Author Topic: Introduce yourself - right on!  (Read 238216 times)


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #300 on: January 22, 2010, 02:31:46 PM »
Hello everyone!

My name is Nadine (yes that's the real one too). I'm 41 (already!) and French. I'm living in the French alps practically on the Swiss border. I've lived there all my life and seldom had travelled very far from it.

I've got a Graphist assistant formation but haven't much worked into that world, my best experience being working for a worldwide organisation based in geneva for several years a long time ago, and I'm currently out of job (since a few days) so with quite some free time on my hands.

I mainly 'discovered' fantasy through Robin Hobb's first trilogy, The Farseer Trilogy. I met her at several occasions when she came to France and am still 'linked' to a lot of her fans, international or french as most of them became very good friends.

My first encounter of Brandon's books was with Mistborn, all because it had earned a Robin Hobb very warm praise, and this is something I never regretted, Brandon being a truly fantastic author (but I guess you already know that) and I have now read 'most' of his books, the latest being the (free) Warbreaker one.

I'm interested in way too many things to quote them all, but mostly, art, photo, writing and movies and tvshows. (I'm actually watching the Doctor Who new series.)

I hope to make lots of new friends here and learn a lot of new things also.

I'm also very fond with using smileys, I know it can be irritating to some and I apologize but I just can't help it. I can restrain a bit though, if that can help, I'm also talking a bit too much and also thinking a bit too much too. Way too much for a woman. lol.  ;)



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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #301 on: February 25, 2010, 11:56:27 PM »
Hi! My name is Melissa; my e-friends know me as ella144.  I'm a WoT fan, which led me to EUOL and his illustrious writings, which led me here.  I joined because I love to waste time on the Internet, and so this would seem to be my natural habitat.   

I love books and movies, and recently discovered graphic novels.  (Alan Moore, where have you been all my life?)  I have played an occasional RPG, but prefer video games.  Fun fact: I do not watch TV and have little to no knowledge of any show that has aired since sometime around the turn of the century.  (Speak not of LOST to me, for I will look at you blankly and say "Huh?")

My history degree turned out to be mostly useless, so by day I'm a Business Manager in a university department (Someone told them I was good with money and can do math. Shh, don't tell them the truth.  I need the money.), and by night I'm a writer.  I'm married with three kids and a cat, and currently working on my "I Survived Living With A Teenage Boy" badge.

(I also like parenthetical statements if you hadn't noticed.) 

PS  To the mod who decided to note keystroke shortcuts:  you are wonderful.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 10:32:05 PM by ella144 »


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #302 on: March 02, 2010, 10:23:19 PM »
By way of introductions, "howdy!"

My name is K. McCallister, I hail from Texas and work in the Science and Research field while working towards my History BA (fortunately I'm on the downward slope). I've been a veracious reader all my life, and somehow my interest in reading only seems to grow that much more with each passing year. And while I prefer non-fiction and history the most, I've always had a real soft spot for good fantasy & sci-fi when I could find it, be it in movies, comics, or novels.

My all-time favorite fantasy/sci-fi writers have tended to remain George MacDonald, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien, but a few more recent favorites include G.R.R. Martin, Robin Hobb, Karen Traviss, Brandon Sanderson (why I'm here) and I find that I'm really enjoying the work of Kristine Kathryn Rusch in her 'Diving' universe in the last month or so. But better stop while I'm ahead.

The Firstborn short story was my first introduction to Brandon Sanderson's work, followed by Elantris which I'm currently enjoying in audio book format on my long commutes to work each day. The book has been an awful lot of fun, and I've already got Warbreaker queued up and ready to go once I finish (which is good because I hear we've got a real epic in The Way of Kings that I'll need to be ready for come August).

Looking forward to meeting y'all and I'll see you at the boards!
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #303 on: March 27, 2010, 03:27:36 AM »
I am Trashy and was serfing the web and found this site. I love reading and spending time with my wife and kids.Wow that sounded like eharmony or one of those cheese date sites...

Nathaniel Cassani

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #304 on: April 25, 2010, 04:36:48 PM »
Hello I'm Nathaniel Cassani (actual name). I am an aspiring science fiction and fantasy author (I like and write both generas). I just returned from the Superstars Writing Seminar [], with Brandon Sanderson, Kevin J. Anderson, David Wolverton,/Farland Eric Flint, and Rebecca Moesta. It was really great.

