Author Topic: Introduce yourself - right on!  (Read 246521 times)


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #330 on: May 25, 2011, 03:43:18 AM »
I'm Bec. I'm from the UK, I'll be twenty in about a week and with a little luck, I'll be at university studying English Literature and Philosophy & Ethics starting September.

I like all sorts of things, but Greek, Roman and Norse mythology, folklore, politics, philosophy, reading, writing, ukulele-playing, history, classic rock and sitcoms are all major areas of interest.

I'm not sure if I stumbled onto Writing Excuses first or Brandon Sanderson's writing via Wheel of Time. The two happened more or less simultaneously, but entirely coincidentally, if I remember correctly. In any case, Brandon became one of my favourite authors after reading the Mistborn Trilogy, I really enjoyed the I Am Not A Serial Killer books by Dan Wells, and I listen to Writing Excuses on a regular basis. I don't actually write all that much because I'm a complete and utter procrastinator, but the theory of writing fascinates me.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 08:11:02 AM by beccentric »


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #331 on: June 02, 2011, 10:16:14 PM »
I should get around to doing this before I forget about it.

I'm BTF, or Aly if you so choose to call me such. I'm a Michigander that is currently job-shadowing for ophthalmic assisting (goodness, I really need to start learning how to spell ophthalmic). I got directed here because of Schlock Mercenary and thought I should peruse the area.

Current obsession: Mafia games. I'm gonna look for some here.
Current reading projects: Usually Ted Dekker related.

Also, I'll be 21 in late September. Woo!


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #332 on: June 30, 2011, 07:58:07 PM »
Hello there. I'm from the Portland, OR area, but I shall be heading off to BYUI this fall. I'm majoring in Illustration, and I hpoe that I'll be able to transfer to either MICA or Kansas City Art Institute after a couple of years in Idaho. So, obviously, I love art (I have some of my pieces/sketches here). I'm not sure where I'll go with it after college, but I think it would be so cool to do some stuff for movies, although I don't really like doing animation.

Anyway, I'll probably be posting in most of the forums. I love to read books, video games are awesome, I've played some rpgs and I follow some webcomics and such. Oh yeah, and I'm kind of a movie snob...I don't like watching movies that are a waste of my time, but I try to be nice about it.
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant---
Success in Cirrcuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightening to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind---

By Emily Dickinson

Kell Daris

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #333 on: July 17, 2011, 03:09:11 AM »
Hello. I live in Raleigh, NC. I  am 24 years old and am still an undergraduate at NCSU. I mostly attribute this to my severe ADD. I quickly become bored with any classes I'm taking if my workload is more than two or three classes worth.  My excuse to everyone else, though, is that I don't want to go into debt to pay for school, so I also work full time and go to school on the side. I am also training heavily in Brazilian Jiu-jutsu with the ultimate goal of becoming an Instructor with my own school/academy. Due to these time constraints, I am single and have been for quite some time. (I've found that it is difficult to find women who are ok with only seeing thier boyfriend one or two nights a week. ::))

I found this website searching for information on the cosmere of The Way of Kings, and so I see myself spending most of my time, for the near future, in the Brandon Sanderson section of the forums. Truthfully, I have somewhat of a timid nature and will likely spend most of my time lurking about, unless I feel I have something of significant value to contribute. On the offchance that I do contribute something to a topic, I thought it would be polite of me to at least introduce myself here. :)