Author Topic: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger  (Read 5872 times)


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Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:57:15 PM »

Due to a court ruling, google was required to give up the identity of a blogger who called a model a "skank".

Does this seem like a violation of free speech to anyone else?
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 03:30:40 PM »
Well, to be fair, she wasn't just calling the woman a skank.  The person also said the model was over 40 (she's not) and spread a lot of other damaging misinformation, and did it in a public place.  Free speech is protected only up to a point.  For public figures, it is protected even less.  The blogger was making money of her site, so again, the protection is reduced.  Also, when free speech starts harming other people, well, the law doesn't give it as much shielding.

P.S. I think your link is broken.  Try this one
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 03:37:50 PM by Recovering_Cynic »
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 03:51:08 PM »
Well, to be fair, she wasn't just calling the woman a skank.  The person also said the model was over 40 (she's not) and spread a lot of other damaging misinformation, and did it in a public place.  Free speech is protected only up to a point.  For public figures, it is protected even less.  The blogger was making money of her site, so again, the protection is reduced.  Also, when free speech starts harming other people, well, the law doesn't give it as much shielding.

P.S. I think your link is broken.  Try this one

Really? I just clicked the link and it loaded just fine for me.

also: What specifically was said was as follows:

I would have to say that the first place award for "Skankiest in NYC" would have to go to Liskula Gentile Cohen. How old is this skank? 40 something? She's a psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank. Yeah she may have been hot 10 years ago, but is it really attractive to watch this old hag straddle dudes in a nightclub or lounge? Desperation seeps from her soul, if she even has one.

Most of that is very obviously personal opinion. The quote about being over 40 appears to have been a guess (kinda close, she's in her late 30's. 37 to be exact)

Also: apparently the blog only had 5 posts. For some reason I kinda doubt the blogger was being paid to do so, though I could be wrong. (Not many bloggers get paid. Some do, though.)
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 04:08:31 PM »
Er... calling someone "psychotic, lying, and whoring" and saying she straddles dudes at night clubs appears to be an assertion of facts as well, and not very pleasant ones.

While it is true that some of what was said was personal opinion, it was personal opinion which aimed at damaging the reputation of another.  The law isn't going to protect that when it's said in a public forum.  If the blogger had said this in her ubber-secret, private blog that is password protected and only her mom can read it, well, then yeah, that would be protected.  This wasn't however.  This was posted on a website caleld "Skanks of New York" that not only was open to the public, but the public was expressly invited to read it.

In the same sense that shouting "fire" in a movie theater is not protected free speech, other words in public forums that can and will cause harm other people are not protected.
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2009, 04:43:55 PM »
Er... calling someone "psychotic, lying, and whoring" and saying she straddles dudes at night clubs appears to be an assertion of facts as well, and not very pleasant ones.

While it is true that some of what was said was personal opinion, it was personal opinion which aimed at damaging the reputation of another.  The law isn't going to protect that when it's said in a public forum.  If the blogger had said this in her ubber-secret, private blog that is password protected and only her mom can read it, well, then yeah, that would be protected.  This wasn't however.  This was posted on a website caleld "Skanks of New York" that not only was open to the public, but the public was expressly invited to read it.

without her citing any form of information, these are EASILY opinion.

"Psychotic?" Without her stating she has some for of mental handicap or illness, saying she's psychotic only means that this person in particular thinks she's crazy, which everyone has different definitions of what qualifies as crazy.

"Lying?" She didn't claim any specific thing she said was a lie. She may have lied about something, maybe not. Maybe something the blogger precieved as a lie may not have been so. Maybe the blogger doesn't trust her word, and classifies her as "lying" as a general thing, despite the fact that everything she says cannot possibly be a lie.

"Whore?" This is definately a matter of opinion. What classifies as a whore to one person won't to another, as there is not "standard" definition of a whore. Sleeping with one person may make you a "whore" in someone's eyes, but not in others.

"Straddles dudes at night clubs" could possibly be percieved as a factual statement, though I would be hard pressed to believe a model claiming she has never done this, personally.

As this is all opinion without citing/claiming some particulars, it falls underThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights statement (From the UN) that states:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"

In the same sense that shouting "fire" in a movie theater is not protected free speech, other words in public forums that can and will cause harm other people are not protected.

