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Messages - firstRainbowRose

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It's way cool looking Forloc!  But if I may... it honestly reminded me of a jedi the first time I saw it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elantris *singing* instructions
« on: February 20, 2008, 04:29:30 AM »
Cute story.  Although, I would be surprised if you had requested the original if he had written it down.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New Mistborn One Cover Art
« on: February 18, 2008, 10:20:53 PM »
I think I almost love it more than the hb cover.  ALMOST!  Like, the style of the hbs are fiting, but I love the feel of the cover.  But I do agree than Vin looks a tich old.  Still, love the cover!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn RP
« on: February 14, 2008, 05:01:30 AM »
*pout* and here I was getting excited.  Ah, well, table top rps are fun I guess.

I figured since they seem to live mostly during the night, they must sleep during the day.  I assume they would just find a local cave and curl up to relax in it.

Cool.  I was mostly just cerious... but still, thank you for answering our questions.  It's weird/cool to see how the laws work.

So that prompts me to ask this: Can someone (say on dev-art) who got commissioned to do a fan-art piece for a book or something get in trouble?  They got paid to do what someone else requested, and the request was fan art?  Would that mostly be up to the original creator (author/artist/whatever)?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Well of Ascension Musing (***SPOILERS***)
« on: February 04, 2008, 06:00:55 PM »
I was actually wondering something along the same lines.  I wouldn't be suprised to find that all the antium was in there.  I think though he's going to surprise us by having that be a nice twist.  (I think you confused everyone with the spinich suggestion.)

And... um... Stone Rocket... we're talking about a compleatly different series.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: torrent!
« on: February 03, 2008, 04:15:37 AM »
I'd like to point out something that a lot of musical artist are considering.  With the last Radio Head album (I think that was the band) they offered their cd for download, and you got to chose the price you paid for the album.  So if you said "Hey, I don't want to pay a penny for this thing" you could put in 0 into the "what would you like to pay" option and not pay anything.  I guess they had quite a few sales that way, and a lot of other bands are considering doing it as well.  I guess my point behind that is not all of the artist feel that paying nothing is really bad -- otherwise, they would have programmed into the purchase a minimum amount.

I've tried to find the ratios (this % pay nothing, this % paid 1-5, this % paid 5-10 type ting) but I haven't been able to.  I'm willing to bet though that most of the download were lower than what you would usually pay through itunes (or any other pay-for-download program) or buying the physical cd (if they paid anything.)

Just a bit of food for thought.

Brandon Sanderson / torrent!
« on: February 01, 2008, 10:32:20 PM »
I was bored yesterday so I decided to do a search for EUOL in utorrent, and to my surprise I found that you can actually now torrent Elantris.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying you should in any way.  I just feel like to be able to be downloaded like that in our internet-central world it says something about how famous you are...

I made a new one... I got really bored at work.  It's supposed to be Vin coming out of the mists...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium question
« on: January 26, 2008, 10:50:37 PM »
I'm with MPease -- I think HoA will be a lot better than DH.  For one, the world has been written a lot better.  For two, I felt like the last few books were rushed too much.  HoA will be awesome because because I KNOW it wasn't rushed, and all of the plot will be wrapped up in a way that will be a lot more mind boggling than anything that Rowling wrote.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:16:47 PM »
I'd like to point out that there are different levels of crazy.  There's the "Quick, lock him away.  He's a danger to himself and everyone else around him," kind.  There's the "Slightly off his rocker, and not able to funtion in the normal way, but harmless none the less" crazy (a lot of your crazy old ladies in stories fit in this.  They don't make any sense in what they say, live in the past, and are barking mad, but not going to cause any problems.)  There's the "for the most part not able to work with normal people but every once in a while comes up with the amazing idea that helps you in a pinch."  (This is like Adien would have been before the AonDor was restored, had he popped up with the number of steps like he does.) then there's the "Has weird passions, loves things that most people don't, has habits that are a bit too weird for normal people, but they can do what most people do -- just not without being looked at weird." Crazy.  I fit into this catagory, as does, I think, Kelsier (though on different levels).  I personally think Enstine was on this level as well.  (Did you know that even though he could do those insanely hardmath problems he couldn't count his pocket change?)  He's not normal in any sense of the word.  He doesn't act like most people do.  If he isn't careful he'll move up into the next step and be truly crazy.  Right now he's harmless, but still a bit off his rocker, and not living with the rest of the world, but he can do what normal people do when he needs/wants to.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:44:04 AM »
That's a really good point, both of those.

And I know that it won't be a pre-release.  He was saying with WoA that Tor changed the rules so he couldn't do them anymore, and the only reason he got to do it with WoA was because he had it all planned for like months, and it was like three weeks from the release.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So...Brandon....
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:40:45 AM »
I don't know about book sales, but I've noticed that activity on the forums has improved dramatically.

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