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Messages - CabbyHat

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Backup plan (Mistborn spoilers)
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:24:58 AM »
I wonder how much the Inquisitors -really- were under the Lord Ruler's control. There was a line in Mistborn: Final Empire about how the Inquisitors had been trying for many years to supersede the Church of Orthodoxy and its Obligators. Even going so far as to tempt the mortal Obligators into disobeying the Lord Ruler's laws.
I rather thought that TLR didn't much care about the politics and rivalries that went on underneath him, as long as it didn't challenge his rule. I suppose that after however long he'd been ruling, he'd start to care more about continuity on a larger scale as opposed to worrying about any one faction staying in power. It wasn't as though the Inquisitors or anyone else could come to challenge him, after all. (From his point of view, anyway.)

Actually, if you're writing it, all of the letters start in the middle. You draw the center line with your pen and never lift it up. Letters are written from left center to top to bottom to left center to right center, except for SZNShH, which is written from left center to right center to top to bottom to right center.
How would the Vowels work under that?

stroke up and slightly right
double stroke down
stroke up (right on top of an existing line)
slight stroke left (to finish the centerline)
stroke right to reach next character and be carefule to re-trace the existing center line?

The Hash modifiers have similar problems of being careful to re-trace existing lines without being visible.

I can see 'school' teaching you to write with one continuous line as you suggest, but I can't see anyone actually doing it in real writing that way. Writing would look way better if you didn't force a single line as you can get ends (like the bottom of a vowel) to taper off to a point (as seen in the examples we have) and the center line will be much straighter and better looking.  Considering that Writing is considered an art form I really doubt that people actually practice it the way you describe (writing in cursive, all one motion).  It just has too many sharp points and too few rounded edges.

Edit: Yes I understand that you helped make the language, I am not trying to say you are wrong, just discuss the language.
Too many sharp points to be artistic? I disagree. I see the Alethi as having a very different aesthetic from us, based far more heavily on symmetry and with other differences. Who's to say their art couldn't feature more dramatic points and angles? That's one of the things I find most fascinating about creating other cultures and worlds; they simply don't have to adhere to a lot of things that we take as a given. :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:59:26 AM »
I was led to believe that each Blade is a work of art and is individual in its design. Dalinar and Adolin - and Elhokar too - are all Alethi royals, which by definition makes them warriors as well. And warriors want big Shardblades, because when balance and weight are not issues, length/range become the most important characteristic of the weapon. Szeth, on the other hand, is an assassin - a massive Blade is less efficient than his small one.

Which makes me wonder whether the nature of the user can change his or her Blade to an extent. I don't think the Blade changes as soon as you pick it up, but maybe over time...
There could be a simpler explanation, at least for some of them. If you're going to duel someone for their shardblade, or take on a shardbearer in battle in a considered attempt to win his shards, it makes sense that you'd go for a weapon you understood or liked the look of, at least subconsciously. Some ancestor of the Kholins may have seen some big beast of a shardblade and decided it would make a fine weapon to be passed down the royal line.

As for the differences with Szeth's blade, I agree that each blade would be unique, but I really don't think it's that far-fetched to think that different orders of Radiants would have had different styles of blades tailored to their abilities. Giving a Windrunner a (relatively) small, thin, agile blade with a versatile double edge would compliment his speed and lashing ability, rather than making him deal with swinging a six-foot-long monstrosity around while trying to float weightlessly along a hallway. Shardplate may boost your strength but I'd bet it's not going to let you ignore the weight of your blade when you're performing a Lashing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:51:15 AM »
Thats an interesting point also, that there may be two different types of shardblades, in addition to the difference between Honorblades and Shardblades.  This would definitely explain Syl's repulsion, and would also show more of Odium touching the world.  I want to believe that Dalinar is not using a "Voidblade" as you called it, just because I feel he should be untouched by Odium, even if he is doing it without knowing.

Do you think that the "Dawnblades" were just corrupted by Odium at some point, and thus created the "Voidblades"?  I don't have my book on me, but during one of Dalinar's visions.. he sees hundreds of the Knights Radiant giving up their Shardplate and Shardblades (or Dawnblades perhaps).  I remember that the people who pick the blades and armor up then start fighting over them, but I don't remember if there is a description to how the people died.  We might be able to determine if that event changed the blades (Odium's touch?), or if the blades are separate from each other in some way.  I hope this makes sense, I'm thinking through this as I go.

Page 733, US hardcover version:
"Dalinar looked back at the melee of soldiers rushing for Blades. Many had already been claimed. There weren't enough Blades for everyone, and some had already begun raising theirs up, using them to fend off those who got too close. As he watched, a bellowing officer with a Blade was attacked by two men behind him.
The glow from within the weapons had completely vanished.
The killing of that officer made others bold. Other skirmishes started, men scrambling to attack those who had Blades, hoping to get one. Eyes began to burn. Screams, shouts, death."

So the abandoned Radiants' blades did kill the same way that modern Shardblades do. Maybe being turned against human beings for the first time corrupted them somehow? I don't know. It's an intriguing question.

that's my theory, that the Shardblades were corrupted by being used selfishly, and that's why Syl hates them. And maybe even why Kaladin couldn't bring himself to touch one, and why Dalinar suffers bouts of illness in battle. I'll be interested to see if Dalinar still has that problem after giving up the Blade.....
I imagine he will. I took the waves of nausea to be part of his character rather than anything supernatural; just the horror of slaughtering people by the hundreds finally getting through to him as he reexamines his life.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Official WoK Fan Art (Here there be spoilers)
« on: January 25, 2011, 10:41:43 AM »
In all cases I urge artists to never think in terms of "pose", but rather to think in terms of "performance" or "action". Think about what the character you draw is doing, and then work out how that affects their body language, their clothing, and the world they're inhabiting. Even standing still is an action of a sort.