I found this site originally while checking out various connected sites from BYU, and of course since reading Brandon Sanderson's novels he's mentioned this place a few times –don't remember where or in what though.

I work a lot, I like RPG's, but don't play them anymore (I use that time to write), and live in Florida, which is like living in a washing machine that's stuck on the rinse and dry cycle all the time –its really rainy, and then the sun comes out, and then it drenches you all over again the same day.

My social networking pages if your interested.

Facebook Page –I post stuff on writing here, writing news, or tips and things I've learned.!/pages/Nathaniel-Cassani/107822809258360?ref=sgm


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #305 on: May 06, 2010, 10:37:23 AM »
Hi my name´s Sirkka. I´m a german girl of 21 years and still a trainee in an old people´s home. But I want to start studying  this year to become a welfare worker.

My hobbies are books, playing RPG´s and.... hm, don´t know, there´s not time enough to have more than these interests. My second job eats a lot of my free time.

Tegal Savian

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #306 on: May 07, 2010, 05:00:31 AM »
I'm Tegal Savian and I'm a Membership Administrator at, an Administrator at and Dowayne of Mandrake at  I'm brand new to TWG and if I've breached protocol, please tell me so!  I'm Trae Ashleigh on Facebook and you can read my full profile there.  I've joined because I'd heard there was a lively discussion here concerning Brandon Sanderson's novels and I'm eager to join in the fray!


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #307 on: May 15, 2010, 02:57:39 AM »
I am Katie.  I live in Minnesota.  I just read I am Not a Serial Killer and I loved it to pieces.
I am nearing the end of my Junior Year in High School.
I love to read and research Serial Killers in my spare time, when I'm not on facebook. :D
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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #308 on: May 24, 2010, 10:22:03 PM »
Hi there!

I'm Aly. I'll be 24 in a couple of weeks and live in North Carolina. I have a BS in Biology but unfortunately have yet to find a job in my field. So I write. I am in the process of writing a humorous fantasy novel and hope for it to be published eventually, but first I have to finish the thing. (I'm one of those writers with several half-finished novels under her belt, victims of over-editing.) I have high hopes for the current project however.

I found this site by stumbling across the Writing Excuses podcast (through itunes, if I remember correctly), and noting that one of the podcasters was Brandon Sanderson, a name I'd only heard before in conjunction with WoT. (I've just embarked on a reread of the series in order to get the full effect of aMoL.) And many giggles later, I've decided to poke around the site to see what I can find.
It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does. ~William Faulkner


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #309 on: June 16, 2010, 11:13:51 PM »
Hello, name is Julia.  :)
 No fancy degree's from me just of yet, am barely 17 and just completed my first year of 6th form. I live in the UK. I have a deep love for reading and came across this forum while researching one of my recently favourited trilogies.

Hobbies? Reading, music, games (mostly RPG, or first person shooter when I'm feeling mindless).. basically the more anti-social activities which give one a wan complexion and a shy attitude. But when you're living in one of the most direly drear contries of the world, these things tend to happen. I'd probably accept Britians lack of excitment and culture if I was originally born here. Sunny South Africa was my home for 6 years til we migrated.
I'm also a budding writer, With many idea's but no knowledge on how to expand on them really. It's frustrating. :)

..and that's pretty much it.

My peace is gone,
My heart is heavy,
I will find it never
and never more.     - Goethe


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #310 on: June 28, 2010, 11:18:26 PM »

My name is John H.  I live in California, am 31years old and am a Large Fan of Brandon Sandersons Books.

main hobbies include Magic: the Gathering, City of Heroes/Villains On-line, and various RPGs, such as Exalted, (Aeon)Trinity, Macross.  Most of which i bought for the creative Magic, and Settings, and anything Cool that Catches my Eye.   I also have the habit of Capitalising random words.

I live in a small town, without a Local Comic/Bookstor, so most of my Reading and Knowledge about most topics comes from, Wikipeida, TvTropes, and Youtube.  If my sense of Humor is warped, you know who to Blame!  ... and knowing is half the Battle, GI Joe! *hums theme song*

yeah...  ::) I also love 80's Era Cartoons, Transformers, GIJoe, Mask, Visionaries, Gargoyles, you name it, i might have seen an episode, and liked it.   ;D


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #311 on: June 29, 2010, 07:02:36 AM »
Hi! My name is Daran C. Grissom.  I'm 31.  I live in Carson City, Nevada. 

