Author Topic: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!  (Read 3534 times)


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What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:24:21 AM »
MAYBE I'm like being childish here.

So I date this guy for like a semi-decent amount of time.  Like we were REALLY close.  I was absolutely devastated when he broke it off a month or so ago. (and it was for REALLY dumb reasons, at least from my perspective.)  Like I stopped eating.  I stopped talking to a lot of people.  It was just bad, until the last week or so.  At some point during this I starting hanging out with another friend of mine who is gay and David, the ex, got mad at me saying that I "move on too fast" when all I was doing was hanging out with a long time friend.

So a few days ago I was talking to him and trying to figure out a real reason for him breaking it off, but he just kept saying that it wasn't right that we had had "relations" and that his parents were going to find out and that was going to go to hell for it and that he couldn't deal with us having a real relationship.  Then I said we could try and start again and just do thing differently this time and not dive straight into the deep end.  Then he bitched me out saying that "HE was still picking up the pieces and had been hard for him to see me when we ran into each other a few days prior."

I mean really, HE was picking up pieces when HE'S the one who broke MY heart!!!  I was livid!  Like I can't even put into comprehensible words how it made me feel.  BUT that's not even the best of it yet.  So THEN an hour or so ago I come to find that he got with one of my best friends NOT EVEN A WEEK after we broke up and has since broken up with her.  I mean HONESTLY!  I can't believe it!

1. I move on too fast, but it's OK for him to date RIGHT after we break up.

2. He's still picking up the pieces even though he broke my heart and has obviously moved don.

3. One of my BEST FRIENDS!  I mean, I know it was a secretish him and I were dating because his family is Mormon, but poor Felicia!  Like how is she supposed to know he's gay?!?!?!  He just freaking hurt her!

4. I'm also kind of mad at her, because EVEN though she doesn't know he's gay she DID know that I liked him!

So basically I just want to know if I have a right to be mad and if anyone else has similar stories.

UGH!  I'm like SOOOOO angry right now.


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 01:38:07 AM »
My god. Well sounds like high school to me. Not to put it too bluntly but that's the reality in these situations. Either one person involved (or both) isn't mature enough to deal with their emotions and makes a bunch of wrong decisions. I've done similar things myself and had them done to me. It sucks but that's the way it goes. I had a kid with my best friend after she dated my other best friend and he got pissed and everyone we were friends with got pissed and a whole bunch of crap happened. In the end none of it mattered, yeah I lost a lot of what I thought were good friends but what good were they when it mattered? What good is he to you when it matters (like right now). The sucky thing is your gonna have to move on and say what ever because if you don't its only gonna keep driving you crazy. Me I got lucky, I lost a bunch of loser friends and gained a beautiful daughter. Your gonna have to find the good in the situation and move away from him.
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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 01:49:32 AM »
Not QUITE high school.  More like just out of high school.  I LOVE Felicia.  She is one of my bests.  It's just sad that that happened to her.  I think that is what I'm MOST angry about.  That one and him saying HE was the one hurting.  :/  Oh well.  Thanks Green.


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 01:55:07 AM »
No problem, I wasn't saying your in high school. I was saying someone was acting like they were in high school. And who better for him to go after than one of your best friends? He did it on purpose and that's why you shouldn't let it bother you. Not because it doesn't bother you, but because he doesn't need the satisfaction. Help out your friend and forget about the old friends that only want to hurt you.
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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 04:31:08 AM »
Also, I think it's important for you to realize that sometimes people break off relationships for reasons that still hurt them.  You can break up with somebody, and still be as hurt or more hurt than they are.  Especially if you're having a psychological, emotional, intellectual or interpersonal breakdown (sounds like he was having more than one of these).  If you weren't mad about this, you'd be mad about something else--anger is a natural stage in grieving, and often the natural stages of grieving each occur more than once after a major loss (breaking of relationships count). 

