Author Topic: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books  (Read 79218 times)


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2009, 03:21:55 AM »
Dunno. But all the other gods have only two colors, but giving yellow and orange (and gold) to Mercystar makes three.

More typos!

P. 307: Siri shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet. My people teach strongly against it. They’re not fond of the way that Hallandren understand religion.”

Hallandren understands? Hallandrens understand?

P. 317: “Hum,” she said, smiling and siding up to him.

Should that be sidling?

P. 342: He was much really younger than he wanted to appear.

Strike that; reverse it.

P. 344: In other lands, one found parries and steppes, mountains and deserts.

Apparently, one finds many sword fights on the steppes. :P

P. 359: Of one thing remained firm. She was going to learn how to Awaken.

Missing a "she" between "thing" and "remained".

P. 366: Theses stories are ridiculous and unfounded.

P.376: “Ropes,” she said. “Untie yourself.”

I'm not a grammarian, but I think the plurality of those two phrases should agree.

P.383: She rushed out onto the street, now lit by the dawn light filling into the city, and ducked down an alleyway.

The sentence makes a kind of sense, but it also makes no sense at all. How does light "fill into" a city? This may not actually be an error, but it looked like one to me.

Edit 2:
P.394: There was a wall front of her. A dead end.

Missing an "in".

P.400: Perhaps we could shorten it to simple Lightsong!

Missing an "a".

P.411: The massive black temple of a palace loomed above them, sheer ebony blocks stacked like the play-things of gigantic child.

Gigantic Child sounds like a good superhero name.

P.412: Siri was an emotional person, and people had been able to read her regardless her hair,...

Missing an "of".

P.414: If they assumed that she thought Susebron a fool, they wouldn’t suspect an conspiracy between her and her husband.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 06:27:14 AM by ryos »
Eerongal made off with my Fluffy Puff confections.

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2009, 07:32:26 PM »
This is good stuff, ryos.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2009, 08:31:03 PM »
Heh. Glad you like it, 'cause I keep finding more. :)

P.422: As long as he asked them to something other than what Allmother had explicitly forbidden, they had to obey.

I think that should be "to do something".

P.435: However, she could see signs that some of what he had told her were true.

I think the "were" is referring to what he told her, not the signs, and as such should be a "was" instead. (Wasing the refer of what?)

P.441: If you make peace with Hallandren, I will insure that you are seen as heroes back in our homeland.


P.446: A young boy is given it by his grandfather, and it turns out the sword was a heirloom

P.476.4: Vivenna's awakened cloth is referred to as a rope.

P.477: Well?” she asked.

Missing open quote.

P.480: “Coins?” Vivenna asked. “When Tonk Fah hit the horse, it knocked a chest off the top. It was filled with gold.”

It was actually Clod who hit the horse. (On page 259. Thank you, PDF search.)

Edit 2:
P.494: “I’ve long sought to be the most notoriously laziest of the gods,

P.501: Towards the bottom, something Vasher says is attributed to Lightsong.

P.551: “How many of my people would you sacrifice, if it would mean the freedom for yours?”

Edit 3:
P.559: One of his sets of clothing fell, the leg cut off by soldier’s clever strike.

By a soldier's...

P.567: Little Wilson caught the lightning one, but there is another: Blushweaver’s body lay red and bloodied. He’d seen
that it in a vision.

P.583: I think you’ll find the phantoms of mine to be... very effective.

Should be "those phantoms"...I think.

Rejoice, for I have finished the book, and my typo reports are at an end!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 04:18:51 AM by ryos »
Eerongal made off with my Fluffy Puff confections.

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2009, 04:53:54 PM »
Prologue, page 15 (which, oddly, is the first page): "...he could see the three guards open his large duffel and riffle [sic] through his possessions." 

Should be "rifle."

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2009, 09:16:33 PM »

p. 123:  copiously unattended by either the bride or groom--I suppose this might make sense, but is it maybe supposed to be conspicuously?