No it isn't. Yelling "fire" in a movie theater is not allowed because it is defined as "Imminent lawless action", which is defined as anything that presents "clear and present danger".  Unless it puts someone (in this case, the model.) in some form of percieved dangerous situation, it is nothing like this.
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 05:22:02 PM »
Ah, see, now you've gone and done it.  Now I have to get all lawyerly on you. 


Apologies to anyone reading this post.

You cite to the United Nations Declaration.  That's all well and good.  It's a great document, with great goals.

It is not the controlling law in New York.   In the state of New York (where all this happened), the law states that certain types of speech are considered defamation under any circumstances as long as they cause damages to the person.  Defamation is not protected speech, and you can be sued for it.  Here are the types of speech automatically considered defamation in the state of New York: “statements (i) charging plaintiff with a serious crime; (ii) that tend to injure another in his or her trade, business or profession; (iii) that plaintiff has a loathsome disease, or (iv) imputing unchastity to a woman ...”  It doesn't matter whether it's opinion or not, it's still defamation.  If you want a case citation for the above, look up Andrews v. Hansford Mfg. Corp., 2002 WL 193139 (N.Y.Sup., 2002.) on the Westlaw legal database (but be prepared to pay a small fee unless you own a subscription).

Alright, so I'm no expert on defamation law--I work for a judge who handles mostly criminal cases and social security appeals--but it really doesn't take an expert to see that this blogger hit two of the categories.  Alleging that a supermodel is a "forty something" can't help her career.  Even if she isn't forty-something, the fact that she looks it is not going to help her get her next modeling gig.  So not only is it defamation per se, it also harms her financialy, which means she can prove damages, which means she can sue, and also means she will probably win.  To be able to sue, first she has to know the identity of the individual, and for that to happen, Google has to reveal it.  Bang, there you go, no violation of First Amendment because Google outed the blogger.

Furthermore, she called the model a whore, so you have the whole "imputing unchastity to a woman" thing.  While this may or may not have caused damages this day and age (I don't know the girl, so I won't judge, but I do know quite a few women who's lives would be damaged quite a bit by being blasted as a whore by a complete stranger on the internet), it is still defamation per se under the law. 

Now, there are defenses to defamation, cases where saying all those nasty things won't make you liable to suit, but that is a matter to be settled in court, but before you get to court, well, you have to know the identity of the blogger.  Which is what happened.  It may very well end up that this was protected First Amendment speech, but that's something that will be settled in court.

Basically, you can't throw rocks at people from the bushes and expect to remain anonymous.
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 05:36:39 PM »
Ah, see, now you've gone and done it.  Now I have to get all lawyerly on you. 
Basically, you can't throw rocks at people from the bushes and expect to remain anonymous.

While I have to conceed that your experience in this matter may be higher than mine (i'm under the assumption that you are a lawyer from the previous statements), and I certainly conceed that I don't know NEW YORK law, i *DO* know that the 1964 case New York Times Co. v. Sullivan set a precendence that public figures could win a libel suit only if they could demonstrate the publisher's "knowledge that the information was false". Given that there's no actual facts that can be disproved, i don't foresee suing being accomplished.

also: I have to say at this juncture, thanks for remaining civil. It's not usually an issue around here, but i always feel it needs to be said on the interwebs when a debate remains civil.
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 06:21:35 PM »
No problem :)  I like civil debates, hence the reason I'm an attorney.

First, accusation of "straddl[ing] dudes in a night clubs" is an assertion of fact, so, yeah, she has a case on just that, but first she'd have to know the identity of the blogger so she could show that the blogger had accompanied her to nightclubs and therefore would know if she had/had not straddled dudes.  So once more, Google has to out the blogger's identity.

Now, you also opened the whole "public figure" can of worms, or what is known as the "fair comment privilege", which begs the question, is a model considered a public figure?  Well, a public figure is someone "in whom the public has a continuing interest" and who also invites public comment  American Jurisprudence, Libel, Section 87.   So yes, if she put herself out there, engaged in interviews, wanted the media to scrutinize her life, well then she's a public figure and has to prove the facts.  But, of course, you'd have to prove that by slogging through old internet news articles, because all of the new stuff is about the whole defamation/libel issue.  Have fun with that if you really want to dig at it.  Of course, that doesn't negate the fact that actual facts were stated, so she gets to know who the blogger was regardless so she can verify whether the blogger knew the facts to be false.

