Author Topic: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)  (Read 4168 times)


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Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« on: September 09, 2010, 03:05:59 PM »
Brandon was here in D.C. last night and gathered a crowd that he called "the largest that he's had since the WoK book release" in Provo.  I was there and thoroughly enjoyed his down-to-earth questions and answers.  He's truly classy in the way that he takes time and interacts with his fans.  There were a few RAFO (read and find out) comments, but most answers were pretty straight up.  He also mentioned that there are some hidden "Easter Eggs" in the WoK maps, but that they probably won't be detectable for 2-3 books down the road.  His goal is to not publish a WoK sequel next year, since he's got to focus on finishing out WoT, but after that, he'll publish the next two WoK in back to back years with future books averaging 2 books every 3 years.

When asked if he was ever going to go back and do the Robert Jordan prequel trilogy, he answered that it was highly doubtful, since they were trying to keep Jordan's works as clean as possible (Brandon is merely completing the work that Jordan already wrote and finished outlining).  If Jordan's widow asked him to do it, he probably would, but that's highly improbable.

I could tell that in the future he may have to limit how much time he spends with each fan...either ask a question OR take a picture...he's still new on the circuit, but he's rapidly going to become so popular that spending full time with everyone will just be too demanding on his schedule (and those that are waiting forever for their turn).  I found it really cool, though, that after the Q&A session that he emphasized that people with physical disabilities and/or small children should go ahead and get in line first, regardless of numbers...he's like Kaladin in caring for his "troops".  Nobody argued and everyone stayed happy about it.

One of my favorite quotes for the night was when someone in line asked him if he ever changes the order of his projects and he said (paraphrasing him here) that there have been times when he's noticed other authors writing books similar to ideas that he's had, but that he's got a unique direction on.  He said he's written those early to get them out first (ties to a quote that's literally on the last couple of pages of WoK, but I won't spoil it for you here).

Brandon also made a point of emphasizing that even if people had brought their own copy of the book, it would be nice if they bought something from the bookstore (didn't have to be his book...could be any book, gift or even a bookmark) to show appreciation for the bookstores making the venues available for these events.

I didn't get to stick around for the Magic game at the hotel, but there were plenty of people headed that way.  Next time I'll plan to stay and watch.  The invitation was wide open to everyone to play in the hotel lobby, and they were giving the hotel address freely as people came through and asked.

As they were going out the door, the bookstore staff was commenting about how much they like the "fantasy/sci-fi" crowd, since they were all so patient and happy (later they said that was compared to the women's book signings and political signings they do there).   I admit it was a great crowd.  I had fun "people watching" as people went through the line.

Anyway...word of advice...if you're going to a signing, take a book with you (that you haven't finished reading) or buy one there, since you'll be waiting a while.  Take Magic cards if you want to stick around afterward and play him (he plays everyone at once...and gives prizes if you beat him...usually hints and secrets).  If you plan to take him something to eat (not expected, but he did appreciated it), make it something that will keep well (such as roast beef or pastrami).  I forgot to take a box of Mac and Cheese, though.  :)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 12:48:56 AM by calvin »
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 03:59:54 PM »
Did anyone video this with intent to put it on youtube? I wanted to go, but the traffic around here is insane at that time of night. I couldn't get off work to go early.

"(later they said that was compared to the women's book signings and political signings they do there)"

This made me think of a possible fan fiction. Loial wrote a romance novel. Some Aes Sedai (probably greens) are in line waiting to have the book signed impatiently. The male bookstore employees are making comments about how annoying they are. The Warders are giving them the evil eye.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 05:41:55 PM by guessingo »


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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, 04:32:47 PM »
I was not able to hang around late enough to have my book signed, unfortunately enough.  With a number in the 200's a zip car reservation that was expiring and knowing that if I missed the Metro, I'd turn into a pumpkin I had to run pretty much right at 10.  Sad.

