seb...what can I say? I loved them going into it, and I love them still. I like that you changed his writing style, and made it grow with time, and I still love watching their relationship develop over time, it is very sweet.

Lightsong and Scoot, I think I liked them the most, as I did before. Their relationship and interaction is always enjoyable.

The other gods and goddesses, I thought were still not quite there, with the exception of Blushweaver. She was always more fleshed out than the others, and with good reason as she is more central to the plot. I just felt like the rest were a bit, superfluous, for lack of a better word. Allmother was alright, but for the part she plays I thought she might get a bit more air time, but I know that length can sometimes be an issue. I guess I should clarify. I don't really think having more of the gods and goddesses is vital, but I think it would bring a better understanding in some cases. All we really have to go off of are Blushweaver and Lightsong, with a smattering of Mercystar, who is the anti-thesis, in my opinion, of what a goddess should be. I see her as weak, and I don't know if that is fair or not.

Vasher and Denth. I group them together because really, where else would they go? I like the changes I see there, and I like the explanation we get at the end about them. I think it leaves just enough, but ties up well enough in case it is a while between books. I know you don't usually keep us waiting, but sometimes it can happen. But, I digress. I thought that Vasher was just dangerous enough in the beginning, and Denth was just charming and harmless seeming enough. Right up until he wasn't supposed to be anymore, and then the realizations that Vivenna makes, I kind of felt like I was making with her. Silly, because I had read the book already, but it was good.

All in all, I really thought that this version, minus the typos and sometime editing errors, was really good. Since I am not a writer, I can't tell you exactly what I think would flow better, but I thought some of  the beginning chapters still felt a bit  off. Not bad, just not as good as the later ones. I don't really know how to explain it.  I know that really can't be much of a help, but it is the best I can do at this hour. I do apologize for the incoherence of that statement.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #638 on: February 08, 2008, 02:49:54 AM »
Absolutely *adored* the new work, already have Elantris and the Mistborn books, can't wait to add another of your books to my collection when it finally gets put out~!

It's been very refreshing to find an author with work of a very good standard caliber and (*shock horror~!*) actually puts out brillaint novels at an impressively satistying frequency~! Plus you're young enough that I don't have to walk around in fear of stories being forver cut short... 

Okay, a little morbid maybe but I just had to mention how cool that is  ;D , I mean, usually I try and estimate, when reading author's little cover-flap mini-bios how many books more they are likely to release/ if the series will be nicely finished off sometime before they die of old age. I worry over the health of my favourite authors, for at times; somewhat selfish reasons.

But yes, *big relief* and now I have Scott Lynch too and Patrick Rofthuss (and still many others) so I am very optimistic for the future of literature in general now.

 :D Happy times people~!

But yes, Warbreaker was great, and I really loved the role of the colour of white in the book (and not just because it's my favourite colour if I ever had to live in a room that was all one colour - how I always pick my favourites~!) but yes, the whole colour and desaturation of colour in the books and the thing about breaths.


(Rly, Rly).

 :)  ;)  :D  ;D

Anyway, TTFN, many happy-pen-trails~! (and good health, let's not forget the good health, and living a nice long, fruitful life - I mean, personally I think I have a reasonable hope that you'll one day have at least twenty books published - that would be nice  :D ).
Just had a thought, have you ever considered trying to write and publish enough books that if you stack them all up they'll cross over the midget-classification-borderline of 5' and be classed as a real height person?

(I don't know, what *is* the write name for us? full size models? wat's the P.C. term exactly? I wouldn't want to offend myself accidentally...)

Does anyone actually have experience and knowledge in how many books it would take to make a non-pygmy...?
Has there been any research or experience in the topic?

yes, sorry, had to bring that up because I just had a sudden dream... more like a goal really now.

And then you could put a hat on it and stick a pipe just in between a couple of the taller up works...
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 03:02:13 AM by White »
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Clyde Bruckman: Look, forget I mentioned it. It's none of my business.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #639 on: February 08, 2008, 10:10:10 PM »
Um, hi random people.  *waves*.  Sorry, I'm a little out of place here.  Um, I love your work Brandon.  I was introduced to it by Kris McLain and Sam Hegstrom Oakey.  I say their names because I'm pretty sure that you met them at the dinner that you had at the Wong's house with Sam's little brother Jesse?  Anyway,  I'm a sister in law, but that's not important.  Elantris was amazing and I loved Mistborn.

