
Which character will die?

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Voting closed: October 14, 2008, 05:24:45 AM

Author Topic: What will happen in book three: HOA.  (Read 19335 times)


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #120 on: October 02, 2008, 09:25:23 PM »
In regard to the power running out, I agree with Chaos. I think it's more likely that it's a permanent change.

However, I seem to remember Brandon saying somewhere that the magic systems will be pretty messed up at the end of the third book. Possibly because of the mists. So if that's true, then it makes sense that there would be no more allomancy at that time.

That would make me said... :'(

We're not sure how the first Allomancer's came to be, all we do know is that it came back with TLR post the travel to the WOA...It could be that same bead but we can't tell for sure.

In another sense i don't think that Sanderson would take Elends powers away after only just giving it to him now--i think that if Sanderson plans on taking allomancy from Elend then thats because he's taking away allomancy for good.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2008, 11:14:36 PM »
I don't think that Allomancy/Hemalurgy/Feruchemy will dissapear; after all where is the potential for continuing the series? (As has been hinted at.)
However if the mists are the Deepness and they are defeated, out goes the window Vin's mist burning ability. What no mists means for the other powers we really don't know at this point...
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #122 on: October 03, 2008, 03:25:12 AM »
I don't think that Allomancy/Hemalurgy/Feruchemy will dissapear; after all where is the potential for continuing the series? (As has been hinted at.)
However if the mists are the Deepness and they are defeated, out goes the window Vin's mist burning ability. What no mists means for the other powers we really don't know at this point...

I theorize the the mist is the energy that both Hemulurgy and Allomancy get their powers. For allomancy, it is the metals that have naturally collected this energy in their own way. For Hemulurgy the energy is drained at the constantly--almost like they can flare all the time without wasting.


Allomancy burns the energy, returning it back to the mist (which is why it attracts to allomancers) and hemulurgy takes it, (which is why it repels.)

this is just a theory, i haven't really tested it against other things--so it might not hold, but its a neat thought, give me that.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #123 on: October 03, 2008, 04:39:25 AM »
I don't think that Allomancy/Hemalurgy/Feruchemy will disappear; after all where is the potential for continuing the series? (As has been hinted at.)

I would like Exhibit A entered into the record:

Quote from: Ookla the Mok
Brandon does have a plan for how he might continue the Mistborn series one day. When he mentioned it to me, it made me really, really excited. It's an extremely ambitious plan.

Ladies and gentlemen of the forum...

Quote from: Reaves
I object! This is nothing but heresay.

Your honor, according to the Civil Evidence Act 1995, In civil proceedings, evidence shall not be excluded on the ground that it is heresay.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Overruled. Please continue VegasDev.

Thank you, your Honor.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the forum, I think we all understand what Mr. Ookla meant by this statement, but for those simpler folks I will explain it to you. For Brandon to write a sequel, he had come up with a plan. Not just any plan, an ambitious plan. Furthermore, an ambitious plan was still not enough; he needed to come up with an extremely ambitious plan. Why would he need to go to such lengths? To bring magic back to a mundane world, of course.

Prosecution rests.
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #124 on: October 03, 2008, 06:06:47 AM »
I know one thing; we should find out why Inquisitors have 11 spikes:

From Brandon's blog, "Reader Mail" posted on 09 03 06
Email #1

Swiffy writes, "Is there a significance to eleven spikes [in an Inquisitor's body], or was it just a convenient number?

My Answer: Yes, there is a significance to the number. Good catch! You'll get more in future books. I can't explain it now, however, because it's something of a spoiler!

I can say this. Each of the three Mistborn books deals with one of the magic systems. In book one, the focus was on Allomancy. That same amount is there in book two, but we also add Sazed as a viewpoint character and begin talking about Feruchemy. In book three, we add an Inquisitor as a viewpoint character, and begin talking about Hemalurgy--the magic that keeps the Inquisitors alive and gives them their powers.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #125 on: October 03, 2008, 06:26:36 AM »
Holy crap, good catch.

Well... that explains how we will learn about Hemalurgy: from Marsh's viewpoint.

I don't know why eleven would be significant, but clearly, there must be more to Hemalurgy than power-stealing. I don't even know if it is explicitly power stealing.

Plus, I wrote two gigantic posts for today. I'm done with that for tonight.
www.17thshard.com - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #126 on: October 03, 2008, 08:30:22 AM »
I'm going to quote a whole bunch of things that we'll find out in HOA. I found all this while looking for the bit about the magic systems changing a lot at the end of the book (which I still haven't found yet, funny enough; anyone have that quote?). It's all in blog posts and annotations.

We'll find out which power the Lord Ruler touched.
From Final Empire, Chapter 34 part 2
In the mythology of this world, there are two forced--Ruin and Preservation--and he [TLR] really only touched one of the two powers. But, then, we'll have more on that in later books.

Snapping becomes important.
Well of Ascension, Chapter 34 (funny coincidence...)
Here I also mention Snapping here for the first time in this book. It's an important world element that, unfortunately, I think a lot of people tend to forget.

It doesn't really matter until book three, however, so I'm willing to let it slide in this book, giving only occasional reminders.

