Author Topic: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.  (Read 6281 times)


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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2009, 07:59:00 AM »
How do the Mage books by Karen Miller compare to the Empress books?  I read Empress and pretty much hated it, but the Accidental Sorcerer, also by Miller, writing as K.E. Mills, I really enjoyed.  So I'm torn as to read the other ones, especially since  my library doesn't have them and I would have to buy them.

I enjoyed them a lot. the 2nd book is by far the better when Asher learns what he is, and Godspeaker triology is ok The Riven Kingdom was good i think. Havent read Hammer of God yet. Im not a hardcore reader, i just started really reading like 2 years ago when i took up graveyard shifts. So take my opion with a grain of salt. I just really like the bond of friendship that Asher and Gar had :/
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2009, 05:31:59 PM »
RM, I and a friend of mine who I recommended Mistborn too are having a similar problem.  After getting into the MB series, it's difficult to read anything else because it's just not as interesting and often not as cleanly written.  She and I have tried to start other fantasy works (me, over the past year, and her, the past few months) and the only major works I have found have either been somewhat contemporary fiction, or the 'His Dark Materials' series by Phillip Pullman.

Read His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass (or Northern Lights, if you will), The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass.  Amazing story--amazing writing--and characters that feel all too real.

If you saw the movie and didn't like it, don't let it deter you.  The movie, as always, was NOT a fair representation of the book.  (Though, I did like the movie on a couple different levels.)

Also, the series is rather you can burn through it rather quickly.  :)
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2009, 09:48:02 PM »
I already read it, and I knew this would be worse:

I just can't think of anything near this same level.  I was depressed for a good week after reading His Dark Materials, never mind what's coming here.

I loved the Dark Materials.  I read the entire series in about five days I think.  I'm not a quick reader, so I was involved with nothing but those novels for that week.

I was going to read the Chanur series due to Ookla's recommendation and already having it, yet now finding out I seem to have only about half of it, I've shelved it until I can find the rest.  I probably have to find them used or such.

I ended up grabbing the Lies of Locke Lamora.  It's okay thus far, but I'm not sure it's my kind of thing.  Somehow I also got back into reading Pern books.  I've had the series for years, and I've only read about a third of it.  I'm reading the Harper Hall stuff now.  Kind of corny, hoaky, and simplistic, but fun.

Oh man what did Sanderson do to me!  The man is cruel.   That week for His Dark Materials is going to be over a month this time around.  I'm also kind of just MAD at the ending.  It just... it didn't feel like it fit the rest of the series, and it felt abbreviated.  At least the epilogue sections.


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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2009, 05:33:14 PM »
Sorry, I fail at reading.  ;D

How about A Song of Ice and Fire?  A friend of mine actually thinks it's his favorite series (and he's a big Jordan and Sanderson fan).  I was told that magic is low-key and the story he creates is quite...raw.
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2009, 06:05:01 PM »
if you dont mind language and sex its great. Martin is great at character PoVs. Raw is a very apt word for his novels.
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2009, 10:38:38 PM »
Wielder - A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) is a two edged sword. The books are great (as long as you don't mind "raw"), but the author is infuriating. He refuses to communicate with his readers/customers about the next book, A Dance with Dragons (ADWD). The book is years over due and people are now questioning if he'll ever finish the next book, not to mention the series. I don't really care if it takes him 10 years to write a book, I just get frustrated by the complete lack of communication. Martin used to give regular updates on his web site about the next book in A Song of Ice and Fire, but no more.

This artice was written almost a year ago; people were wondering what was up with ADWD then. The sad thing is this artice is still 100% up-to-date! There has been nothing released about the status of ADWD for over a year.

I've read many fantasy series as the author was still writing them, and that is always a little frustrating. But that frustration has been taken to all new heights with Martin. I used to recommend ASOIAF to my friends, but I can't recommend him any more because of the disrespect he's shown to his readers/customers. Hopefully he will start publishing books again and that opinion will change, but we'll see...

You've been warned. I'm sure you would enjoy the books in ASOIAF so far, but at this pace the series will end where it stands now.

Edited to fix typos
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 11:31:57 PM by Vatdoro »

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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2009, 10:48:53 PM »
Wielder - A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) is a two edged sword. The books are great (as long as you don't mind "raw"), but the author is infuriating. He refuses to communicate with his readers/customers about the next book, A Dance with Dragons (ADWD). The book is years over due and people are now questioning if he'll ever finish the next book, not to mention the series. I don't really care if it takes him 10 years to write a book, I just get frustrated by the complete lack of communication. Martin used to give regular updates on his web site about how the next book in A Song of Ice and Fire, but no more.

This artice was written almost a year ago; people were wondering what was up with ADWD then. The sad thing is this artice is still 100% up-to-date! There has been nothing release about the status of ADWS for over a year.