To the point though, I'm reading Warbreaker (4.2) and I have a small critique, which I hope hasn't been said before, but I don't really have time to read 40 + pages of message boarding.  On page 37 you say, "I’ll send them back when I arrive, she thought.  Then she immediately felt her hair grow white.  Sending the men back would leave her alone in a city filled with Lifeless, Awakeners, and pagans. "

While I'm sure that here you mean the term "pagan" to mean someone who doesn't follow Siri's religion (or perhaps any religion), the terms aren't exactly synonomous.  Unless you really are talking about the actual pagan religion.  I know the word pagan is often used to talk about people who are...godless?  But the term just seemed out of place.  I am not trying to be politically correct or anything,  it just didn't seem to fit the warbreaker world to use the term pagan, when that actually refurs to a religion back here on earth.

Anyway, I'm going to fade back into obscurity now.  I'm really enjoying the book.  Thanks for writing!



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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #640 on: February 10, 2008, 09:58:25 PM »
I regret to say that it probably would have been years before I noticed these books if it was not for the untimely death of Mr. Jordan. That said am extremly glad to have found them even though I hate the reason for my finding of them.  I do believe that warbreaker even in its status now is one of the best books I  have read in recent years.  I also believe that because this book is free it may cause some readers to not buy it I believe just as many will buy it because of the quality of the book. I would also like to say that Mr Sanderson is among my top 5 personal authors along with Mr Jordan(Wheel of Time), Mr Goodkind(Sword of Truth), Mr Butcher(Dresden Files, and The Codex Alera), and Mr Tolstoy(specifically War and Peace).  I would also like to say that after reading the begining of your other books I will be going to buy them as soon as I have the time to drive to a bookstore


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #641 on: February 10, 2008, 10:49:21 PM »
I forgot to mention the pacing in the new version of Warbreaker, which I thought was an improvement over the first draft.  Unfortunately, I don't really have much more to say about it, other than I thought it was better in this version. :)
(I know, that really was kind of redundant wasn't it?)


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #642 on: February 11, 2008, 06:07:32 AM »
First off, I'd like to apologize for any spellingmistakes or "weirdness" in my post. I understand the english language, but I do not possess any skill when it comes to actually using it myself :) 6am and I still haven't slept, that could also be a factor!

Amazing read Mr. Sanderson; I really enjoyed it. I should say straight away that I haven't read the earlier versions of "Warbreaker" so I have nothing to compare with... having said that though, I must say that it was an impressive read, especially to be a draft.. A few things that struck me during the story - things that you may disagree with or things you have intentionally left as they are - but here they are:

  • I really wished for a discription of the protagonists' faces. I realize that the point is for the readers to create images that they themselves find pleasing, but as a reader I really want some kind of input from the Creator of the story. It needn't be more than a mention of Siri's eyecolor or Blushweaver's high cheekbones and small dignified nose. It's not necessary for the smaller characters, but personally I would've liked a couple of the main characters to have some more discription (but I may be weird). Siri turned out quite beautiful inside my head, but some parts of her face was blurred...
  • Some scenes were extraordinarily exciting:
    I loved the part where Vivenna stumbled upon  Parlin's body and realized that the mercenaries weren't her friends afterall. I would've liked a bigger shock factor though, because even though I was left with great satisfaction after reading it, I felt the effect could've been stronger had there been greater shock. I don't know if you've read Terry Goodkind's books (some look upon his work unfavorably***), but the effect I mean is when Kahlan is forced to give oral stimulation to another man than her husband so that he may gain entry to the Temple of Winds, but then the lighting flashes and you see the color of Richard's (her husband's) eyes in the flash. I felt my whole body growing cold in that instance.   [**and now I do as well having read another post here on the forum that linked to an interview where he said some very distasteful things..]
  • A frustrating thing about the Mistborn series, for me personally, was the lack of natural intimacy between Vin and her Husband. It was puzzling, even when taking into account Vin's personality problems (selfdoubt etc). This was much better in Warbreaker. Siri's and Suse's relationship as it slowly increased in potency was beautifully written. I would perhaps enjoy just a tad more focus on it though.
  • Now this one is probably just me. I would absolutely love a longer epilogue; I liked it the way it was, but one from Siri's viewpoint would be fantastic. The ending as a whole felt slightly rushed in my honest opinion. I wish the part when Vasher revealed himself and onwards could be more fleshed out. A shockfactor would be great as well, and a reaction from the people in the room (a big one:P ) .
You're a fantastic author, and I hope you continue writing (preferrably in this genre) for decades to come. What a wonderful imagination! The pacing was great; all the characters were fantastic, the story was engaging and nothing was clichè. The magic system was innovative and fun (and had great negative consequences in some cases). I sincerely believe you are the absolute best in creating magical systems in your books. The humor was laugh-out-loud great. Thank you for the opportunity of allowing us to read this, I will definately buy the finished product and continue buying your books. I can see from the quality of your work that you won't disappoint. Sad that I, along with so many others, had to discover you through a tragedy. Life goes on however...[/size]
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 02:06:04 PM by rtm1981 »


