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Messages - Oseleon

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Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith Bittorrent Discussion
« on: May 25, 2005, 02:01:08 PM »
As to what gets the greater use for BT

I really cant say as there are several ways to quantify that.  
Total bandwith dedicated
Total download connections

A Linux distro can be 3GB in size.. Meaning ALOT of Bandwith is used...
Where Pirate apps can be 32MB to 4GB
Pirate TV 300-700MB
Pirate Movies as large as 4GB

So A bunch of legit downloaders could pull down Terrabytes more data with fewer connections than Pirate users or vice-versa

10 people downloading a pirate 32MB app would not come NEAR the ammount of bandwith used as  1 person pulling down a Linux Distro.  

When the Lawyers start talking, remember that.  Because they will hand-select the figure that meets their needs.  

Its like the figures on Gun use.  Some groups use the number of Fatalities in gun-crime, some use the number of shootings, some use the number of crimes averted by guns,  and some create statistical filters beyond the comprehension of Steven Hawkins

Everything Else / Re: Super technology!
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:22:45 PM »
Roomba is limited in it's utility however,  It's capacity needs to be larger.  It may work for industrial carpeting (that this stuff you see in offices) But in a pet-owining household with typical deep carpets... It fills too quick.  
This is the main complaint I hear from Roomba users.  

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith -- Spoilers!
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:14:57 PM »
Melting Pot vs Salad Bowl...

Everything Else / Re: Super technology!
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:13:59 PM »
SOrry, my fault for writing from memory rather than looking up and linking the article

Everything Else / Re: A question in short(s).
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:13:13 PM »
I have to be careful not to pour too much time into an outline.  
I'll start with an outline of events... but then get into Charicter backgrounds, history of the surrounding lands, concepts of the technology introduced, Etemology of the foreign names, etc...
Before you know it, I have a 20+ Pages of a compendium and no story... and by that time the flavor has left me and I loose my desire to write the actual story.  
I guess I was raised on too much Tolkien

This is why I have yet to publish anything of my own and spend my efforts helping my Father's research.  History is much easier to deal with.

Everything Else / Re: Super technology!
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:08:17 PM »
Friendy Robotics (there is a company name out of Sci-Fi) is releasing the Scuba.  A robotic mopper.  Just set it up on your surface to be mopped and let it go.  

So... we have the Robot Vacume, Robot Mop and the Robot Lawnmower.  We are farther into the future than we realize.  Think of it, our childern will never know a world without houshold robotics

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith -- Spoilers!
« on: May 25, 2005, 11:58:47 AM »
Keep in mind that the old Republic Jedi were not balanced.
They feared the Dark Side so much that they kept EVERYTHING that could tempt them away. They were a shelterd order
No attachment, No Families. No Love other than Agape.  

Who is stronger?
One who is on the side of Light because he knows no other way?
Or one who overcomes temptation to be on the side of Light?

Luke had attachment, Luke had love, but Luke overcame the temptations that come with those attachments and stayed in the Light.  It's something even Yoda didnt comprehend
Luke: "And Sacrifice Han and Leia!?"
Yoda: "If you value what they fight for, Yes"

Luke would bring about a new BALANCED Jedi Order, one that did not shelter itself from life.  One that would face the temptations of the Darkside and overcome them.  
I hate the EU, BUT In the EU it is said that the New Jedi had families and individual love.  

The inbalance of the force was 2 sides, in absolute disharmony.

The Sith with no restraint
The Jedi with no exposure

Its the same theme as the Mystics and Skexies of the Dark Crystal, The Vorlons and the Shadows of Babylon 5.

Absolute Chaos vs Absolute Order.... Only by accepting both could there be balance.  

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith -- Spoilers!
« on: May 24, 2005, 02:33:41 PM »
The Jedi had gone too far down the detachment highway.  Something like Vader was Bound to happen sometime..

It is only THROUGH individual love that the Sith is destroyed and the Jedi restored (Now with balance)

Think of this
Vader's motive was love for his wife and Children (that they have a mother to raise them) Anakin Loved his family and was delighted that Padme was pregnant.  

When Vader rose in the armor.  He was told that his family was dead.  The Empror told him that Padme had died and by inferance, her child too.  

