Author Topic: Naming characters  (Read 2445 times)

Eagle Prince

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Naming characters
« on: September 07, 2004, 10:14:46 PM »
I first considered putting this in the roleplaying boards, but then I remembered the writing group board and people probably put more thought into a character for a story than for a game.  So I was just kind of wondering how much time people put into naming characters and how important they find character names.

I am mostly wondering, because naming characters is sort of a big deal for me.  I have a hard time getting a name I am comfortable with.  I reuse names I make for stories for PCs a lot, mainly as it will take me sometimes weeks to find a name I like.  I love it when there is already a name out there that matches a character, because it would take me so long to invent one I like.  Its not even so much if the name is cool (stylish).  That is something I always put a lot of merit in, but for names the whole etymology and meaning of the name is usually more important.  I've actually looked into name etymology so much, and invented so many of my own names, I now can invent names from other names I've invented (with those invented names coming from real-world etymology).

In a few cases, I have actually invented a character due to a name I came up with, instead of the other way around.  For example, while trying to find some names for these 5 devil characters, I came up with the name Ashtarot.  I really like this name, and I've invented a character based on the name (rather than making a name to match the character as would be normal).  I would actually say I am still developing this character, as I am currently RPing a character of the same name (I find myself doing this quite a bit, RPing a character that I would like to develop for stories).

For a very in-brief of the Ashtarot name, this is sort of how it went.  While I was looking up various deities, demons, etc in my attempt to name the aforementioned devils, I was looking at the name of a goddess named Astarte.  I found out that this name was also linked to several other characters, such as Astaroth and Ashtoreth.  I wanted the new name to evolve from these, and came up with Ashtarot.  But there should be a reason for it to evolve from the previous names to the new name, and so I had to look up the etymology for its new composite words as well (ash and tarot).  This takes longer then it might sounds, because one word can lead to two words, etc and soon you are looking and dozens of words instead of just two.  So after studying the previous names and the etymology of the composite words, I finally settled on a definition: "Lord Of The Immortal Undead", although Lady would probably be more appropriate, but I wanted a male character so its Lord.  Also while making a character to match my new name, I've tried to tie his background into some of the other words that came up in the etymology (making the character almost a living example of how his name evolved in etymology).

Yeah, anyway, just wondering of anyone else has similar experiences while making up names.
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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2004, 11:19:44 PM »
My method isnt advanced, I dont do anything to relate the names of my characters to certain cultures or anything like that really. I don't even research. I think it works fairly well though, just type a bunch of random letters in, and then mess around with it until you have a name that you like. That is how I have found almost all of my favorite names that I use.
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Eagle Prince

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2004, 01:52:48 AM »
Yeah, I figure a lot of people make names like that.  For some reason I actually like looking up name meanings and trying to develop them, but I think I've done it for so long that just making up some random name its hard for me to like it.  I do that a bit, but mostly just for NPCs when I'm roleplaying or some minor character.  Even then, I have so many names memorized that I still find myself trying to find a name to match the character.
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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 01:33:29 PM »
If I remember correctly, Ookla had developed a system where you roll dice to generate a name.  First decide on the consonant-vowel composition (i.e. VCCVC) and then roll to see which letters you get!

D6 for vowels (aeiouy)
D20 for consonants (b=1...z=20)

I rolled up a name for a character this way once.  I came up with "Yabnitz."

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 01:44:20 PM »
It seems you should randomly determine all the information. I'd think a bell curve would be apprpriate for lenght. 3d4 or something, to get a name between 3 and 12 but most resting right around 7 or 8. Actually, 2d4+1d8 would be an even more interesting curve, most names being about 9, but with possibilities between 3 and 16.

I'm not sure I have a satisfactory idea for vowel/consonant. You could do 50/50 for each position. Or you could roll a die to determine the number of vowels, then roll the 50/50 to decide, and just fill in with consonants until you finish it out. OR you could device a mechanic to randomly determine positions of letters.

Another thought is just to roll a d100, weighting more commonly used letters by assigning them more numbers. You could include common combinations (like ch, th, ai, etc) and assign a reasonably large range to "no more letters" or even " " or punctuations (' and - being common in fantasy and some sf names). Then you just pull out your d100 and start rolling, referring to the chart.


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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 09:56:08 PM »
my coolest character names so far are:
Tappin my feet the the beat of original sin.

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 10:37:32 PM »
When do we hear the cool ones?

Ok, I just have to say something like that whenever anyone talks about how cool they are/ have been. Don't take it personal.

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2004, 09:10:02 AM »
My coolest names:

Nathan Freeman
Lita Axis
Mia Rose
Gordo Leaf
Micheal Stone.

They were easy though, because I wanted weird sounding names, that were still feasable for a modern day.

I hate naming characters, since Im bad at it. Writing stories about geeks solves the problem, since they all choose screen names that are somewhat appropriate.
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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2004, 06:48:26 PM »
Yabnitz! lol.   I've gotta use that somewhere.

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2004, 07:04:25 PM »
I don't name characters.  I find a name I like and use it or alter it slightly.  I'm bad at the whole new name thing.  Things that apply to the character/alias.  Like Gorgon, the species of which medussa was part of.  Snake's for hair, woman who turns enemies to stone.  I just stole that and the War Cow from unreal tournament and it has been my longest lasting alias yet.

Or for the Tango I used Nemesis, which is a goddess who my character is both related to biologically and he has the same mindset, with slight tweaks.  Easy as pie.

Or I'll find philosophers I like and use their names, like my current favorite, Epicurus.  Just pop that in a name slot and I'm good to go.  Philosphers have really cool names and a good chunk of them are relatively unknown.  Just find a philosopher who is like you character.
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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2004, 11:08:53 PM »
did I come up with that? it seems a little unlikely, but I DO remember coming up with a character name randomly once (I created that character ENTIRELY randomly, rolled everything on the sheet) (well, okay, I fudged a little while rolling, but who doesn't?)

so anyway I'll take credit if no one else does

wasn't my name Orga something?
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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2004, 01:48:33 AM »
Was that when you were the female ogre/giant?  I remember that!
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Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Naming characters
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2004, 05:49:53 AM »
something like that. I remember it only vaguely.

I haven't ever played a campaign that I really felt was successful or satisfying, and some were a lot worse than others.
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