But I still enjoyed listening to Brandon and crowd watching.  I was sitting in the front while I waited so I could overhear little snippets of some of the back and forth between Branden and the fans.  Also nice, a conversation I had with a guy named Garrett.  We talked for probably the last hour.  Makes me wish I had asked for a way to contact him and continue our conversation, but I've always been just a bit slow at things like that.  He did get his book signed... Branden wished him water and shade, which was quite apt as he's on his way to Afghanistan soon. 

Maybe Brandon will come to DC again when the next Robert Jordan book comes out?  That would be nice... if I'm lucky I'll have a chance to tell Brandon about how I met RJ by bouncing off of him.  Yes, literally.  -Patti


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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 04:58:16 PM »
Thanks for the signing report.  It'd be great if people could do more of these especially with details of questions he answered.  Richard Fife also did a writeup on the raleigh signing:


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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2010, 06:20:16 PM »
I was not able to hang around late enough to have my book signed, unfortunately enough.  With a number in the 200's a zip car reservation that was expiring and knowing that if I missed the Metro, I'd turn into a pumpkin I had to run pretty much right at 10.  Sad.

But I still enjoyed listening to Brandon and crowd watching.  I was sitting in the front while I waited so I could overhear little snippets of some of the back and forth between Branden and the fans.  Also nice, a conversation I had with a guy named Garrett.  We talked for probably the last hour.  Makes me wish I had asked for a way to contact him and continue our conversation, but I've always been just a bit slow at things like that.  He did get his book signed... Branden wished him water and shade, which was quite apt as he's on his way to Afghanistan soon. 

Maybe Brandon will come to DC again when the next Robert Jordan book comes out?  That would be nice... if I'm lucky I'll have a chance to tell Brandon about how I met RJ by bouncing off of him.  Yes, literally.  -Patti

My number was 241 and we finished up right about 1130 (I stayed until the end). 

Good news:  As he was going out the door, he was talking with the bookstore staff and his local "handler" and I overheard him say, "I'll see you in November," so it sounds like he'll be back pretty soon...and at the same location.  From all appearances, that's the bookstore of choice for Fantasy/Sci-Fi signings, while there's another one downtown where most of the political and non-fiction ones are done.

The one thing that I forgot to mention was that I was (even though new) part of the TWG.  Oh, time.

I wanted to record his comments, but by the time I got there, I was pretty much in the back (hence  They had a good sound system, but I didn't have a good view.

Greymalkin/Guessingo, if you're going to the next one, maybe we can prearrange a would be nice to have someone to compare notes with that's on this site. 
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 06:21:55 PM by calvin »
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2010, 06:44:06 PM »
One other thing that I remember Brandon discussing was his writing process.  Someone asked him what his biggest area that he wanted to improve on was.  He said it was his "prose", meaning his flow of words.  He said he (as most authors do) has a tendency to overuse certain words and phrases, so he has a list of them that he checks as he goes along that highlight as he edits so that he can trim them back.  He said he's always trying to pay attention to those words, but they still get in there and he has to go back and weed them down.  From what he said, his list is about 15 words/phrases or so right now.
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2010, 06:56:49 PM »
Take Magic cards if you want to stick around afterward and play him (he plays everyone at once...and gives prizes if you beat him...usually hints and secrets).

Anyone know what kind of deck he plays? Now that there's something on the line, I really want to win.
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2010, 07:31:38 PM »
Take Magic cards if you want to stick around afterward and play him (he plays everyone at once...and gives prizes if you beat him...usually hints and secrets).

Anyone know what kind of deck he plays? Now that there's something on the line, I really want to win.
He plays the Archenemy variant where he takes on all comers at once...

I'm not sure what deck he uses, but as the EUOL, I'm pretty sure he plays from the black aspect....can anyone confirm this?
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2010, 11:18:30 PM »
Take Magic cards if you want to stick around afterward and play him (he plays everyone at once...and gives prizes if you beat him...usually hints and secrets).