I also remember something like "barely downhill," or perhaps "barely down a hill," that I thought might be barreling, but now I can't find it. 
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2009, 11:17:59 PM »
Ooh, I just noticed this thread and will add my notes.  I'll try to delete the redundant ones.  The page numbers are from the digitally downloaded first edition:

p.22, pp.4, s. 4 "though" should be through
p.65, pp.8, s.4: all (the) times
p.66, pp.6: "If" should be since?
p.66, pp.5, last s.: "but (he) knew"
p.84, pp.11: "drive him (to)"
p. 92, complete pp.3, s.2 : confusing
p.96, pp. 9, s.3: "with (the) same"
p. 130, pp.6, s.3: "barely" should be barreling
p.208, pp.2, s.4: "rapped" should be wrapped
p.258, pp.2, s.1: "clinching" should be clenching?
p.271, pp.5, s.3: "know" should be known
p.329, cpp.6, s.4: "want" should be wants
p. 358, bottom pp's: Why does Parlin ask about Jewels' well-being when he has just seen/greeted her?
p.359, pp.12, s.1: "Of one thing" should be One thing
p.394, cpp.4, s.1: "surprised at the speed (of) her own . . ."
p.402, pp.3, s.1: needs a comma between "bowed" and "then"
p.409, pp.4, s.3: ""She'd learned that (the) second day."
p.412, pp.4, s.3: "regardless (of?) her hair"
p.414, pp.3, s.1: comma after "Well"
p.422, pp.8, s.4: "As long as he asked them to (do) something . . ."
p.489, (top) s.1: comma between "gates" and "then
                      s.2: no "and" needed
p.516, cpp 9, s.4: unnecessary word: "under"?
p.518, pp. 4, s.5: too many "if"s

It might be too late for this, but I wish Brandon had not made the fact that Vivenna noted Jewels' security phrase for Clod so obvious by restating it.  The first hint of that (p. 353) was enough for me and made me feel somewhat quick for picking it up. Much better-done than RJ's sometimes too-oblique hints, I think.  The second (p. 358) ruined that feeling, making it much too obvious.  = ]


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2009, 05:46:32 AM »
Mistborn: The Final Empire

Hardback- 1st edition

90-10 ... Strength flooded his legs, and he flared his steel as well, Pulling against the safe.

-steel doesn't pull, It pushes, and he's already pulling with iron. this sentence should be stopped at legs, but that wouldn't be a good end to the paragraph. erm... anyway, typo.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2009, 06:38:50 AM »
Got that on the first page, but thanks. :)
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2009, 04:31:13 PM »
Oh, thought i looked through them all, i noticed one in the same paragraph that had already been mentioned but not that specific one. my mistake.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2009, 11:26:44 PM »
k, here's one that hasn't been mentioned. Mistborn: TFE

280-3 It's a good thing you're back-- I want you to spent a little time with him before we leave."

-should be 'spend'
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2009, 04:30:14 AM »
Looks like I found another.

again, MB TFE hardback 1st edition.

306 13- "We needed the drop off some more weapons," should be 'to drop off...'
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Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2009, 07:31:56 PM »
The "spent" one has been fixed in the paperback (hooray!) and on the second one it says Spook is struggling to speak without his dialect, so it could be intentional.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2009, 07:57:55 PM »
I'm not actually sure if this is a typo, or if I just missed the one reference to it, but in the Ars Arcanum in Well of Ascension, there's an entry for "Survivor of Sathsin", This might be a typo, correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2009, 08:28:59 PM »
Urr... Yeah. Ha!
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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Re: Official Typos Thread -- All of Brandon's books
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2009, 11:38:09 AM »
Hi everybody.

First thing - I am new on this forum so I wanted to introduce myself. I'm from Poland (so sorry for my not-so-good English), I've heard about Brandon Sanderson from a friend of mine. At first when I've heard about people gaining super powers from eating metals I laughted.
I am so sorry now. I apologize.
The Mistborn trilogy is way, way better that it sounds.

Warbreaker too. I mean, it can be advertised like: "In a world of monochrome zombies, returned from the dead hedonists worshiped as deities, and epic fantasy, a rebellious princess with color-changing hair is sent to marry a rainbow-sparkling undead tyrant and bear him an heir... "
Not to mention a sociopathic intelligent sword created to destroy evil and a patron deity of courage not believing in his own religion.
And the weirdest thing is that it makes a very good book.

(Yes, I read too much of that wiki. :D )

I need to read more of them.

Back to the topic:
- Warbreaker PDF, p 39 (39 in pdf, 38 in numeration) - is "!!" a proper punctuation mark? Maybe in English it is, I don't know, but I think that single or triple exclamation mark looks better.
(I assume that Vivienna starting to say "Colors!" instead of "Austre!" is a part of her cultural adaptation, not a typo?)
- In Mistborn (the first book) I've seen Shan Elariel as "Earlier", but I don't have a pdf to search for it. I've seen it in translated version, so I don't know if it is in original too.