Author Topic: Mistborn Trilogy Question (SPOILERS)  (Read 3246 times)


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Re: Mistborn Trilogy Question (SPOILERS)
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2008, 05:27:09 PM »
As with this particular perdicament there seem to be many options to who is the HoA. Like neiana has suggested all of these people might believe in a Hoa but they might not think it is themself. Im not to sure I agree with the whole, "If you believe in a watermelon and dont believe it to be a fruit then you dont believe in a watermelon" type of thinking. It assumes too much. Frankly for how long was a tomatoe believed to be a vegatagble but in reality its a fruit. Does that mean that for however long it took people to catagorize the tomatoe as a fruit we didnt really think it was anything? Sazed in this instance may have belief in himself and his abilities, he may see opertunities for his knowlage to aid in this struggle but I for one might think about questioning the prophcy altogether if I were a scholar like Sazed. Im a soldier so im more inclined to think that a belief isnt all that nessesary but if one were to be used it doesnt have to mean any more than is implied. I believe in what I do but I might not beleive in the overall outcome.
"No signs of anything that could cause even a slight case of death"

"He's a paraplegic whats he gonna do, bite us?"