Moving on.  The case was actually tried under the new cyber bullying law... which I don't have time to look up right now, but I know it makes bloggers more subject to suit/prosecution.  Anyway, I'll bring that one up if you want another round   ;D
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2009, 07:00:04 PM »
Moving on.  The case was actually tried under the new cyber bullying law... which I don't have time to look up right now, but I know it makes bloggers more subject to suit/prosecution.  Anyway, I'll bring that one up if you want another round   ;D

I'm pretty sure the specific cyber bullying laws differ by state, but don't they only apply to misleading/leading on individuals and/or trying to jepordize their personal affairs (i.e. posting their personal information on a public forum)?

I have to admit that I honestly don't know a whole lot about the new cyber bullying stuff that's been getting put into action (though I do know my state is currently pretty hardcore into it. I live in missori :P)
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2009, 08:22:06 PM »
Yeah, they just had a big case go down in Missouri, right?  The girl committed suicide after another girl's mom said/did some nasty things?  Yeah, read about that one.  What part of Missouri?  I used to live in Springfield once upon a time.
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2009, 08:30:04 PM »
Yeah, they just had a big case go down in Missouri, right?  The girl committed suicide after another girl's mom said/did some nasty things?  Yeah, read about that one.  What part of Missouri?  I used to live in Springfield once upon a time.

Yeah, her mom pretended to be some guy interested in her on like myspace or something. There was also an arrest within the past week (in newspaper on tuesday or so) under cyber bullying laws, this last one, the woman posted a picture and info of some teenage girl she didn't like in the "casual encounters" section of craig's list.

I live up in o'fallon (missouri, obviously, not illinois). It's like right outside of st. louis ('bout 20 minutes or so), right next to st. charles.

edit: also - both of these cases were like right in my backyard, so to speak. Both cases had the person out of st. charles, i believe.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 08:33:18 PM by Eerongal »
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2009, 08:40:50 PM »
For me personally, I feel that these sort of cases are a step in the right direction.  All they are really doing is making internet speech regulation similar to everyday interaction.  For the longest time, because the internet was so anonymous and new, people could get away with things (i.e. defamation or otherwise messing with people's lives) that they couldn't otherwise do in other established media outlets.  Well, now they can't.  Personally, I think that's a good thing; I mean, seriously, have you read some of the flame threads out there?  I can't stand to read the comments on Fox News or CNN because people are always spewing hatred of one form or another.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not sue happy.  In fact, I think the world would be a much better place if everyone let the little stuff slide and tried to settle the big stuff outside of court, but on the other hand, people can and will run wild if there is no threat of repercussions.

/gets down off soap box
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2009, 09:58:31 PM »
I was going to post a rant, but then I saw lawyery stuff(... is that a word?  Well.. It is now..,) and well, I got scared.  So, here is a not long not ranty post. :)

I watch the Daily Show and Colbert mostly every night and the stuff they show from FOX is about as bad as the blog.  They're calling people traitors, lunitics, idiots, etc.  As a Staff Sgt (sep) from the U.S. Air Force, I would be pissed if some guy called me a traitor on primetime tv because he didn't agree with my point of view.  Despite this, they do it almost nightly (and go to the point of actually making accusations about our president being a traitor himself!) but nothing ever happens from it.

While I agree that this stuff should stop, it just goes to show how messed up things are here.  They're going after some unknown blogger because the person suing has more money... but there is no way they'll go against a big corp and their army of lawyers.

Blah... sound too ranty?

« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 11:13:51 PM by stridera »
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2009, 10:11:26 PM »
Er... not too ranty, but I'm having trouble following you.  You are upset that a celebrity will go after a blogger for defamation, but that nobody will go after Fox News?  Or did I miss your point?
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Re: Google forced to reveal identity of blogger
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2009, 10:20:08 PM »
I believe that that is what he's saying.  Because little people have little protection, they are more susceptible to legal bullying.
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