I definitely started reading this less than 24hrs ago and completed it. I literally read, finally had no choice but to go to sleep for a while, then woke up and finished it.
I really liked it. I couldn't stop reading....
As far as critique,
Most of the Vivenna chapters, until she met up with Vasher, were a struggle to get through. Her close minded bias was so strong it irritated me to the point of boredom?
I really loved the foreshadowing -- like the painting of the war that Lightsong looks at, that reveals Lifeless + Shashara w/Nightblood.
I liked that there was at least a comment about how Susebron could use his tongue after not having one for so long. I also thought the name was spelled Suesbron halfway through the story, then when I noticed it wasn't, I thought the spelling as Susebron wasn't as cool
I would have liked to have seen a few scenes of what was going on back in Idris during the rest of the story. I kept wondering how the king had taken Vivenna's disappearance, and how the build up of their army was going.
Huth and ....oh I can't remember the names of those two cities, but anyway they are mentioned about 3 times in the story, and then slightly more clearly at the very end. I felt like there should be a bit more explanation when they were mentioned.
Maybe a bit more relation between why the royal's hair color changes and their lineage from the Returned. And a better last name than Royal? Maybe that was just a place holder for a better name.
I was deceived on so many levels....I trusted Denth, and so many others. That was impressive. I would have liked to have been able to make a better opinion of Suesbron's priests, but I never saw how they interacted with the god king. I know that may have given it away, but I also wondered about what was going on during the day when Siri was running around and Suesbron was...wherever? And I would like to know how is mother died.
I really loved the way Blushweaver (if that's the name, I don't feel like looking back to find it) was developed. I didn't like her at first, and then I loved her. Not enough to cry during her death tho. I'm big on the whole getting so attached to characters that I cry....I don't know how to offer any advice on that.
Well that's my critiques for now. Again, I really loved the story. I hope my comments are constructive. ^_^ And yea, I'm totally buying Elantris, the Mistborns, and Warbreaker when they're all out <3 I'm gonna borrow the 2nd Mistborn from my friend in the next few days (gotta wait for the paperback before I buy it, I'm a poor college student