Author Topic: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)  (Read 3802 times)


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Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:05:04 PM »

Ok so I don't know how to hide spoilers on this forum, so if you haven't read all 3 mistborn yet, you probably don't want to read this.

Also I searched a lot of pages on this forum looking to see if somebody had already posted about this, and I didn't see any. If my post is redundant, please forgive me.

Ok so the text before Chapter 36 (page 313) explains that for Hemalugry to work, the spike has to be placed into the right spot. And page 401 shows how Inquisitors became twice as strong at a allomantic skill. Finally before chapter 73 (page 638) sazed explains that that is how vin became able to pierce copperclouds, with her earring counting as a spike. I don't remember any inquisitors having spikes in their ears, so does that mean that there are multiple spots you can put a hemalugry spike and have it have the same effect?


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Re: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 05:50:04 PM »
As I recall, one of the Marsh (controlled by Ruin) viewpoint scenes mentions that there are hundreds of bind points for hemalurgic spikes.  With that many, it seems quite reasonable that a substantial number could be redundant duplicates.


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Re: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2011, 08:18:30 PM »
ok that makes sense, but shouldn't her earring at least not given her very much power? Shouldn't it have leaked its charge all the time she wasn't wearing it in the beginning?


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Re: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2011, 09:11:17 PM »
It may be that once a spike has been implanted, the leaking stops regardless if the wearer actually has it on at the moment.  Since Vin got the spike so quickly after her sisters death, it would make sense that it would be rather powerful.  It might also be that if a spike is removed that the leaking occurs at a much slower pace.  The world may never know. :o


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Re: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2011, 09:20:21 PM »
ok that makes sense, but shouldn't her earring at least not given her very much power? Shouldn't it have leaked its charge all the time she wasn't wearing it in the beginning?

Never thought of that before. My guess is that hemalurgical decay is logarithmic, in that the amount of power lost after being out so long will be minimal. Maybe all hemalurgic spikes will have a certain minimal level of power...

The only other option I could think of would be that if Vin was spike right after her sister, that halted the decay. My thought is, that from a realmantic sense, if hemalurgy moves the victim's "soul" in the spiritual realm and attaches it to the receiver's "soul," maybe that connection will maintain power much better than a free floating spike? Does this make sense to anyone else?


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Re: Hemalugry Questions (SPOILERS)
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 10:39:37 PM »
Yeah, it makes sense.

I think that even if it has been leaking, I think that it doesn't really matter. I think that Vin was such a powerful Allomancer that even if she had an extra 5% of Seeker power, she could pierce Copperclouds.

And I don't know how it works Realmantically with a removable spike. I know that the Koloss resued spikes, but besides that...
“It’s a fun tradition.”
“So was witch-burning,” Melody said.  “Unless you were the witch.”