Author Topic: Whay you do and why you hate it!  (Read 10376 times)


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Whay you do and why you hate it!
« on: November 06, 2008, 03:08:42 AM »
So I am aware of a few of the posters on this forums profession but I figured it would be nice to have one thread where people can post what it is we do for a living and then why we dislike it. Now I know not everyone dislikes what they do but we all have things about work that we cant stand. Even the person who loves their job finds something to hate about it. So why not tell us all about it and we can all feel better about our jobs when we read about eachothers.

For instance I actually have three jobs.

A -  I'm a full time security supervisor at a major sports apparel's corporate headquarters
B -  Part time auto mechanic
C -  Mechanic with the Army National Guard

Let me whine about A and maybe another time I will get into the other two. Being involved in any kind of corporate security is probably one of the most boring things a person can do. I mean I honestly get paid to sit in a room and watch 72 different cameras around this property and monitor employees and visitors. Now don't get me wrong every now and then a fire alarm goes off or someone falls down and I have something "real" to do for all of five minuets but other than that I really just want to learn how to tie a noose most of the time. The worst is how some of the people treat you. I mean I'm almost positive that I'm a person. I mean I think I am but sometimes I don't really know. I mean when someone comes in and treats you like your some tool at their disposal its kinda degrading. Ok well I have lots more on this subject but I will leave it up to anyone else who wants to spew.

Even you students have things to throw in here so don't be shy.

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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 03:10:50 AM »
I love being a stay-at-home mom! I don't know what you're talking about hating job stuff.... pfft.

Of course, I can hate the vomit and the poo, but the perks are awesome.
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 03:14:02 AM »
Ok but tell me that there are time that something to do with your job doesnt infuriate you. I know the perks are worth everything you do but those things do exist. I wish I could be a stay at home dad and be with my daughter all day but its just not in the cards for me. And im sure the pee and poo would be one of my things I hate.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 08:46:41 PM »
I am also a stay-at-home mom.  Whenever my husband comes home ranting about his job I offer to trade and he cheers right up.  Changing a diaper as he is leaving is usually a pretty-good way to make him feel better about his work.  No matter how obnoxious the people at work are, they never throw up on him.


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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 10:11:39 PM »
Mom's definitely get a great advantage with being home consistently. Are there during the wonderful awe-inspiring moments. I grew up having a single mom so I had to take on a share of the help. I would be upset at childhood lost, but my sisters and I definitely are closer than I think most siblings get to after a lifetime. The first indication of this was when the youngest of my sisters said her first word. It was my own name. I honestly didn't know what to do. One of the few I think I have ever been truly speechless.

My Jobs:

A) Location Manager at a major rental car company in Sedona, AZ.
B) Aspiring Grad Student.

Anyone who has ever worked in a customer service oriented position can understand where most of my grief comes from. The major difference with rental cars though, is that people expect nothing ever to happen to one. Normally most people don't really head or worry greatly what happens to their own vehicles, but with a rental every little piece is a sign the whole car could explode.

The common joke is how badly people treat rental vehicles. Somehow they still expect them to be impervious to every known malady. For instance; when someone runs over a nail, it means that we gave them a car with faulty tires. It is our company and not the nail that caused the problem. I, on a daily basis, am told that I am personally ruining someones vacation.

I am not sure what other job exists where it would seem reasonable for a customer to demand someone stay 3 or 4 hours after the location closes to help assist them. At the end of one of my shift I was told it was unreasonable to close in an hour since the customer had just sat down to dinner.

Every so often I dream of being back doing tech support. At least all my stories of frustration during those days ended with everyone laughing =).

Currently, I am trying to figure how I want to continue my education. Computational Linguistics sounds rather interesting to me at this point in time. I get to go back to working with nothing but geeks again. The only catch is I need to re-learn programming and study for the GRE. All very boring and mundane stuff that I am having a hard time gaining motivation for. The fact that my current job is short staffed and the salaried person is the one needs to pick up the slack isn't helping.
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 12:15:49 AM »
I may not be a employed in rental cars but as you said, anyone who works in customer service knows some of your pain. Trust me some of my worst work memories are from customers either at my current job or past positions I have held. The general public can be awful to eachother and expect excellence in return. Some time I wonder what the people who cause the problems would do if the roles were reversed. Ah well I guess its part of the job.
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"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"


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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 07:38:00 AM »
I am a maintenance person at the apt complex I live in.

Hate:  Being on call,
             Fixing toilets,
             and, going into a filthy, nasty apt; when children live there. >:(
              (If your an adult, and choose to live this way, fine.  But your children shouldn't be subjected to it as well.)

And many other things that are just too numerous to count.
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 02:46:24 PM »
I train dogs.
I love dogs, and it's very rewarding when I've been working really hard to get someone's crazy dog to be calmer, obey commands, and stop tearing up the house and they say "OMG, is that even my dog??!!" when they pick it up.