That's some really good advice, thanks. (I know you're not talking to me but I'm going to go ahead and take it anyway. :P )

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:50:59 AM »
Thats an interesting point also, that there may be two different types of shardblades, in addition to the difference between Honorblades and Shardblades.  This would definitely explain Syl's repulsion, and would also show more of Odium touching the world.  I want to believe that Dalinar is not using a "Voidblade" as you called it, just because I feel he should be untouched by Odium, even if he is doing it without knowing.

Do you think that the "Dawnblades" were just corrupted by Odium at some point, and thus created the "Voidblades"?  I don't have my book on me, but during one of Dalinar's visions.. he sees hundreds of the Knights Radiant giving up their Shardplate and Shardblades (or Dawnblades perhaps).  I remember that the people who pick the blades and armor up then start fighting over them, but I don't remember if there is a description to how the people died.  We might be able to determine if that event changed the blades (Odium's touch?), or if the blades are separate from each other in some way.  I hope this makes sense, I'm thinking through this as I go.

Page 733, US hardcover version:
"Dalinar looked back at the melee of soldiers rushing for Blades. Many had already been claimed. There weren't enough Blades for everyone, and some had already begun raising theirs up, using them to fend off those who got too close. As he watched, a bellowing officer with a Blade was attacked by two men behind him.
The glow from within the weapons had completely vanished.
The killing of that officer made others bold. Other skirmishes started, men scrambling to attack those who had Blades, hoping to get one. Eyes began to burn. Screams, shouts, death."

So the abandoned Radiants' blades did kill the same way that modern Shardblades do. Maybe being turned against human beings for the first time corrupted them somehow? I don't know. It's an intriguing question.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: When does Alloy of Law get released?
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:17:42 AM »
This makes me a happy Sanderson fan; I was thinking I was going to have to wait until 2012 to get anything from him unless I wanted to try and struggle through the Wheel of Time.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Parshendi (WoK spoilers)
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:35:04 AM »
I find Melriken's champion theory compelling, but there is something that bothers me in it. When the Almighty spoke in Dalinar's vision, he implied that Odium could be persuaded to choose a champion sometime in the future. Of course, you could argue that the visions were more of diary than a true visitation by a god's spirit, but if I recall correctly, Dalinar spoke with the Almighty directly at the end. So Honor must be in the correct time frame. Which could imply that Odium does not have a champion yet.
Dalinar never speaks directly with the Almighty; he's just answering pre-recorded responses, and explicitly states that the Almighty can't actually hear him.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Making Wishes Out West (*Spoilers*)
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:22:11 AM »
When you think about it, you can't really blame the nightwatcher for giving out curses; she probably has to deal with that kind of smartassery every day. I probably wouldn't be half that nice after a few hundred years of that.

Was it ever confirmed that the Almighty is Honor?

Yep. Brandon said so.

Right here

Okay, thanks, I knew I'd seen it mentioned but I couldn't remember if there was a definite source.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WoK: Kaladin and Syl *Spoilers*
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:19:22 AM »
My theory is that it's related to what I've come to call Geranid's Certainty Principle. Namely, that measuring an attribute of a spren (and recording that measurement) fixes said attribute for as long as the record stands. Kaladin serves as caliper and record for Syl. Remember when she left him, and almost lost herself? Somehow, he is measuring her, and she evolves along with his "record" of her attributes.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the blatantly obvious parallel to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, from modern Quantum Mechanics.

Basically the idea is that a particle can be in any one of eight different states UNLESS you actually measure it - then it is DEFINITELY in one state. But until it's measured, it can be in any one of those eight states (or perhaps even eight at once?).

There are already working computers that take advantage of this theory. Things that shouldn't work... and yet they do.


I got Heisenberg mixed up with Schroedinger

Schrodinger's Flamespren? :P

Was it ever confirmed that the Almighty is Honor?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Did the Lord Ruler ... ? (Spoilers)
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:02:55 AM »
Also, the metal has to pierce the body for it to have an effect.  It probably has to connect to blood for Ruin to get access to the mind.  Then Allomantically ingested metals would not have this effect.

Neither would an earring, though. That does pierce, but only touches skin.

At some point I do remember someone saying that the spike needs to touch blood at first. Ditto on loaning out my books... I really need to hunt down the person I gave those to, it's been months now.

That could play out really interestingly. Because it would require Dalinar to forgive him, and after what happened that would require friggin' divine levels of honour and mercy. Of course, if there's any character to display such a thing...

Ha, he'd be so crowded in Stupidityspren that he couldn't see anything and walk off the ledge of a chasm... ;D

Well you can forgive someone without necessarily having to trust them again. There are people in my past that really hurt me; I don't nurse a grudge against them, but I wouldn't trust them not to do the same thing again without some kind of proof. A large part of the point of Dalinar's viewpoints is that you can be honorable without being stupid.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Did the Lord Ruler ... ? (Spoilers)
« on: January 20, 2011, 05:20:02 AM »
It was steel, hence the remarkable control he has when Pushing and Pulling that Vin remarks on.

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