So you have the right to be angry, because you'd be angry for one reason or another anyway.  You don't have the right to take the anger out on him or anybody else, though--it's just something that you have to suck up and deal with until it passes.  That's hard to do, especially with aggression, but life is tough, kiddo.  Get used to it.  :-\.
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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 05:35:14 AM »
Same-gender attraction is a very thorny issue in the church as well as outside it. According to the church's official statement on the subject, there may well be genetic or inborn predisposition, as there may be genetic or inborn predisposition to do other things that are considered sins as well. That does not change the fact that each person has a choice about his or her behavior. This person is probably getting pressured by his ecclesiastical leaders and/or family to choose a lifestyle that is not what they see as sinful. Remember, the attraction is not sinful, only acting on it, just as men being attracted to women is not sinful, but acting on it outside of marriage is.

The statement also says that “Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeutic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices.” At the same time, your friend may be trying to see whether he can have a meaningful relationship with a person of the opposite gender before committing to marriage or deciding against it.

As for the whole "moving on" issue, people are sometime jerks. He is obviously very conflicted and doesn't really know what he wants. He feels guilty for dating you and guilty dating this girl, and misery loves company. Yes, you have a right to feel mad, just like anybody going through a tough breakup does. But the sooner you can forgive and get over it, the happier you will be, no matter what he does with his life.
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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 08:51:23 AM »
MAYBE I'm like being childish here.

So I date this guy for like a semi-decent amount of time.  Like we were REALLY close.  I was absolutely devastated when he broke it off a month or so ago. (and it was for REALLY dumb reasons, at least from my perspective.)  Like I stopped eating.  I stopped talking to a lot of people.  It was just bad, until the last week or so.  At some point during this I starting hanging out with another friend of mine who is gay and David, the ex, got mad at me saying that I "move on too fast" when all I was doing was hanging out with a long time friend.

So a few days ago I was talking to him and trying to figure out a real reason for him breaking it off, but he just kept saying that it wasn't right that we had had "relations" and that his parents were going to find out and that was going to go to hell for it and that he couldn't deal with us having a real relationship.  Then I said we could try and start again and just do thing differently this time and not dive straight into the deep end.  Then he bitched me out saying that "HE was still picking up the pieces and had been hard for him to see me when we ran into each other a few days prior."

I mean really, HE was picking up pieces when HE'S the one who broke MY heart!!!  I was livid!  Like I can't even put into comprehensible words how it made me feel.  BUT that's not even the best of it yet.  So THEN an hour or so ago I come to find that he got with one of my best friends NOT EVEN A WEEK after we broke up and has since broken up with her.  I mean HONESTLY!  I can't believe it!

1. I move on too fast, but it's OK for him to date RIGHT after we break up.

2. He's still picking up the pieces even though he broke my heart and has obviously moved don.

3. One of my BEST FRIENDS!  I mean, I know it was a secretish him and I were dating because his family is Mormon, but poor Felicia!  Like how is she supposed to know he's gay?!?!?!  He just freaking hurt her!

4. I'm also kind of mad at her, because EVEN though she doesn't know he's gay she DID know that I liked him!

So basically I just want to know if I have a right to be mad and if anyone else has similar stories.

UGH!  I'm like SOOOOO angry right now.

I'm not sure how many open gays there are in your area, but i had a friend, who was terrified of anyone finding out. He told me because he thought i could bear it--called me an independent thinker. He said he was starting to hate himself, because he was afraid to be himself and yet couldn't what was the "norm". I know i can't completely understand, but i watched him slowly fade, slowly whither into depression. I tried to do things to help cheer him up--but the alienation he must have felt to the world around him...

In a way, it was like my passion for writing, none of my friends but him know. Everyone else would just give me the. "dude, you read for fun?" and there face would scrunch up, the same way yours will when you try and realize you cant kiss your elbows.

except his is much worse.