On the other hand, I HATE it when someone asks for my help, either to come to their home and give them instructions, or to keep their dog in my home, and they don't bother to maintain the dog's training! It's not a tennis racket, people. You can't just put it in a closet and take it out when you want to play. It takes work to keep your dog behaving well. You can take a highly-trained police dog, seeing-eye dog, drug/bomb sniffing dog and neglect their training and stop laying down rules and discipline and it will turn into a very ill-behaved canine. I hate it when people waste my time, and I really don't like letting them waste their money.


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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2008, 03:08:09 PM »
I work as a software engineer, and while I love programming in general, but have come to find i HATE office jobs.

Why, you ask?
1) I have to get up early everyday at the same time (6 AM; Waking earlier than 10 is a big no-no to me.)
2) Offices = BORING
3) I work at a small company. As such, we dont have any customer service, so customers call us directly with problems. I hate customers.
4) Rush hour. I hate taking an hour to get somewhere it takes me 20 minutes or so at others times on the way in AND back.

But other than that, i love developing, tweaking, upgrading, and even bug hunting software.

So in short, if work was across the street from my house, needed me in at 10, didn't have customers calling me, and allowed me to watch TV while I work, i would be the proverbial fat and happy.
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2008, 05:19:14 PM »
I am Cartographer. I make maps. Coropleth maps, point distribution maps, maps of stuff, etc. I also do a LOT of statistics.

What do I hate about it?

I'm an intern Cartographer in a staff that has no full time Cartographer.
So I do all the work and have all the responsibilities of a 'real person' (as my boss likes to refer to them) with none of the benefits :D Sure I get paid, but way lower than my skill level/experience.

I also hate scanning documents :D
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 05:21:56 PM by Louds_of_Gravy »
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2008, 06:36:52 PM »
I do business intelligence.  I realize that it sounds like an oxymoron. :)  Basically, my team gathers data from all over the company and from third parties, brings into one central location, cleans it up, and provides reports and analysis from the data.

It is an enjoyable and challenging job, but there are things that I can't stand about it:

1) The CEO treating the whole thing like his school science project.
2) Groups that provide no clear specifications for what they want to look at.
3) The expectation that we can wave a magic wand and provide whatever data is needed at the drop of a hat.
4) Suspect quality of third party data.
5) Providing exactly the requested data, and then being told it's not what they wanted.
6) People requesting data and expecting me to drop everything I am working on to provide their feed.  People, a lack of planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine.

Other than that, things are good.  I feel better now, having griped for a bit.


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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2008, 10:46:40 PM »
Im glad you feel better, that kind of the point to this thread. Get out all those little annoying parts of your work day, share them with others and then read theirs. Its seems therapeutic if you ask me.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"

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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2008, 10:09:08 PM »
Indeed it is therapeutic!  It helps me to realize that I would not want to change jobs with some people.

And as long as I'm here, I forgot one item:

7) Crashing database servers.  We had some go down yesterday.  This is the third time in the last two months.  When it rains, it pours!


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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2008, 10:29:34 PM »
I work at BRG Research Servies.  Basically we do phone survays.  It's nice because I'm not stressing about not selling enough to keep my job.  However, the things I hate are:

1: I have a crush on one of my supervisors.  (Mind, I'm 21 so my mind goes "you're too old for this type of high school behavor!  Get a grip girl!")  However, as of this point I've been able to keep a tight enough reign on my emotions so that no one (hopefully) knows.
2: The people who after I've said who I am and what company I'm calling for go "Who are you?"  It's like "I JUST SAID THAT!!!"  (I really want to yell this after like the third time from the same person.  And sadly, that happens at least once a day.  Usually with the 90-something ladies)
3: The fact that some of these survays take upwards of 30 and 40 minutes.  Trying to convince these people into staying on the phone for that long is impossable!
4: The smart alicks who decided to sass they're way through the intro rather then just saying "I don't want to do it."  Seriously, if you don't want to, just tell me.

*takes a deep breath*  Wow, it does feel better to get that off my chest.  Now it's time to go deal with said people.
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Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2008, 06:08:36 PM »
Rose, I feel your pain. I used to work for Communications Center Inc., or CCI, and that is what we did. Exclusively phone surveys. Nothing is worse than calling the poor state of California every single day for the two and a half years I worked there, except trying to keep people on the phone for a 45 minute, or longer, survey about camping. Well, and maybe the business to business ones, those could get long too. Try to get a CEO to talk to you at all, much less for 10-45 minutes. Ugh. Luckily, I got out of that line of work, but it was a learning experience, I'll tell you that much right now. Not that you don't know that. ;)