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Messages - Bookstore Guy

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Books / Re: A business question about publishing…
« on: February 19, 2009, 09:38:51 PM »
apart from the certainties in Ookla's post, my personal opinion is that it would be dumb of an author to sign ONE deal for that many novels. I don't even think Jordan did that, Goodkind didn't, Brooks didn't Eddings didn't, Martin didn't (i dont think). The only person i know of that DID was Erikson in the UK...and he made a KILLING.

The simple idea behind this is that as you write more, your popularity grows, as does your monetary worth. For example, Brandon makes far more per book now than his prior contracts. Why do 1 contract for ten books at a lower price when you can do a few contracts of 3 books each that increase each time?

From here, you could argue that filler novels are better for an immediate money maker - long term, not so much. I mean, this is Goodkind in a nutshell yeah?

Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:09:36 PM »
And I think it was stinky of Stephen King to attack her.  When was the last time he spent weeks at a time on bestseller lists?  Professional jealousy, hmm?

I dont quite think jealousy has anything to do with it. He just thinks her writing is terribad. Considering every book King writes is a bestseller, and considering the $$ he makes from books and movie rights, I'd say he does just fine. In addition, any time Stephen King cover-quotes anyone, that book sells extremely well - just ask Naomi Novik. So yeah, jealousy has nothing to do with it...his books spend quite a bit of time on bestseller lists.

Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: February 06, 2009, 09:11:53 PM »
Jamiroquai.  Always Jamiroquai.

(ok, and Rise Against as well...)

Don't look now folks, but we get new U2, Depeche Mode, 311, Linkin Park, Jamiroquai, and perhaps AFI this year.

Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: February 06, 2009, 05:25:46 PM »
I think Stephen King said it best:

“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people… The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”

heh. i think he gives Rowling a bit too much credit, but that quote makes me feel all warm inside.

Universal truth? Do you say that with a straight face?

Anyway, as you can see, TMan, you might in your boundless ignorance think you are happy, but Ookla knows better. The fact that you decided to sleep with your former girlfriend might have untold, catastrophical consequences at any time now. Because what you did was so terribly, terribly wrong. Make no mistake about that.

Seriously, I do not yet see quite how someone would actually "get hurt" as a result of two consenting, legal adults parttaking in responsible sex?

absurd. i dont think Ookla was right for his comment, but neither do I think this comment has any place on these forums. ridiculous. im done trying to keep things cool and mellow since the same 3 or 4 people dont seem to give a crap about the rest of the people wanting to move on from this bullcrap.

im taking an extended break from this garbage. argue away.

the dead horse has been beaten even more deader. any more, and it will be chum and glue.

Vin and Elend are even pissed -  in their graves mind you - at how far far far off the road this has gone.

These are not the droids you are looking for. Move along.

"this" was meant as a complete agreement with your words.  Martin's communication issues kill me. he wouldnt really answer questions about ADwD at worldcon either, though from what I understood, he finished ADwD, and then started over on it. goodie.

Brandon read John Brown's first book and really liked it, so it feels like a safe bet come September. Im trying to get in touch with John to get more info out of him.

Wielder - A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) is a two edged sword. The books are great (as long as you don't mind "raw"), but the author is infuriating. He refuses to communicate with his readers/customers about the next book, A Dance with Dragons (ADWD). The book is years over due and people are now questioning if he'll ever finish the next book, not to mention the series. I don't really care if it takes him 10 years to write a book, I just get frustrated by the complete lack of communication. Martin used to give regular updates on his web site about how the next book in A Song of Ice and Fire, but no more.

This artice was written almost a year ago; people were wondering what was up with ADWD then. The sad thing is this artice is still 100% up-to-date! There has been nothing release about the status of ADWS for over a year.

I've read many fantasy series as the author was still writing them, and that is always a little frustrating. But that frustration has been taken to all new heights with Martin. I used to recommend ASOIAF to my friends, but I can't recommend him any more because of the disrespect he's shown to his readers/customers. Hopefully he will start publishing books again and that opinion will change, but we'll see...