Anyone know what kind of deck he plays? Now that there's something on the line, I really want to win.
He plays the Archenemy variant where he takes on all comers at once...

I'm not sure what deck he uses, but as the EUOL, I'm pretty sure he plays from the black aspect....can anyone confirm this?
And... are there any restrictions on playable cards?

I mean, obviously, I'm not gonna bust out Ancestral Recall and Time Walk, but I do use some stuff from old expansions like The Dark and Fallen Empires that I believe were restricted back in the day.
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2010, 12:45:41 AM »
That I don't know...I just learned how to play Magic last night from another fan as we were waiting to get our books signed.   :P
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2010, 02:00:33 AM »
I played Archenemy against Brandon at DragonCon a few times, so I've seen a lot of his deck.  Brandon's Archenemy deck focuses a lot on Eldrazi.  I think he's got all of the legendary Eldrazi (Emrakul, Kozilek, Ulamog, etc.), plus Eye of Ugin, 4 Eldrazi Temples, 4 Cloudposts, 4 All Is Dust (1 of which he got by trading with me at DragonCon ;D), and 4 Not of This World.  I don't remember much of what else he's got, but he has quite a few of the old no-drawback dual lands.

His Archenemy scheme cards include Plots That Span Centuries (get 3 schemes next turn instead of 1), one that gives him an extra turn (but no scheme on the extra turn), Look Skyward And Despair (get a free 5/5 flying dragon), Introductions Are In Order (either play a creature from hand for free or search library for a creature), one that lets him force all opponents to discard one card each of his choice, one that lets him draw 4 extra cards, one that lets him play one card from an opponent's hand free, one that's a combination of getting extra land and drawing extra cards, and one or two others I can't quite remember.

Most of the time he takes a crazy concept and tries to make it work, all without spending too much money.  Specifically for Archenemy, he's building for power and he's putting out some serious cash to get old and rare cards like the dual lands for it.  I don't think he's got any of the Power Nine in the deck yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he adds some of them before too much longer.  He commented that Black Lotus isn't actually that useful in Archenemy format, and he seemed to be drawing quite enough cards already so Ancestral Recall would likely be superfluous, but the Moxes and especially Time Walk would be powerful additions that he might spring for.


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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 02:30:07 AM »
I played against that deck after the Barnes and Noble signing on the 1st.  He calls the deck "Cthullu to the face".  It was pretty awesome just how badly he owned us.
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2010, 03:46:19 AM »
Well, I haven't played since Kamigawa came out, so I'm sure there will be surprises waiting for me when he pulls out stuff from this Eldrazi set.

That being said, my hope is that my discard deck can keep him locked down long enough for my teammates (whoever they are) to finish him off.

I'm just worried that I'll make an enemy of him. People don't mind losing Magic, usually, but they get touchy when you make them discard stuff at random, instead of cards they choose.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 04:12:17 AM by Munin »
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2010, 07:24:46 AM »
Brandon likes creative decks, where you have some kind of cool way to do things, rather than decks that are any good at tournaments.
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Re: Brandon's D.C. Signing (Sep 8)
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2010, 07:37:05 AM »
I played Archenemy against Brandon at DragonCon a few times, so I've seen a lot of his deck.  Brandon's Archenemy deck focuses a lot on Eldrazi.  I think he's got all of the legendary Eldrazi (Emrakul, Kozilek, Ulamog, etc.), plus Eye of Ugin, 4 Eldrazi Temples, 4 Cloudposts, 4 All Is Dust (1 of which he got by trading with me at DragonCon ;D), and 4 Not of This World.  I don't remember much of what else he's got, but he has quite a few of the old no-drawback dual lands.

This is pretty much what he played against us tonight in Chicago. And just obliterated us with it. He is now 8-0 with this Archenemy deck.

That 15/15 flyer that has protection from every color and destroys 6 permanents is game over. It's what killed me.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 07:39:17 AM by Hobbun »