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Messages - Hobbun

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I read a few drizzt books. That is more of a serial that goes on and on, than a series that has a specific end point. You don't really need to read all of them to get the jist of what he is doing. I thought the idea was better than the execution. I found the dark elf world a bit hollow and hard to believe. I kept wondering how every can be right and if there is constant warfare, and very few births why do they have such a big population?

Salvatore was ok. What he was trying to accomplish in his writing is not really what I like to read.

Well, to each their own. I agree, and as I said above (at least I think it was this thread), the Drizzt books do not have the complexity of like the WoT (or similar epic series), but for me it is a very fun read.

You can sit and analyze most series or books in general, writers are not perfect. But the idea is not to look too much into it and take it for what it is.  But if you don't enjoy reading those stories in the first place, I can understand not liking the books.

And you are right, right now they are more of a serialized story, with no specific end in sight.  Although I guess we could have said the same with the WoT 4-5 years ago.  :D However, of course eventually there is going to be end to the series, just like there is an end to everything.

And I am not reading them to get the gist of the series, but to experience the whole story. I know I am not going to get 'to the end' as there will be more, but I want to at least finish off what he has currently written up to as I will be seeing Salvatore at GenCon in less than a month and want to be caught up when going to his Q&A.

I don’t know, I kind of like the Sword of Truth series, although I have only read up to Fallen Empire.

But what I have read about Terry Goodkind and what I have seen in his interviews, well, not trying to knock on him, but he seems a bit…out there. Very preachy and insists what he writes is some great teachings or revelations. *shrugs* They just seem like decent fantasy novels, to me.

I probably will get back to the Sword of Truth series eventually, but with my large backlog of books already, it is definitely going to be on the backburner for quite some time.

A reading lull is the exact opposite for myself, right now. With my long time off of not reading, I have fallen behind on quite a few books. After finishing my Drizzt books (only 7 more to go), I plan to finally start some of Brandon’s works (I think I’m going to start with Elantris). After completed with that, I will finally start my WoT reread.

So I have many months of reading yet to keep me busy.

Oh yes, then there is Way of Kings coming out, as well. But I think I may wait on that one for awhile. Last thing I want to do is start that series and then in book 3 or 4 the release time becomes longer and longer between books, like what happened with WoT. It really depends on how quickly Brandon puts them out, if they are released fairly quickly, it won’t be an issue.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:13:52 PM »
Is there a closer one?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:49:11 PM »
Yes, that's what I plan on doing as once I start my re-read of WoT, it is going to be straight through. With maybe the exception of New Spring after book 5.

Hopefully by the time I finish my re-read (and new books I haven't read in the series), I will be finishing up with Towers of Midnight right around when A Memory of Light is released, or soon before it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: July 06, 2010, 01:44:36 PM »
I’ll admit, I try not to believe too much on user reviews on Amazon, especially considering when a lot of them go “It sucks!” “Boring!” or other very short and uninformative responses. But I do read the longer, more in depth reviews and I will say I was pretty shocked on not only the amount of overall negative reviews, but the percentage of them that were extremely low, and I am talking about the reviews by the readers who were informative, not the abovementioned useless one lined ‘reviews.’

Either way, I will still read Crossroads of Twilight as it is part of the series. But maybe if I go into it not expecting it to be that great, it will be better than I hope for. That method works for movies, at least.   :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: July 06, 2010, 01:13:06 PM »
Chicago signing. Only a few hours away...

I’ll see you there!

Remember what I said in my earlier post, get there at least a good hour or so  early. And if getting early in line is important for you (short on time later in the evening), you will want to get yourself a wristband earlier on in the day.   :)

'Waiting' for Towers of Midnight to read again?  Come now, you have a lot of time to get some more books in!

I wish I had your time to start reading some of Brandon's books. But I want to finish the series of books I am reading now before GenCon (9 more to go).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: July 04, 2010, 01:46:34 PM »
I loved 10/Crossroads of Twilight, but I read it knowing I'd have 11/Knife of Dreams to follow immediately after. I think a lot of the dissappointment around it is the whole "This is what we got after waiting years?" aspect. For people starting new or catching up again, I think it reads a lot better than it would have for someone on the bleeding edge of the series.

And yeah, I hated 9/Winter's Heart.

It depends whether you're won over by Mat at that stage, I think. Knife of Dreams focuses heavily on him and really develops his character, so if you haven't started laughing at him whenever he shows up by then, then you're not really going to like it.

Knife of Dreams also goes a lot faster than the previous books did, and reads a lot more like The Gathering Storm.

Ok, that's good. Sounds like I will have no issues with KoD as Mat was one of my favorite characters from early on.