Finally he found someone, who was also gay and keeping it quiet. MY friend became this really vibrant, fun to be with sort of guy; i swear it made me happy and afraid to see him bloom so quickly. And rightlfully so. He left him, said something about, it being unethical, immoral, or just plain wrong? Basically the guy was gay, and afraid of accepting who he was because the world told him he is supposed to act and be otherwise...

My friend shriveled, became hollow as a tree thats been fallen for over a century.

Dude didn't just leave him, he took away his only connection to himself and the social world, thats like taking a singers voice, a photographers sight. No. Worse, its like taking a blind mans hands.

But that was just my friend, i don't know about your situation, but to tell you the truth, and though i regret it to this day I kicked his boy friends ass until my fists began to hurt. So when you told me your story my heart skipped a beat, my fists instinctively clinched, and my jaw locked. So yeah, thats how i feel, if you want to know whether i think you are right or wrong.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 04:17:16 PM »
Gorgon - Yes, I understand that it might hurt him as well.  I don't ever even get to talk to him anymore and even when I do I am kind and I don't take it out on him.

Origami - Thank you, I have many friends that are Mormon so I've heard most of that.  I just felt betrayed after he had said he loved me and then all of sudden I was some horrible thing that was gonna send him to hell.

Elm - Your story was very inspirational.  Whereas I don't wish harm to David I do wish that he knew exactly how I felt so that he could share the same pain I do.  I just think if he did understand how I felt things would be different.

EVERYONE - thank you for your words.  You are all wonderful people. :]


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 04:38:04 PM »
Gorgon - Yes, I understand that it might hurt him as well.  I don't ever even get to talk to him anymore and even when I do I am kind and I don't take it out on him.

Origami - Thank you, I have many friends that are Mormon so I've heard most of that.  I just felt betrayed after he had said he loved me and then all of sudden I was some horrible thing that was gonna send him to hell.

Elm - Your story was very inspirational.  Whereas I don't wish harm to David I do wish that he knew exactly how I felt so that he could share the same pain I do.  I just think if he did understand how I felt things would be different.

EVERYONE - thank you for your words.  You are all wonderful people. :]

Your right, perhaps he's just afraid and conflicted trying to configure what is social accepted--among elders more then this generation--and what he feels, I think he really needs you right now.

Opinion: set your anger aside, he needs your help, his problem, in all honesty, goes beyond your relationship--it will be the central factor in, essentially, his morale, and psychological health.
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2008, 08:07:38 AM »
Opinion: set your anger aside, he needs your help, his problem, in all honesty, goes beyond your relationship--it will be the central factor in, essentially, his morale, and psychological health.
I try, but he's completely shut me out of his world.


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2008, 08:41:20 AM »
Opinion: set your anger aside, he needs your help, his problem, in all honesty, goes beyond your relationship--it will be the central factor in, essentially, his morale, and psychological health.
I try, but he's completely shut me out of his world.

Then its up to he worth the trouble?

i think you know what to do miyabe. ;).
"I love you."
"you dont. You just think you do because i'm all you know."
"Really? So whats this burning sensation i'm having in my stomach?"
"Too much ale."
"Not love?"
"No. But i can see how you confused the two."
"I don't feel good."
"They do that to you."
"my legs, their numb."


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2008, 09:51:09 PM »
Not to be harsh, but I say chalk it up to a life lesson and move on.  You can't force him to put aside what he has been taught any more than he could force you to not be gay anymore.  He is either struggling to find himself, realized he really wasn't gay, or just used the whole thing as an excuse to break up with you.  If it is the last two, then you are better off it ended when it did.  As for the latter, when he is ready to deal with you about it, he will.  Until then, let him have his space.  If he is truly struggling with his sexuality, you are the emodiment of what he is unable to face right now. 
I wanted to write something profound here, but I couldn't think of anything.


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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2008, 09:59:56 PM »
Well put Darx, I whole heartedly agree
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Re: What!? I can't believe her/him!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2008, 10:26:52 PM »
If he is truly struggling with his sexuality, you are the emodiment of what he is unable to face right now. 
I never thought of it that way.