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Messages - RavenstarRHJF

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Reading Excuses / Re: 20 April 2009 - ryos - Sea of Sand part 3
« on: April 27, 2009, 10:05:49 PM »
Sorry this is so late... been swamped lately.

For a first draft (in general) it was alright.  Yeah, it was sorta choppy and some of the transitions didn't make much sense, but these are all things you can fix in rewrite.

In particular, and I know it's been mentioned before, the shift from the main goal of survival and/or return to the city to accepting a position as medium comes at you from out of nowhere.  (I'm trying REALLY hard not to give plot related advice anymore, i.e. suggestions, so I'm going to stop there. :))

Reading Excuses / Re: 20 April 2009 - Renoard - Designer Dreams
« on: April 21, 2009, 02:03:38 PM »
An interesting concept with an angle I happen to agree with... though nobody you're actually trying to convince will see merit in it.  But then, you already know that. ;)

Anyway, it was difficult to make the leap of "this is an alien setting" for me- which consequently made it difficult to keep reading, since the biology was so obviously wrong.  It wasn't really till the end that I picked up on it.  It just seemed like a futuristic human setting, and I kept waiting for you to say how and why humans had replaced their various cell elements with nanites.

Other than that, it was pretty well crafted, if shorter than expected.

Books / Re: All my books are read, Looking for suggestions
« on: April 17, 2009, 01:37:23 AM »
Ok, don't be put off by the fact that this is YA... but you asked for Scandinavian Trolls done well, and East by Edith Pattou (I think) fits the bill.  It's not dark, but it's not all rainbows and light either.  If nothing else, pick up the book and at least scan the sections that describe the trolls and their society.

Reading Excuses / Re: Chaos - 4/13/09 - Fateless
« on: April 16, 2009, 03:19:09 PM »
For a story called "Fateless," you don't mention the fact that Veresh is "fateless" very much.  That's probably something that should be emphasized more. 

I like the concept.  Revenge works very well as a motivator for Veresh, but I agree that attacking Mithra right off the bat instead of immediately trying to capture him works against the ultimate objective.  Maybe you could change the focus of his attack and use it as a diversion so Mithra doesn't notice Hassan casting the net?

Other people have mentioned what I would have said about the importance of Oaths...

I feel like the gods are not actually gods.  They come across as just really, really, really powerful beings, and that kinda throws off the emphasis, at least for me.  Veresh kept thinking about how their divinity was a lie- maybe you could play that up a bit?

I didn't pick up on any similarities of names, but then I haven't read a whole lot of Eastern mythology.

Good start!  This is one I'd like to read again when you're done revising.

Reading Excuses / Re: 4-13-09 ErikHolmes, The Sword of Worlds Chs 1-3
« on: April 16, 2009, 04:00:52 AM »
Hey Erik! 

Pretty nice first submission.  I like the plot so far.  My main issue right now (and I take into account that this is a first draft, and you're already revising) is your prose in general.  It just seems... like a first draft.  Like you were just getting your ideas onto the page, and not worrying about artistry.  Call me a snob, but it grated. :-\  (granted, you've probably got more of your story written now than I will in the next two months, simply because you're willing to use sloppy prose on a first draft, so don't take it too hard ;) )

Glad to hear you're working on revising the intro with more character development! ;)

I, too, feel like Ellie's intro should occur in the same time frame.  At the very least, you should move Ch. 3 to the no. 2 spot- Kail riding off on a motorcycle is a much better point to leave off than right before he escapes from the office building.  And again with the prose thing... although in this case, it's almost like you don't fully realize who she is yet, so the way you write her naturally feels... unnatural.  Especially so in her interactions with Sonja.  Also, who is Jack?  Kail's Dad?

I like the way you have magic make him feel cold.  He doesn't know it's magic yet, but the reader can make the jump quite easily.

The section of the wall I had just touched swung back easily like it was on hinges, revealing what it had hidden.
Yes, but what was it hiding?!  A shallow compartment?  A movie theatre-size space?  You don't give us any hint of the actual dimensions of the room, other than it's obviously big enough to house a desk, a table, and a bookcase with room to move about between them.  But take into consideration that this is an apartment- that means standard configurations in each living space.  If it's a big room, give some clue, like how the walk-in closet is shallower than he's expecting, or something like that. :P  Sorry for the rant.  That one sentence just really bugged me.

The wolf-something or other- have you thought about a cape made from the pelt?  That could have several applications in a magical setting... just suggesting, since you seem to be having trouble with that.  Feel free to ignore! 

Other than that, it's shaping up to be a great story!  Looking forward to more. :)

Reading Excuses / Re: 4-13-09 Renoard-WEIR-Flash Fiction
« on: April 15, 2009, 01:29:55 AM »
About the flow... first person present doesn't allow for a whole lot of description, since the character is experiencing "moments" in time.  Thus, using it in a paragraph format seems stilted and awkward, e.g., this happens, then this happens, then this happens.  It's very dry presented that way. 

This happens.
This happens.
This happens.

The above allows the reader to understand that there is time and background between each of the occurrences and to pick up more fully on the present tense style.  At least, in my opinion. ;) And I openly admit I may have that wrong- it's been a while since my last English class...

About the passages I mentioned:
I begin my nightly patrol and make water to renew my borders.  I am fierce but lone pups would see me weak if I do not keep my wood.  The night birds and crickets fill my world with song and I stop to listen, tongue lolling as I cool myself.  Finished with patrol I run to the pond and watch the fish catching insects from the surface.  I paw at the water but I know I cannot catch them.  Still it is fun.
This strikes me as more of a dog-mentality than a wolf-mentality.  Maybe it's because I've been force-fed so much propaganda about the ferocity and predator-ness of wolves presented in movies and such, but I don't associate playing with water bugs and worrying (consciously) about younger wolves with a wolf.  At least not so feebly.  A "test my agility by trying to catch bugs" and "let those upstarts know who's boss" reasoning would fit better.