Vader had lost everything, the Jedi order, his mentor, his love,  all he had left is this new desire for power that acceptance of the Dark Side had awakened in him.  To bring order to the galaxy and make it the kind of galaxy he wanted.  It was Sauroman's dream, to eventualy overthrow the Dark Lord and rule in his stead.  
Love had given way to the weaker motivation of lust.  

Yoda and Obi-Wan understood this.  
They suspected that, if properly forced into making the choice between Love for his family, and the Empror, Vader could probabaly be turned.  
It would have been HOPELESS to train Luke to Defeat Darth Vader and Darth Sideous. Even if they could have started at birth.  It wasn't a sure thing...  
Sideous had killed 5 masters and defeated Yoda
and Vader was the Medichlorian Concieved creation of Sideous' master (so powerful he could use the force to create life)
Luke had only half of Vader's inherited Force Prowes.  The other half was Nabo Mundain..  
No, Luke could not be expected to defeat them.  Only Vader could destroy the sith... But Luke was the key
He just needed enough training to
1 Survive long enough for the conflict to bubble up in Vader
2 Resist the Darkside temptation that Sideous and Vader were BOUND to extend to him.  
He only needed rudimentry Jedi training... enough that you could give in a few months on Daghobah... And instruction and testing about the Dark Side (Yoda's Cave)
Before the purge, the Jedi Shunned attachment and held themselves in arrogant distance from outsiders.  
But the key to Luke's sucess was always his faith in his friends.  
For his friends he faces Vader on Bespin... Against the council of the "old guard"
For his friends he surrenders to Vader on Endor...
His Love for his sister brought him to the edge of the darkside... but he had been prepared and resisted...
His love for his father led to Anakin's reawakening and, at last, the destruction of the Sith... as in the prophecy.  

Luke was never the "Great Jedi"  He was just good enough not to get his head loped off in the first exchange...  
He was Yoda and Obi-Wan's tool to save Anakin.  
"Vader, You must face Vader"
I am sure the blue glowies taught him the rest he needed to restart the Jedi order later.  But as of ROTJ, he was a substandard Jedi meant only as a Catylist.  

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith Bittorrent Discussion
« on: May 23, 2005, 06:13:26 PM »
as I said in my post.  There are a ton of active legitimate uses for BT.  Linux distros and Patches are just 2.  It is a legitimate tool that sometimes gets used for illigetimate reasons.  
It would be like banning a hammer because it CAN and HAS been used as a weapon, ignoring that a Hammer is also a valuable tool

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith Bittorrent Discussion
« on: May 23, 2005, 12:39:42 PM »
it will have no impact whatsoever on the box office sales

I disagree
Everyone WILL Want to see it in the theatre.. true.
But, owning the leaked DVD will save people from going that 2nd, 3rd or 4th time.  
So, people who would have bought 4 tickets, will now only buy 1 or 2

Now, that said, The fault and the enforcement should come down on the leaker.  Not the method.  
BitTorrent has a Primarily legal and legitimate reason for existance.  It is the most common way that Open source software is now distributed.  
According to Sony vs Betamax, this means that BT is protected.  
However, the MPAA has been trying to reverse SvB for 25 years now.  They will play every dirty trick in the book

Remmember that They have several congress persons secure in their pockets (Fritz Hollings)
They will use this as a banner to convince elected officials who do not understand the technology, that it is evil and a great threat to IP economy (as much as I would Like to share Jam's idealistic view of completly free IP I recognize that there must be a balance)

The problem is that Massive organizations like the MPAA and the RIAA are moving mountains and funding campaigns to shift that balance in their favor away from the consumer.  
The Consumer has few such organized efforts in their corner.  
The one I put the most faith in is the EFF or the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

They are on top of this issue and provide help to alot of citizen victims of a legislature that is bumbeling inneptly through the new digital age.  

Keep in mind, when we get hurt by bad IT laws,  Its not the act of malice... like a bight from a carnivore.  Rather it's a clumsy error like getting steped on by a blind elephant.  
The Lawmakers need to be educated.  The EFF can help that
You can make donations and read more about the EFF at

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith -- Spoilers!
« on: May 23, 2005, 12:24:52 PM »
It's not like anything in any of the dialog stated that it had to be her birth mother.