Two things; flaring too much is bad, and something important about Reen...
Final Empire, ch. 7 part 2
Kelsier's warning about not flaring metals too much is a foreshadowing for book three of the trilogy. You'll see what I mean in a couple of years. Also, there's something very important about Vin's brother that will be hard to pick out, but has been foreshadowed since the first book. . . .

Why did the Koloss divert to that village (don't remember the name; lent out the book)?
WOA, ch. 37
In book three, you'll be given a reason why the koloss diverted to the small village mentioned here before going on to Luthadel.

Mists get pushed away by Hemalurgy. Why comes in Book 3
Final Empire, ch 38 part 2
By the way, the mists getting pushed away from Vin and Kar here is a clue of some sorts. Inquisitors push away the mists, rather than attracting them, when they use their powers. I'll explain this in book three too.

Flowers! Why there aren't any, and how the world still works!
Final Empire, Chapter 17 part 2
Flowers. It was actually hard to write a world without flowers. For instance, the scene where Kelsier fights in the conservatory--I had to struggle to not call things flowerbeds. Describing gardens without flowers was tough too.

So, how does a world get by without flowers? Why don't they exist any more? All these questions will be answered.

In book three. Sorry.

More about Koloss
WOA Ch 42
The koloss are meant to be creepy. Their line about taking the city, then living in it isn't just a random comment--we'll get into this a lot more later on. (Particularly in Book Three.)

Kandra Religion
WOA 33
There is a kandra religion. I'm not going to be able to talk about it until book three, however. The things OreSeur is talking about here aren't really fundamental aspects of it, however. More. . .lore associated with the religion than actual tenets of that religion.

Why "Hero of Ages" and not Final Hero?
WOA Title Page
I quickly decided that I liked Hero of Ages instead of Final Hero (you'll see why in Book Three.)

Who pewter drags the continent? We can assume El, but for all we know it could be Marsh, or someone else.
Final Empire 25 part 1
In book three, I have one character crossing half the continent, then having to run back the other way, just so he can get where he needs to be for the end of the book.

Wells has another cameo in HOA (perhaps not important, but who knows?)
WOA 43
Oh, and the guy on the wall--Wells-is a cameo. He is my good friend, Dan Wells. He's not this much of a coward, but he didn't make it into book one, so I figured I'd throw him in here. He'll be back, actually. . . . (Watch for him in Book Three.)

Where the legends of the 11th metal came from
Final Empire 27 (hidden spoiler)
The answer is, by the way, yes. He did find those legends--legends that Sazed hasn't heard of. Legends nobody else has heard of. That is suspicious, true, but Kelsier himself believed them. More on where he got them comes later in the series.

And, of course, we'll find out about the 11 spikes and Hemalurgy in general as I mentioned a couple of posts ago.
I know one thing; we should find out why Inquisitors have 11 spikes:

From Brandon's blog, "Reader Mail" posted on 09 03 06
Email #1

Swiffy writes, "Is there a significance to eleven spikes [in an Inquisitor's body], or was it just a convenient number?

My Answer: Yes, there is a significance to the number. Good catch! You'll get more in future books. I can't explain it now, however, because it's something of a spoiler!

I can say this. Each of the three Mistborn books deals with one of the magic systems. In book one, the focus was on Allomancy. That same amount is there in book two, but we also add Sazed as a viewpoint character and begin talking about Feruchemy. In book three, we add an Inquisitor as a viewpoint character, and begin talking about Hemalurgy--the magic that keeps the Inquisitors alive and gives them their powers.

That's what I've found so far; I think we're set to find out a lot in around 10 days.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #127 on: October 03, 2008, 12:25:04 PM »
I don't think that Allomancy/Hemalurgy/Feruchemy will disappear; after all where is the potential for continuing the series? (As has been hinted at.)

I would like Exhibit A entered into the record:

Quote from: Ookla the Mok
Brandon does have a plan for how he might continue the Mistborn series one day. When he mentioned it to me, it made me really, really excited. It's an extremely ambitious plan.

Ladies and gentlemen of the forum...

Quote from: Reaves
I object! This is nothing but heresay.

Your honor, according to the Civil Evidence Act 1995, In civil proceedings, evidence shall not be excluded on the ground that it is heresay.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Overruled. Please continue VegasDev.

Thank you, your Honor.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the forum, I think we all understand what Mr. Ookla meant by this statement, but for those simpler folks I will explain it to you. For Brandon to write a sequel, he had come up with a plan. Not just any plan, an ambitious plan. Furthermore, an ambitious plan was still not enough; he needed to come up with an extremely ambitious plan. Why would he need to go to such lengths? To bring magic back to a mundane world, of course.

Prosecution rests.

:( I am pretty sure I used that "hearsay evidence" to defend my case, your Honor.
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #128 on: October 03, 2008, 06:32:46 PM »
:( I am pretty sure I used that "hearsay evidence" to defend my case, your Honor.

Objection, your Honor! Counsel is being argumentative.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Counsel, I fail to see how Mr. Reaves is being argumentative; please explain your objection.