Reading Excuses / Re: 4-13-09 Renoard-WEIR-Flash Fiction
« on: April 14, 2009, 04:08:34 AM »
It's pretty clear that the wolf part of him is dominant, rather than the human part- which is what we see most in werewolf stories, so, nice take!

One suggestion: if you're going to use first person present, a normal paragraph format seems... odd.  I don't know if that is one of the requirements of the submission, but if you changed it to a line by line it might flow better.

I don't know if you meant him to come across quite so cute and cuddly.  If you did, that's fine, but if you want to emphasize an alpha-wolf mentality, you might want to change the wording of certain passages- like where he's marking territory, or playing with the water bugs.  Alternatively, you could use those places to play up the passive-aggressive human side of him.

Nice little story, all things considered!

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:13:30 AM »
Um... you ARE one of those guys...  ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 14, 2009, 01:46:28 AM »
Am I the only one who didn't get a submission from either Sortitus or Chaos?

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:40:08 AM »
Me too!  And when my life (or rather, the lives of my close relatives) slow down a little, I will again submit, though by that time, I should just start over by submitting the revised Ch. 1... :P

Reading Excuses / Re: 6 April 2009 - Sea of Sand - Part 2
« on: April 07, 2009, 03:48:47 AM »
It's... unlikely.  I have known women who reason primarily logically instead of emotionally, but usually they also have some sort of training in that, i.e. debate, and etc.  Logic could reach her, and could help her to calm down, but not that quickly, and she would likely have to nerve herself to follow Hafona back to camp.

Critique will follow later, when my mind has started working again. :P

Reading Excuses / Re: 3-30-09 Reaves: Crystalheart, chapters 15 and 16
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:06:06 PM »
Long, but worth it! ;D

-I thought it was strange that there wasn't even a hint of him questioning the morality of taking someone else's soul to use for your own ends.  It just seems like you'd have to be pretty callous to not even question it... or pretty fanatical.
-There are a lot of places where you can combine ideas into one sentence to smooth out the narrative.  It flows ok now, but you could still smooth it out more.
-At last, some hint of why and what is going on! ;D
-Point of consistency:
'Here' was the first level of the same needletower he had seen hiking up the island, slowly being rebuilt. A pair of guards were watching the stairwell he had just exited, with two more flanking yet another set of stairs.
   "Zael," one said. "You're wanted. Eighth level." He jerked upwards with his mailed gauntlet. A slight change; normally he was met on the first level.
There was no change, he is still being met on the first level.  Unless you mean that usually the boss comes to him?
-Why does Zael tell Ulidar his name if the Adjutant already knows it?

-I'm glad to see that though Trelawney evidently had it in for him, the other professors are apparently not.
-I don't think you overdid Marlin's reaction in the salle at all.  I think it's not only NOT too much, but very well done!  It seems like a perfectly normal reaction from someone who is horrified by his own ability to kill and is thrown in with a bunch of boys who have never killed.  One thing I would like to see is the swordmaster noticing Marlin's reaction and seeking him out.  He could probably do a lot to help him get over the horror.

(By the way, those previous chapters have made all the difference in understanding Aermyst's character... thanks for sending them!)

Great chapters!  I thought the narrator transitioned better this time.

I also liked the artistry with the waking and dreaming parts of Aric's journey to land.  You may want to add some hints that time is passing though; just a sentence here or there about the sun burning down on his head.  You already have plenty about the stars and moon (very well done, I might add!). ;)

One of the things that really got me was the continued reiteration that he was bone-deep cold.  Now, I get that he was in water for at least two to three days, and that he probably has hypothermia because of that.  But wouldn't he warm up pretty quickly if he was moving around in the sun for a whole day?  Now, granted, he's got sunburn (and I'm actually surprised he doesn't have sunstroke what with the lack of fresh water the last couple of days) which would mean he'd get cold pretty fast after the sun went down.  But while it's still up? Meh, I don't know about that one.  You could explain it by saying he's got fever from the combination of sunstroke, hypothermia, and lack of fresh water.  Oh, and shock, let's not forget that he's in shock over what's happened...

And that's another thing.  He hasn't had anything to drink for a long time.  Wouldn't the first thing he did be to find a source of fresh water?

I didn't have so much of a problem with him sitting there holding a stranger's dead body for a while- at the very least, you described it well.  A couple of hours would be a bit long for a complete stranger, but maybe you could have him find Pellis' body or something like that (unless he shows up again later).

I vaguely remember him not managing to get off all of his armor.  Did I miss something, or is there a reason he wouldn't try to use what he still had to start a fire?  Trying to get sparks by scraping the edge against a stone would seem like an easier way than rubbing sticks together.

Overall, very nice chapters!

Reading Excuses / Re: 3-30-09 Watashi no Aijin Part One
« on: April 02, 2009, 08:15:54 PM »
What?!  You mean, you're just writing?!!!  NOOOOOOOO.... oh, wait.  That's almost the same as what I'm doing.  Nevermind! ;D

Oh, and Ryos, it's more of a "show them, SHOW THEM ALL!" kind of plot that the rest of us have.  Very few people actually want to take over the world.

Wow... congratulations to the lucky five- whoever they may turn out to be.  I haven't been around long enough to really qualify to either nominate or vote, but... wow.  Just wow! :)

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