Author Topic: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...  (Read 10203 times)

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2009, 04:33:23 AM »
I miss that big annoying voice.... if he is reincarnated shoot me.

P.S. You may ignore this post as it was a public service anouncement
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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 07:09:54 AM »
Mazrim Taim and the Black Tower gains instant online popularity for creating a webservice that, for a small fee, will have an asha'man cast a spell and stab someone in the face through the internet.  Trolls have finally met their match!

At first I was like   ???
but then I was like   :o
and now I'm like LOL  :D


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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 08:14:33 AM »
This week on Tool Academy, one couple has a breakthrough in Therapy when Tuon admits she misses the romance they had when Mat carried her off.  Later, one girlfriend goes crazy in the Girls' House when she believes another Tool's girlfriend has designs on her boyfriend.  And when Rand has to decide which of his three girlfriends he takes with him on his date, will he do the right thing, or is he just a Tool?


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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2009, 09:57:13 AM »
"It was horrible! They were everywhere! And unlike normal soldiers, who are usually bright and clever and fun to be around, these so-called Heroes of the Horn with their beady little eyes and sharp teeth, bore down on us like fierce sharks in a feeding frenzy of blood!"

+10 for obscure references to midget pirates. ;D
Eerongal made off with my Fluffy Puff confections.


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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2009, 03:04:07 AM »
Attn: All Hands
Re: Religious Discrimination

Due to the recent passage of the Tar Valon Fair Employment Act, the White Tower can no longer continue to discriminate against any Sister based solely on her creed. Therefore, effective immediately, we formally recognize the existence of the Black Ajah and grant it full and equal standing in the Hall of the Tower. Any Aes Sedai who declares for the Black is not to be persecuted.

Let us welcome our sisters of minority religious persuasion into the fold. Together, we shall again control the world.

Elaida a'Rohan
Watcher Over the Seals
The Flame of Tar Valon
The Amyrlin Seat

...I'm a dork. :o

I love this!! LOL too funny! :D


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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2009, 11:05:11 AM »
I believe I saw one good one on wotmania that noted that Brown Ajah sisters would become internet addicted slobs.

Some of mine:

Whitecloaks form internet communities claiming that darkfriends were behind 9/11
Rumors fly that Obama was born in Shayol Ghul.
Rand in anger management therapy.
Mat, Min, Thom and Faile arrested on multiple counts of concealed weaponry.
Two Rivers Tabac is required to have a warning label alerting smoker that Tabac is a known cancer causing compound.
Tinkers are constantly arrested for vagrancy, loitering and trespassing.
Semirhage works at the IRS.
Gorram Frakking Woolhead!


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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2009, 10:02:15 PM »
Yesterday at the signing, Brandon answered this question: Where do you think Rand would stand on healthcare reform?

"He would find out which forsake is running these insurance companies, and he would balefire them. And then he would let Elayne clean up the mess and take care of the actual governing."
Hero of Ages: Impressive Regality Over Niceness, Y'all
좋아! This time with more ecstatic! 좋네!!! I'll say it again in french! Trois fois voiture!!! Ça va. C'est vrai. C'est bien.
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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2009, 01:14:20 AM »
Lol... amen!
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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2009, 03:26:28 PM »
Yesterday at the signing, Brandon answered this question: Where do you think Rand would stand on healthcare reform?

"He would find out which forsake is running these insurance companies, and he would balefire them. And then he would let Elayne clean up the mess and take care of the actual governing."

Haha, Awsome!
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Re: If the Wheel of Time were set in our day...
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2011, 05:32:57 PM »
Todays headline: Ringling brothers, Barnum, Bailey, and  Luca's Circus is proud to present The Greatest Gleeman alive: Thom Merrilin in his sellout show.