You've been warned. I'm sure you would enjoy the books in ASOIAF so far, but at this pace the series will end where it stands now.


Also, i was talking with Brandon the other day, and some other author here in Utah has a pretty slick series coming out. The first one is called Servant of a Dark God. He's getting praise from guys like Farland and Sanderson, and his editor is top-notch (David Hartwell - giddyup!).  Go to to check it out - too bad he doesnt come out till September.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 30, 2009, 10:40:55 PM »
I too find Perrin and Faile highly annoying. Perrin because he's just too dumb, why can't he get what his wife wants from him for hundreds of pages? It's in plain sight! Faile because she's got too much of "if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm not going to explain." It's just out of proportion.

if he was dumb i could accept it. its more of the fact that he actually DOES get it, he just chooses to let it be.  i think you have it right though - blown out of proportion. /highfive

i think we need several hundred pages of war, death, and destruction with Mat lucking out the whole way.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:53:49 PM »
Oh now you have just gone too far.  You can spew religious argument all you want, but I must take offense to your vitriole towards Perrin and Faille.  It has always amazed how many people just don't get their part of the story.  Faille is awesome!  I guess most people are nervous about the prospect of a woman who demands to be equal in every way, and not treated like some delicate flower to be  sheltered all the time.  I also can't understand why any man would not appreciate a woman who not only doesn't mind you looking at another woman, but requires you to do so.   I think the culture clash between the two is fantastic.  They are learning as they go.  When I hear the argument that Perrin is selfish in risking so much to pursue his wife, I remind them all that Perrin lost HIS ENTIRE FAMILY due to Padain Fain, and has barely had time to truly grieve.  Faille is literally all he has left, I defy any of you wouldn't do the same.  I also love the whole Wolfbrother concept.  You would think his ability to smell emotions would help, but often it makes him even more confused.  It's great! 

actually none of those are the reasons i dislike Perrin. the only thing keeping me going with him is the wolfbrother concept. and i get that he will risk everything for Faile - i would hope he would. i just find their plotting too straight forward and linear. his deal with Padan Fain was the peak of his story for me...and that was a while ago. that was when the most character growth happened for him. its been too stagnant for me since then. the thing with his family being killed is that it has been several books since it has made a difference - at the time it was huge, but now it feels like an afterthought. Faile is mostly just a personal dislike. she seems like a whiner, and she is the one I see as being on the bad side of selfishness (perrin's doesnt bother me. it's wolf-like).

That is as good a note as any on which to leave that particular discussion, I believe.

The lack of sex and bad language is part of what i really enjoy about Brandons books. I probably wouldn't be nearly as thrilled to read them if i had moral issues with them. In the past I have actually stopped  reading books because of the sex scenes in them, maybe its me but sex really should not be part of normal literature. Maybe it would even be a good idea to have a rating system on books so people don't go to try a new author and find out that the book is full of sex and bad language. That would really help me in the book picking process, I mean I choose not to watch rated R movies because there are things i would rather not see or hear it really helps in the weeding out process. Not to mention a rating would let me know what my kids are reading.

This, however, is exactly the sort of attitude that I feared Mr. Sanderson himself might be having. I am thrilled to hear that is not the case. "Sex should not be part of normal literature"? I gather that kevinpii has probably not read many of the real quality works of the Western literary canon. Hamsun's "Hunger"? Dostoyevski's works? Kafka's? Hell, even "Don Quixote" or "The Odyssey" would probably offend this reader' sensibilities. Not to mention Flaubert's "Madame Bovary". To then think of having such artificial restrictions placed on literature - It is nothing short of stifling and ignorant. Unfortunately, there are powers in this culture who do all they can to achieve this. Your children will not be damaged by reading this literature, they will be enlightened by it.

