Author Topic: Making a mistcloak!  (Read 7465 times)


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Making a mistcloak!
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:45:26 AM »
Hey all! First time poster, new fan (and I have managed to push Elantris and the Mistborn books on several of my friends already), etc., working on my second re-read on my commute to campus. :P
I <3 universes with well-thought-out magic systems, oh so much. Comes from my background as a LARPer, I guess. 

Anyway, I'm in the process of making a mistcloak (see . I, uh, may or may not be going completely overboard.  At least I'm not taking the metalworking class because of this project... although don't put it past me.)  Because, see, some fans write fanfic, others do art... I make costumes.  And write LARPs (well... I try to.  We'll see if the Malazan game ever gets off the ground.  We're still working out mechanics.)  So from the minute I saw the description of a mistcloak, I absolutely had to make one, because I love the books and the costume concept is just that cool.

And I have one burning question.

Where do the tassels go?

For the life of me, I cannot figure out where they should be.  Wouldn't they be too heavy to attach to the strips of fabric?  Unless they were on the very bottom layer.

Ideas?  I'd also be thrilled if anyone has suggestions on edge finishes. I'm still stuck on that, too.


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 04:57:44 AM »
Two suggestions:

1: search the forums for mistcloak.  Nessa made one for someone back when FE came out (possably before) and has posted pics.  (edit: here's a link to the topic with her mistcloak:
2: Check the fanart page around November.  I posted some pics of a mistcloak I made.  If you want more details about how/why pm me. (edit: direct link:
3: A lot of people want to do one based on inkthinker's art.  Again, check the fanart page, or else I know he's on devart if you want to check out his stuff there. (edit: link to the latest version of Vin on devart.  (a lot easier to find then on the fanart page.  We need to get all of those compiled into one place.)

Also, I checked out your blog, and while I am really proud of mine (and for good reason.  I figured it out once, and with all the work I put into it I'm figuring it took me about 60+ hours to make), you're is going to kick butt.  I might have to hire you to make me one...

Also, another bit that you might find useful (read: you'd better.  It took forever to find this again!)

A mistcloak would be hard to get right.  I've seen several people try, and they never quite feel right to me.  Maybe they are one of those things that work in my imagination, but might not work in the real world.

What I would be looking for is something enveloping, something grand, yet also much more light-weight than most of the ones that people have made.  I know that Vin describes hers as heavy, but that's all relative.

But here's my best answer to your questions:

Colors:  All the same shade of dark, charcoal gray.
How wide are the strips:  Between a half an inch and an inch wide.
Material:  Cotton, perhaps.  Lighter than canvas or wool, for certain. However, I do imagine each tassel being sewn individually, perhaps with a thicker back and an inside that is of something softer and lightweight.
Are all the tassels the same length:  No, but close.  Within an inch or two of one another.
Do they drag:  No.  They're cut so that they obscure the feet, but don't drag.
How many layers of tassels:  1 and a half.

The real trick, I think, to making one work would be to, in my opinion, make a cloak which looks cool on its own.  Then, slit the bottom 2/3rds up to about the rib-cage area.  Sew these into tassels, then sew some more tassels to the inside.  Then, perhaps work with the shoulders/inner layers to make the cloak fall down so that it looks enveloping and the sides can fall straight.

Does that help?



(snipped for flow purposes.)

    Mr. Sanderson,

        What exactly are the specifications to make a mistcloak? From the book I can gather that they're long strips of material sewn together across the shoulders, chest, and top hem, and that they're made to blend in with the mists.     But what color(s) exactly are they? Some parts of the book mention black while others deem it gray. Are the colors mixed? If so, are they mixed in any particular fashion, or just randomly on a tassel by tassel basis?
        Is there any particular material the cloak is made out of? How wide and/or tall are each of the strips? Are all the tassels a uniform length/width? How many layers deep is a mistcloak? Should some of the tassels drag on the ground, rest on it, or they all float around?
        I know it's a somewhat odd group of questions, but any additional information you can provide me with will be of much help, and that information like this combined with a trip to the local fabric store and some tedious sewing will net me this year's coolest Halloween costume.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 05:32:40 AM by firstRainbowRose »
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 06:17:14 AM »
As far as I could tell from reading the books, Brandon just sometimes calls the streamers tassels. Or the streamers could just split as they got close to the bottom. Despite not seeing inkthinker's art until after I made what I did of my cloak, it's fairly close to his interpretation, but more complex as far as the streamers go.

I read your bloggy posts. Do you think that silk will be too heavy for the streamers? It seems like it would be ideal for the main body of the cloak if you can get it to behave properly (IOW if it's tailored tightly and well enough). How many layers of streamers are you planning? I was planning on something like 12-20, but I ran out of fabric (I bought 4 yards of fabric, and was almost out after two rows). I wore my cloak for Halloween last year and properly freaked some people out just standing there. I have no idea why. Maybe the floaty tassels were unnatural looking.