Your honor, the defense's position is that my evidence, which Mr. Reaves relies upon but withheld from the proceedings, signifies that the magic system must remain intact because of the possibility of a sequel. It is my contention that it would take an ambitious plan, for lack of a better phrase, to create said sequel. My stance is not whether there will or will not be a sequel, but based upon evidence I submitted, creating one would be a difficult endeavor. It is up to the forum to decide what makes it difficult and they won't come to the correct conclusion with the defense leading witness testimony and obscuring evidence.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Sustained, the defenses argument will be stricken from the record.

Thank you, your Honor.
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #129 on: October 03, 2008, 08:42:40 PM »
:( I am pretty sure I used that "hearsay evidence" to defend my case, your Honor.

Objection, your Honor! Counsel is being argumentative.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Counsel, I fail to see how Mr. Reaves is being argumentative; please explain your objection.

Your honor, the defense's position is that my evidence, which Mr. Reaves relies upon but withheld from the proceedings, signifies that the magic system must remain intact because of the possibility of a sequel. It is my contention that it would take an ambitious plan, for lack of a better phrase, to create said sequel. My stance is not whether there will or will not be a sequel, but based upon evidence I submitted, creating one would be a difficult endeavor. It is up to the forum to decide what makes it difficult and they won't come to the correct conclusion with the defense leading witness testimony and obscuring evidence.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Sustained, the defenses argument will be stricken from the record.

Thank you, your Honor.

Stricken!!!??? Blippety bloopity bleep!! !@#$%  #@%  %$#!  #$@%!

EUOL plans to write a second and third trilogy several centuries after the original trilogy, one in modern times and one in a sci-fi setting.

As you can see your honor, no matter how ambitious a plan is required the saga shall continue. More tales have yet to be sung, more mists to be born. And thus I find it unlikely the magic systems shall be destroyed.

I rest my case.
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #130 on: October 03, 2008, 09:03:03 PM »
:( I am pretty sure I used that "hearsay evidence" to defend my case, your Honor.

Objection, your Honor! Counsel is being argumentative.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Counsel, I fail to see how Mr. Reaves is being argumentative; please explain your objection.

Your honor, the defense's position is that my evidence, which Mr. Reaves relies upon but withheld from the proceedings, signifies that the magic system must remain intact because of the possibility of a sequel. It is my contention that it would take an ambitious plan, for lack of a better phrase, to create said sequel. My stance is not whether there will or will not be a sequel, but based upon evidence I submitted, creating one would be a difficult endeavor. It is up to the forum to decide what makes it difficult and they won't come to the correct conclusion with the defense leading witness testimony and obscuring evidence.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Sustained, the defenses argument will be stricken from the record.

Thank you, your Honor.

Well, if your like me and think that there is a hero every thousand years or so...you can see that it wouldn't be ambitious to continue becomes of the lack of magic, but because he'd have to essentially rewrite the story of the Ruin trying to take over the world...again.

you see, its hard to follow whats coming--the HOA. I mean he can't sell the same story twice!!!!

really, mistborn is like the world--with a history that repeats itself to an extent--THATS why brandon didn't want to write "final hero" but "Hero of Ages."
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #131 on: October 03, 2008, 09:31:42 PM »
Objection, your honor! This testimony is not relevant to the facts of this case. I move to have them stricken from the record.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Sustained. elmandr1, one more outburst like that and I will have the balif escort you off premises in handcuffs. Am I understood? Proceed counselor

Your honor, I would like to submit further evidence to my case that the defense has tried to keep burried but has recently surfaced.

Quote from: EUOL
I can't say too much without spoilers for Mistborn 3, but suffice it to say that if I were to write more books in this world, I would want to do some new things with the magic.  Some events at the end of Mistborn 3 have large ramifications on the way the magic works and the way the setting would proceed.
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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Re: What will happen in book three: HOA.
« Reply #132 on: October 03, 2008, 09:39:38 PM »
Objection, your honor! This testimony is not relevant to the facts of this case. I move to have them stricken from the record.

Quote from: Judge Reinhold
Sustained. elmandr1, one more outburst like that and I will have the balif escort you off premises in handcuffs. Am I understood? Proceed counselor

Your honor, I would like to submit further evidence to my case that the defense has tried to keep burried but has recently surfaced.

Quote from: EUOL
I can't say too much without spoilers for Mistborn 3, but suffice it to say that if I were to write more books in this world, I would want to do some new things with the magic.  Some events at the end of Mistborn 3 have large ramifications on the way the magic works and the way the setting would proceed.

"I.......AM.......MAAAAAGiC!" he lets out in a over the edge, really quite pathetic if your not the romantic type, scream.

*pulls out a vial and gulps*

"DIE vegasdev, you sly, sly attorney!"

"Attempts to leap of the short wooden barrier but looses his footing, falls face first before rolling on his back--mumbiling in pain. Vegasdev approaches the sad chap.*

"told you there was no more magic, na-na-banana."

*judge falls over in a heart attack caused by humiliation. elmandr1, though unconscious, makes wind. Vegasdev steps back fanning the air around him.

"i was wrong, you do have magic--and you are definitly a smoker!"

the end.

"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."