can people just express their personal preferences without them being called "stifling and ignorant?" so he likes his leisure-time novels free of sex and language. there are a huge number of people who feel the same, and who also wouldnt mind an "advisory" of some sort on the books. it was brought up in the national meetings for Borders that I was a part of - not that we really had any say in it, it was more of a "customers want this thing" kind of a discussion and how to help them in its absence.  Of course, proper help in that regard involves the bookstore people to be intelligent - that just doesnt happen much anymore. And I dont think you are qualified to make judgments about the things his children will or wont be affected by (positive or negative). Its not an insult (and i apologize a ton if it seems that way), you just have no idea as to his or his families needs or desires to qualify a statement like that.

people are just arguing to argue at this point.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:59:38 PM »
religions also preach humility, and talk about the consequences of judging others (insert scriptures here). it is a balancing act. we can toss bible passages around all day to no conclusion. What I am tying to be clear on, is that any belief system will say "I'm in the right," but there are ways of expressing it without bordering on hostility. Please not im not just pointing at what i perceived as inflammatory comments in your previous post. I think my personal belief system should be shared with the hope that people will someday come to feel what I feel, just like I'm sure you hope that people will feel what you feel someday. It doesnt mean that everyone thinks im a terrible person because i believe how I do. It doesnt mean everyone thinks you are a terrible sinner because you believe the way you do. every person that points a finger has three pointing back at them. your posts just seem to have this odd tone to them like you feel the cards have been stacked against you. You shouldnt feel that way here - this is a forum to discuss the books Brandon Sanderson is working on.

i just think some of these arguments are getting much too far afield to have any good use on the discussion of AMoL. These types of arguments - the ones that come down to people arguing uselessly over opinions - tend to turn a high number of people away from the discussions, and 3 or4 people end up doing the only "conversing."

reign it in.

and lemme know what you think of Erikson - i might recommend you withhold judgment on it till the first 2 or even 3 books are read - you get a better feel for the style and story that way (i usually dont recommend that for novels, but erikson is an exception to every rule).

Reeves, what do you mean the moon is NOT made of cheese?

Back to AMoL, and what we hope to see from it. I need some character changes. Perrin is killing me. maybe i'll be proven wrong and he'll bite the dust with his annoying wife.

if you dont mind language and sex its great. Martin is great at character PoVs. Raw is a very apt word for his novels.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:03:38 PM »
oh crap, i forgot to answer about Erikson. Sorry!!

start with Gardens of the Moon. It will feel like you are missing a books worth of info, but thats intentional. the learning curve is very steep and chaotic at the beginning, but the books become amazing as you read further on.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: January 30, 2009, 05:59:34 PM »
Even in todays religions, for better or worse,  people to throw away their own children because they are gay, murder their daughters because they had sex and blow up buildings of people who believe differently. Yes, I am speaking of 9/11, but also of the abortion clinic bombings in Georgia and the Oklahoma City bombing. All of those involved were very religious people who thought they were doing the right thing. Religion, by doctrine, requires you to believe you are better than others who do not share your religion. Cathlics believe they are the only ones going to heaven, Born agains believe only those who have been "born again" are going to heaven. And all of you believe that because I do not believe in any god, I am most certainly the most heinous sinner of them all and am going stright to hell. Many of you probably even believe that because of my atheism, I couldnt possibly have a single moral fiber in my being.

I went a little afield, but mean no disrespect to anyone here. I was merely pointing out that what you say, does not always match up with how you act, this goes for individuals, governments, corporations and religions.

ok. i'll say this again. leave inflammatory comments like these out of forums. nobody has pointed fingers at you here on this thread and said you are "the most heinous sinner of them all and am going straight to hell." Please don't make these kind of accusations and assumptions. I don't care what religion you do or don't consider yourself a part of, there is no need to make these kind of statements and generalizations. they dont help the conversations, and they only serve to make people angry or hurt. Religion does NOT tell people to act better than everyone else. If a person in a religion acts that way, they are going against the principles of their religion. you say you dont mean any disrespect, but your comments show that very disrespect.

Once again, lets keep our comments on topic and without any religion or anti-religion bashing.  Topics can be discussed without spiraling into the same hopeless arguments and insults in every freaking thread.

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