I've read many fantasy series as the author was still writing them, and that is always a little frustrating. But that frustration has been taken to all new heights with Martin. I used to recommend ASOIAF to my friends, but I can't recommend him any more because of the disrespect he's shown to his readers/customers. Hopefully he will start publishing books again and that opinion will change, but we'll see...

You've been warned. I'm sure you would enjoy the books in ASOIAF so far, but at this pace the series will end where it stands now.


Also, i was talking with Brandon the other day, and some other author here in Utah has a pretty slick series coming out. The first one is called Servant of a Dark God. He's getting praise from guys like Farland and Sanderson, and his editor is top-notch (David Hartwell - giddyup!).  Go to to check it out - too bad he doesnt come out till September.
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2009, 11:39:08 PM »

Also, i was talking with Brandon the other day, and some other author here in Utah has a pretty slick series coming out. The first one is called Servant of a Dark God. He's getting praise from guys like Farland and Sanderson, and his editor is top-notch (David Hartwell - giddyup!).  Go to to check it out - too bad he doesnt come out till September.

Bookstore Guy - Did you mean to add anything next to "This."

That is good info about John Brown. From the bio on his web site it sounds like he has a fun personality (and his wife too). Hopefully someone will remind me to read his book in September.  ;)

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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2009, 11:54:35 PM »
"this" was meant as a complete agreement with your words.  Martin's communication issues kill me. he wouldnt really answer questions about ADwD at worldcon either, though from what I understood, he finished ADwD, and then started over on it. goodie.

Brandon read John Brown's first book and really liked it, so it feels like a safe bet come September. Im trying to get in touch with John to get more info out of him.
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2009, 04:28:09 AM »
Not really related, but looking for info on what Steve said about GRRM I found this article on Sci Fi Wire about which sequels took the longest to come out. Martin ain't even starting to get close.

A couple days ago Amazon delivered C.J. Cherryh's Regenesis, the sequel to 1988's Hugo-winning Cyteen, which came out within the last month. The cover says it's also a sequel to her Hugo-winning 1981 book Downbelow Station. I'm really excited to read it and am glad she's taking some time to right anything other than Foreigner-series books. (Those are pretty good but I like her Alliance/Union universe best.) She also released Fortress of Ice in 2006, a sequel to 2000's Fortress of Dragons. Though that's kind of the start of a next-generation series, so I really hope she gets back to writing more of that. Of course, ultimately, what I really want is more Chanur books. That's part of the Alliance/Union universe, so eventually there's got to be more interaction! (Unfortunately, the region of space that the Chanur books takes place in is on the opposite side of the Sol system, galaxy-wise, from the Alliance and Union, making the interaction a bit more difficult.)

(By the way, Brandon lent me the ARC of The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett, already out overseas as The Painted Man. You may have seen glowing reviews of this elsewhere, but I was really not impressed with it. I liked a lot of things about it, but the author just made so many bad narrative/plot choices, and it's got nothing original. There's a huge deus ex machina in the middle which really bugged me, and something horrible happens to one of the characters near the end which totally broke promises the author made to the reader [in a preached-against-in-Writing-Excuses way] and which led to completely unbelievable reactions on the part of that character. So no recommendation for The Warded Man from me.)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 04:33:42 AM by Ookla The Mok »
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2009, 04:38:00 AM »
Interesting. But from what you said it sounds like Cherryh has been producing novels all this time, just in a different series? I'd be interested in seeing those statistics, the longest wait for another book with nothing in between...
some people are probably waiting for a sequel to Elantris, lol
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2009, 07:49:11 AM »
Yeah, Cherryh writes about a book per year. She lists her current word count on her blog (and she's the kind of writer who does all her revisions as she's writing, so when a book gets to the end it's basically done, unlike Brandon who whips out a draft in a few weeks of solid writing and then goes back and revises, massively if necessary). She's writing the second book of the fourth Foreigner trilogy right now.

Oh! I see that a second Chanur omnibus has been released, Chanur's Endgame, so it's only two books now instead of a total of five.

GRRM also has the Wild Cards books, but I'm not sure if he's writing any of the stories or just editing.

A Canticle for Leibowitz, which is on that list, and its sequel are the only two novels Walter M. Miller ever wrote (he spent years and years working on the second one and it had to be finished by Terry Bisson when he died). Looks like he never even wrote any short stories during those years, after being quite prolific previously.
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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2009, 04:56:05 PM »
I would suggest the Runelords series by David Farland.  It has a unique system of magic like Brandon's books.  I definatly enjoyed reading them. 


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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2009, 04:51:29 PM »
I just started Villains By Necessity by Eve Forward.  It is really good.

It's like . . the world is too good, so they have to corrupt it a bit so it doesn't die.


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Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2009, 10:22:21 PM »
Okay that sounds interesting. I am going to have to find that book.  It is just completely different when you have to try and ruin something to save it. 

While I just looked it up and maybe I won't be reading it any time soon. It is no longer in print and hard to find.  It is even considered a collectors item. :P
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 10:28:35 PM by Rrikor »