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #643 on: February 12, 2008, 10:37:16 PM »
I just finished Warbreaker 4.2 and wanted to ask a couple of questions.

I really liked the entire thing and felt that it flowed well.  I especially liked the turn of events when Vivenna found out about Denth and Parlin's murder.  Very well done. 

Anyway, onto the questions-- they have to do with the epilogue and the wrap up explanations mostly.  I'm not sure how much of this was supposed to be obscure by intention, but a couple of the details at least would be nice to have clarification in the future versions.

1. Vasher is a Returned, but he is also one of the five scholars.  Were the five scholars Returned at the time that they were doing their work/got that title?  That seems it would be the implication, since Vasher admits to not remembering his former life in the epilogue. 

2. Where in the timeline was the five scholars' life time/important part in relation to the Manywar and the begin of Peacegiver's reign?  (Hope that made sense...)

3. Are/were Denth, Tonk Fah, Shasharra (sp?), Arsteel, and Yesteel also Returned?  Again, with some of the things that are mentioned, especially with how Denth (and seemingly Tonk Fah) are very old along with Vasher, it seems to be implied that they are, but never really cleared up.  On the other hand, it is stated that Shasharra was Denth's sister, which implies they are not Returned.  I'm a little confused about this whole relationship here.

4. Also, I thought the explanation of how a Returned can survive without receiving a Breath a week, while good, seemed to be missing something.  Not sure-- maybe I just didn't understand it well the first time I read it, but I was left feeling confused.  So, does Vasher have just a lot of extra Breath hanging around that his body consumes at a rate of one a week?  How does he hide from Vivenna with her Life Sense, then?  Put it into something inanimate like Vivenna starts doing?  Does he only need to have it at the time when his body will consume it?  I found this explanation to be a bit more confusing in its current state than your others in Elantris and both Mistborns.

5. Relatedly, shortly after Vivenna meets him, Denth mentions that he has gone without Breath for long periods of time before.  Assuming he is telling the truth and that he is a Returned similar to Vasher, how does that work?  If he isn't returned, it makes  a bit more sense.

Anyway, on the whole, I really liked it.  I noticed some type-os and name confusion (using Denth instead of Vasher a few times), but I assume you'll be proofreading those out a bit later.  To answer a question you asked a few months ago about the title fitting, I think it fits really well.

Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to when this book gets published so I can go out and buy it!


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #644 on: February 13, 2008, 07:05:27 AM »
I know the answer to a couple of those questions....

1. I believe they were, but this one I am not 100% clear on.

2. The five scholars were at the time before, during, and after the Manywar.....Vasher is/was Peacegiver/Klad/Warbreaker.

3. Denth, Arsteel, Shasharra, Yesteel were all Returned, I believe, and four of the five Scholars, with Vasher being the fifth. I do not think that Tonk Fah is Returned, but I am not 100% sure about him.

4. I agree with that. This part isn't crystal clear to me either, so I don't feel comfortable trying to explain it.

5. He is Returned, Denth is, and he lied a lot to Vivenna during her time with him, so I don't feel that he was completely truthful with this point either. But, as with the previous question, I don't fully understand the working of the Returned breath, the one that creates them, so I can't really say more than I have.

I hope this helped you some. :)