My cloak 's base "coif" piece (as in the piece of mail armor) was made of a high density felt. This was quite hot, but allowed all kinds of holes to be poked in it without losing strength as well as holding a decent amount of weight without distortion. The streamers/tassels were navy and black organza. I thought that the mix would look good for mists, and I even bought a silvery color to add to it, but the black was plenty grey alone, as organza's kinda shiny and transparent. I cut strips between 1/2"-1" and sewed them in rows.

The problems with organza were twofold. 1) Organza is very loose and flimsy. When a strip was stepped on, it would rip wherever it decided. 2) As the evening wore on, the edges of my cuts caught on each other more and more.

If I were making the cloak today with the knowledge I have now, I would go with black 1" unwired organza ribbon (like this) for the strips (it comes with a clean edge, so less catching would occur) and either a super-fine silk or fine but lightweight felt coif. If I had infinite time, I would forgo the coif and make the cloak completely out of strips (as I think Brandon described the cloaks in the books). Dark grey organza is, unfortunately, impossible to find. :-\

Do you cats know if there's something a little stronger and smoother than organza, but still lightweight enough to still keep the cloak light when used in massive quantities (20-30 yards)? I really need to make a proper cloak one of these days.
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 06:24:16 AM »
You have provided me with the Word of God on mistcloaks! Awesomesauce.  Saving that right now.

Although I think I will have to modify that somewhat to get it to flow right, which in my mind is the most important bit.  It does sound like starting with a heavier layer on the inside working toward a lighter layer on the outside would help give it the right sort of ... majestic? drape.  I'm not sure I can accomplish that in 1.5 layers, though, not with 1" strips of fabric. Hmmm.  (I love this kind of problem.) Well, that's why I got a yard of each weight to experiment with.  And silk is great for getting a luxurious rich drape without lots and lots of weight.  Actually, with silk I miiiight be able to get away with fewer layers. We will see.  Tomorrow I will find my rotary cutter and get to work on that.  

So... I'm confused about the difference between the "tassels" and the strips of fabric.   Are they the same?

Heh, now that people might actually be reading my blog, I have to get things done. (Woo motivation.)  

I should be honest and also post the series of failures I've experienced while trying to carve the !!$@!#$ cloak clasps, starting with my unexpected discovery that standard white copy paper burns in the oven and going from there.  (It's still cool enough to be worth sitting down and spending several hours carving little pieces of wax with teeny tiny tools.  I've been watching Mythbusters while working on it, and it's rather terrifyingly inspirational.  It's certainly motivated me to get off my behind and take advantage of my last term and cross-register for some metalworking classes, in any case.)  

I have to say, though, for any cloak but this one (I'm going to be far too attached to it to stab it with *anything*), some of the allomantic symbols would make wonderful cloak pins  - you know, this type. (image picked at random from the internets).  Incidentally, is there any significance to what look suspiciously like spikes in the allomancy symbols, or do they just look cool?

btw, firstRainbowRose: I suspect this is one of those projects that I will only ever want to do once.  Kind of like the wings on my blog. Those took me at least 50 hours (including convincing all my friends that helping me paint them was what they wanted to be doing during finals week... I brought a box of cookies and declared it a party. I still can't believe that worked.) and you have no idea how much you'd have to pay me to make those again.  Although with sufficient incentive... ;)


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 06:29:46 AM »
Yeah, dream on.  I don't have any money right now.  (Sadly, my dad gave me $20 today for helping him with a project and my first thought was "oo!  what bills can I pay?")

As for tassle vs streamers, they're the same thing.  (At least I think so.  He said my cloak looked pretty good)

And I totally agree about the cloak pins.  You should e-mail bandi (or whatever the company name is) and suggest it to them.  I know I plan on it (That is, unless you'd rather I didn't...)  (More then one person=them honestly thinking about it)
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 06:32:47 AM »
Oh, my clasp was weaksauce. I just had three or four ties down the front....

Badali is the word you're looking for, I believe.
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 06:37:45 AM »
Hmm. IMO, organza is too stiff to drape correctly for this, but I haven't worked with it much - it may behave very differently in larger quantities.  The 8mm silk I'm using for the outer layer is feather-light; if all goes according to plan, that will account for the "curling in the mist" bit, while the heavier inner weights give it a good drape and structure.  That way you also don't have to use eleventy billion layers to get a solid-feeling garment.  ...That's the theory, anyway.

Yeah... the edges catching on each other is something I'm trying to figure out how to avoid. That's why I'm still agonizing over how to finish the edges of the strips. :-/  I'm also terrified that strips narrower than ~2" will just get hopelessly tangled.