Luke: "Do you remember your mother?  Your real mother?"

Oh, and everything Anakin said before he stopped Windu was his way of trying to convince Mace.  Using an argument he thought would work on Mace.  "Its not the Jedi Way" "Capture him" etc...
It had Nothing to do with his motivation.  Anakin didnt give a frell about the Jedi way at that point.  He had set that asside when he left the Council chamber to stop the attack.  
He NEEDED Palpantine for his own selfish intrests.  That was all

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith
« on: May 19, 2005, 11:42:40 AM »
I saw it yestern nacht
I am very pleased... Very pleased indeed.  
It felt like is fit with the originals....

Let me clarify,  In the beginning it felt like the other prequels... but as the movie progressed, It took the shape of the originals... As Anakin slides.

And YES it is very dark and disturbing...  Empire seems happier now...  

All in all, I will take Episode 3 as an apology from George for everything except Greedo shooting first.  

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith
« on: May 17, 2005, 10:40:08 AM »
I think the Left-Moonbats are so desperate for an argument that they are now inventing them out of irrelevent sources... Since they must have run out of relevent complaints.  

Absurd, absolutly absurd.  

So, they pretend that there IS no war, that it's a "phoney war"  While German Citizens are murdered in honor killings by their radical islamic family.  
While Dutch film-makers are murdered in the street because they made a film that was disagreed with (imagine if Scorsezi was murdered over Last Temptation)
While 12 year olds have bombs strapped to them and run into crowds

Sorry, but it's just SOOO trendy in Europe to look at all the horror of the present age and lay all the blame on the US and Isriel

George himself SAID that he wrote the script BEFORE the Bush Presidency

I guess I should start calling Babylon 5 an "Anti-Bush" program, despite the fact it went off the air in 98...  After all, People in the entertainment industry are all OBVIOUSLY Clairvoient.  JMS Obviously meant for Pr. Clark to = Pr. Bush.

I mean, who could read that article without saying "DUH"

Rants and Stuff / Re: Mother's Day and Feminism
« on: May 13, 2005, 12:08:43 PM »
The horse looks like Hitler

Hitler, Btw, is to blame for the present state of the family

Think about this.  
Before the war, we were in a depression.  Not enough jobs for the men in this country.  

Then the war began, the Factories started churning the arsenal of Democracy, and Women worked those factories, to "free a man to fight"  

After the war, The men came back and the Traditional roles were adopted again, for a brief time...
Then sometime in the 50s....
Families started thinking, well, the missus knows how to Rivet...
With 2 incomes, we could get a leg up

And it began,  
First a few rare cases... Then the economy started to upwardly adjust toward the 2 income housholds...
Before to long, it was VERY difficult to raise a family with 1 income..

All because of Adolph Hitler

Rants and Stuff / Re: Thomas Aquinas on women
« on: May 13, 2005, 11:50:01 AM »
And what about the President of Harvard who essentially said that there aren't more women in science basically because their brains aren't up to it?

Actualy, he is the victim of a rather harsh charicter assasination attempt on the part of militant feminists. <--Addressed in NRO
This is perfectly consistent with Hopkins's current schtick &#8212; which got her a nice, sympathetic interview on the Today show and newspaper coverage around the world. In the past, women used to claim that vulgar language would cause them to grow ill or faint. Now feminists like Hopkins use the same tactic to silence ideologically unacceptable ideas and to intimidate the intellectually curious. That's the stereotype Hopkins is reinforcing: that feminists and the Left are pro-science and pro-scholarship as long as they already agree with the conclusions.

He addressed the very REAL fact that there are
1. Structural and Chemical diffrences in the brains between men and women
2. Numerous studies as to how those diffrences affect diffrent areas of apptitute <--Scientific America article on the issue

So basicly, this guy was crucified for discussing an ACTIVE Scientific topic.  
How enlightened

Look, the truth cannot be offensive. Perhaps the hypothesis is wrong, but how would we ever find out whether it is wrong if it is &#8220;offensive&#8221; even to consider it?

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