I attended, though did not graduate from, the University of Nevada, Reno.  I majored in Anthropology, and minored in History.  I also took a number of courses in Political Science, English and Philosophy.  I still read widely in these fields.

I compulsively reread Herodotus (in trans.)

I found Brandon Sanderson through his work completing the legacy of Robert Jordan, and decided to read his original stuff.  After reading Mistborn I spent several days trying to get anyone who would to read the series.  At one point I pushed the box set into a friends hand and said, "Here, read this, or I'll never speak to you again."  I'm currently reading Elantris.

I'm most definitely a gamer.  I played the Star Wars CCG through High School.  I now enjoy playing Magic on a fairly regular basis.  I play two MMORPG's.  Right now, they are War Craft, and Lord of the Rings Online.  I also enjoy playing Settlers of Cataan, and any variant of Risk ever made.

I have written stories as long as I can remember.  I'm hoping to pick up some tips from the writers in this forum.  Overall, this seems like a good place to e-hang.

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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #312 on: August 20, 2010, 05:19:26 PM »
Hello everyone!! Greetings!!! Ciao!!! Bonjour!!! Did I include every different greeting from various languages? Or did I purposely include one due to blissful ignorance? Oh well, time wasters are naturally equipped with the mode of ignorance and forgetfulness.

Anyways, my real name happens to be Justin. Though in most areas of cyberspace, I'm also aptly titled "fantastyfreak," with the additional "t" in fantasty to make me a nonconformist. Because nearly ever person with an ounce of brain power spells "fantasy" incorrectly for aesthetic reasons.

Enough strange humor, I am an English major and currently attending a private college to attain that degree. Additionally, I'm a book blogger and also an aspiring writing. A writer that is busy working on a novel at the moment. Though with college and book blog related activities, it's nearly impossible to accommodate  writing time.

Besides these things, I'm a fervid Buffy fan, symphonic metal fan (Within Temptation!!!!),bibliophile (fantasty/scifi/ historical fiction mostly), a philosopher, an introvert, and many other wonderful things. I'm glad to make my existence known on here and also to freely express my Mistborn fandom on here.


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #313 on: August 31, 2010, 10:03:32 PM »
I actually wasn't planning to post anywhere but on the Brandon Sanderson forums, but I guess that isn't very polite, so it's time to introduce myself here!

My name is Stephan. I'm 25 years old and live in Heerde, in The Netherlands. Having said that, this would also be the time to point out that my English is pretty awful and excuse myself for all future misunderstandings due to that fact.  ;)

Planning to post on the Brandon Sanderson forums mostly, quite gives away the fact that I love fantasy. Actually, I enjoy reading in general. Mostly fantasy, though, and a Star Wars novel every now and again. Also dreaming of becoming an author in the future. Been busy writing books since I was eight. Though, for now, only for myself and my closest friends to read. Sharpening my skills, working on my creativity.

I'm in my final year of studying Communication & Design and hope to find a job in marketing next year. I also love doing webdesign, which pretty much supports my studies, right now.

For now, that's all the basic info you need to know about me, I guess (man, I hate introductions!  ;D), but I'm sure there's a lot more you'll learn about me in the future, as I'm planning to visit these forums regularly! I'm hoping to have a nice time here, and get to know you guys as well. See you around!


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Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« Reply #314 on: September 01, 2010, 08:50:36 AM »
Hey, my name is Cardon. I live in the amazing state of Hawaii and no it isn't all paradise, we get too much rain for my liking. I am 15, but I will be turning 16 the 18th of September. I love to read books, but my favorite genre is Fantasy. I started out with Terry Brooks when I was about 10 and have loved books every since. I have played the Violin on and off since the 4th grade. I listen to all genres of music but my favorite genres would have to be Hardcore, Hard Trance, Hard House, and Hardstyle.

My family has been going to BYU since it was College not University. My grandparents on my mothers side both teach at a college in Ohio. Well that is all I can really think of that is interesting.