As for how many layers of streamers? No clue.  We'll see what it looks like when I start chopping it up and basting it together. (I promise I'll take pictures!)

Dark gray organza?  You can get all sorts of nice dyeable fabric from  If you're at all interested in dyeing your own, I highly recommend getting their full swatch set.  It's plenty useful just as a reference for moments of "Hm. I want to make this thing. What do I want to make it out of? *gropes swatch set until I come across something that feels right*" is also useful - if you're looking for something very, very specific, they're hit-or-miss, but they have cheap swatches.  I get most of my fabric from the internet these days when I'm looking for something specific.

I think I'm going to try making this without a coif.  If I need to, I can baste it all onto a stabilizer layer and remove it later.  I have no idea what I'm going to do about the hood, though.  I suppose I could just quilt the leftovers together to make a solid "fabric" and make the hood from that. Or something.  I haven't sorted that out yet.  (I'm totally making this up as I go along. Wheeeee...)


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 06:42:51 AM »
Ooh, they're the people who make all the Elantris/Mistborn jewelry? Nice. 

Although if I get bored (term's starting in two weeks. ahahaha yeah right. undergrad thesis, database engineering class, as many SMFA classes as I can squeeze in, some random humanities course, a job, weekend LARPing, and entering a programming competition so that I can go to a UI design conference ...) and I feel more confident in my metalworking skills, I may try to make one myself.  ("try" being the operative word there...)


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 06:47:37 AM »
I may have overlooked silk because of cost, but I'll take a look at some lightweight silks when I get some time to hit up the local sewing scene.

What is that material that is used in dress pant linings? That could work.

I really think that ribbons is the only way that it will be possible to get no sticking between tassels. Unfortunately, some materials are impossible to find ribbons in.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 06:49:22 AM by sortitus »
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2009, 07:10:47 AM »
I think no matter what you do, you're going to have the tassles tangle.  It's just a fact of the cloak.

As for edging, what I did (and I don't advise you do it) was took and litrally melted the edges of each of the tassles (streamser, whatever you want to call them).  A lot of people thought it looked cool, but it was a pain in the butt to do.
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2009, 03:51:05 PM »
Hmm. That's a good reason for using synthetics, actually.  I hear that dyeing synthetics (other than rayon [which does an amazing silk imitation.  ftr, "bamboo" fiber and fabric are actually rayon, but the source material is bamboo, instead of trees.] and nylon, which dye like plant fibers, but unfortunately don't melt nicely) is a pain, though.   

This project is one of those that will probably take me a few months of off-and-on work - it's not for any particular purpose, so I can take the time to really get it right.  If this involves hand-finishing a couple hundred edges... sigh. I guess I'm doing it.  (A lot of times I'll find something to watch while I'm working on tedious stuff, though.  I've got a pile of anime on the queue.)

...just read the other mistcloak thread. *facepalm* I totally failed to remember that metal on mistborn clothes = bad.  It's still worth casting these, because it's still just that cool an idea, but maybe I'll try my hand at wood-carving again.  Hopefully this time with less stabbing myself (I have one of these:  but I continually forget to use it).  There's a nice woodworking store down the street from me; maybe they have something nice.  Ebony, maybe?  Although super hard woods may be beyond my current skill level.  I don't really have the tools, which is irritating. Maybe I'll go renew my hobby shop membership.


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2009, 11:23:16 PM »
Oh, one thing I was wondering - sortitus, do you have pictures? If your cloak was actually doing cool tendril-y things, then I may be totally wrong about organza.  I'd be interested in seeing how yours came out.

-menandore, who is rediscovering her hatred for satin (even with a rotary cutter, you can't cut it even close to straight. I hate my life.)


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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2009, 12:34:18 AM »
I'll try to find it. I don't have any pictures of it, as I was going to hold off until it was finished.
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2009, 01:04:36 AM »
Not sure if this is excactly what you're looking for: When i went to the release/book signing of Hero, some one there had one that simply went around her waist.

From my viewpoint, it seemed simple enough.  the mist "tendrils" were just pieces of thin cloth that were; Black, Charcoal, and Gray. probably a half an inch each, and became slimmer as it went down. she must have had over 400 of those on that... Anyway it was a simplified version of what you probably want to make, but just for some ideas i thought it may help.
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Re: Making a mistcloak!
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2009, 06:55:03 AM »
Did you go to the offical release party Randomness, or did you go to another one?
"The custom of royalty in referring to oneself is to naturally employ the royal 'we'.  We are very happy, we are very sad, we are bored and suffer from ennui.  For a royal prince there's no such word as 'me', It's always 'we'.  So rightfully I should be two or three, don't you agree?"