Now can I ask why you didn't like Winter's Heart? Without giving a spoiler?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:37:49 PM »
Well, from the reviews I have read about Knife of Dreams they are pretty mixed. A lot still are ‘meh’. In fact, the last ‘good’ book I am seeing is Lord of Chaos. I’d have to agree to an extent, at least speaking from Crown of Swords and Path of Daggers (as I haven’t read past that). CoS was ok and PoD was good, but they don’t compare to Lord of Chaos and the prior books.

Ok, thanks Peter.

Yes, TGS made complete sense in rushing to get out. I remember Brandon saying one of the main reasons on why A Memory of Light was split into three books was because both Brandon and Harriet felt it was very important to get out a book by 2009 due to it was 4 years since KoD. And I agree.

And just to clarify, none of us are trying to come across as critical (at least speaking for myself) in putting out the books too soon. We only are saying we would rather Brandon be able to take that time to polish the book like he wants to than to keep that year timeframe. In a way, I am glad to know AMoL will ‘not’ be out in 2011. I am sure it has a lot to do with his other obligations as well, but I am guessing (hoping) part of it is because it is the final book and Brandon wants to make sure it is as ‘perfect’ as possible.

One thing Brandon has made clear in all his blog posts/interviews over and over is that the books are done right before they go to press. And from what I have heard of TGS, he is definitely in the right direction.

This probably explains Brandon's problems with Matt (from the interview)

"I do wish I'd had was more time to polish the book. There was no more time; that book had to come out last year. The drafting process was so quick—I did 17 drafts of that book across the space of just a short number of months. Anytime you do a draft, artifacts show up. You say the wrong thing, or you're thinking about one scene while writing another, and shift the tone the wrong direction. Or you just delete a word here or insert the wrong word."

From Brandon's perspective, the book had to come out soon because the people signing his checks said so. However, I don't know why Harriet could not slow it all down. Maybe she just wants it done? It is a big burden that Robert Jordan left on her. I doubt TOR could really tell her what to do. MArtin takes years to get books done and he does not have the sales that Jordan does.

If fans need to wait an extra year so Brandon could improve the book, too bad for us. We will live. I guess its just business. Brandon must have lived and breathed this book to get it done.

Yes, I agree. Like yourself, I would prefer they (as in Brandon and 'Team Jordan') took whatever time was required to put out the book. If it took until June of this year, instead of the October 2009 release date, I would have been fine with that. And the same would apply for ToM and AMoL.

There is no need to rush the last three books by any means.  The closest I can think of is the contract was set up with Tor for a year apart for each book and Brandon and Harriet are trying to honor that. But yes, I agree in that it's not like Tom (Doherty) is going to play hardball if the book has to be delayed.

I would be curious to hear the necessity of getting the books out quickly. Maybe Peter could shed some light on the issue (if he is able to say).

Oh, and one last thing, like you, I am amazed on Brandon getting these books (TGS and ToM) out on time. Considering he has also had to honor other contractual obligations, as well. You would think someone would just get burned out. We are lucky that Brandon truly loves to write that much!

No, I never saw those death matches. I have never read Rothfuss, to be honest and did not hear about him until Comatose brought up he was reading The Name of the Wind.

But I do understand what you are getting at and I agree with you, it is not fair to another author to get a character (who is difficult to write) exactly right. But that being said, you still don't want to see large discrepancies with characters in a continuing series from one book to another. It would be one thing if another writer tried to write that more difficult character in a short story (like in your example of the battles), but if you are continuing the 'main' series (like WoT), you want those characters to flow from book to book as much as possible. It really is a tough situation for Brandon, because as you said, Mat is more difficult to write.

What is good is from what I hear is Brandon has done a good job with the rest of the cast (do you agree?) and whatever discrepancies with Mat does not detract from the overall great job that Brandon did. As I said, by the time I get to TGS, I most likely will not remember the issues with Mat and maybe will not even notice it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Freakout about the signing
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:17:37 PM »
I'm guessing he's leaving the country right after, and was worried we would leave before the signing.... Just my guess ;)

Ah yes, good point. That makes more sense. 

A lot of people live near Brandon who frequent this board. :)

Drizzt!  How can you stand that many.  I've read a fair number of his books, some parts are good, but he annoys me so much though!  I actually can't stand him.

100 pages to go in The Name of the Wind!  Someone broke into our house last night, and long story short, I ended up staying up until 3:00 reading.  I was almost asleep at 1:30, but then... Funny how things happen.

Oh, Drizzt is one of my favorite characters and Salvatore one of my favorite authors. A couple of the books are a bit slow, but it has nothing to do with Drizzt. I’m basically doing a reread of the entire series and as I said, have about 8 ½  books left. I have read...17 of them now within the last month and a half? Should have them done by the end of July.

These books are of course not as complex as the more epic series’ (like WoT), but they are fun reads.

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