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Messages - Bastille

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But be warned: the consequences of a non-pie-lover voting on this thread are terrible–so terrible, in fact, that to put it in words would inflict such pain of mind that I will refrain from doing so (as of now). Heed my warning, cake-loving heretics. Heed it, or suffer.

With Dignity, Honour, and in the Name of Pie,

Post Script: to see the origin of this glorious battle, go to:

What kind of pain did you have in mind Shaggy?

Yeah. It's suckishness is bad enough.

Of course cake sucks--it sucks in all the good-tasting flavors and combines them for a glorious experience. Which is much better than pie's reeking...;)

Nice!  :D ;)

Yeah. It's suckishness is bad enough.

You know what?? You shouldn't even be here. By mocking us here your just showing how low you are to be here in the first place.  :P

Anyway we need no limit. We cake lovers know who will be the best leader for our orginization/leader/king/queen.

So when do votes cut off?

oooohhhhhhh mmmmaaaannn. I forgot to put a date on when the post closes.  :-[ I'm sorry guys. Is there anyway I can go back a fix it?  ???

Well..should he be on ours then?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon and girls.
« on: June 26, 2009, 09:14:56 PM »
All of the books that i've read by brandon sanderson has a girl main character, i was just wondering if there is a reason for that.

Because he is a dirty pervert! it to far. Those are things we should keep to ourselves i think......if I got the wrong thing here tell me but I think that was a tiny bit...unnesassary... ???

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elantris vs. Mistborn *Spoilers*
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:05:48 PM »
Oh this is not good. Mentions of Twilight in my thread...Now I must resist the urge to join the bashing, and that's always hard to do where this series is involved....

I agree with Zas. Hoid wins. Hoids beats everybody. Meaning the mistborn, the horse, even Harry Potter. Hoid FTW.

Sorry!!  :-[ Got confused.....

68 is Jade Knight on both rosters to become both the leader of pie and cake?  ??? :o

Rants and Stuff / Re: Favorite food?
« on: June 26, 2009, 03:40:28 PM »
I really enjoy thia food which is in the "Other Asia" catagory. It's made up of mostly sea food like crab and fish and yummy things like that.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Elantris vs. Mistborn *Spoilers*
« on: June 24, 2009, 11:01:10 AM »
Ugh, Bella FTL because she never went blood sucking vampiress a.k.a. awesome. BOOOO!

Stephanie Meyer makes my angry.

She had everything set up for a perfect and deadly battle several times throughout the series, but wimped out every single time.

She can't do her characters justice if she saves them through the flimsiest excuse possible every time. ERGH! I refuse to read any other books she writes.

I have to agree with you there. The only fight senes in the book that we see are them kiling James and Edward killing Victoria. I would had LOVED  it if one of the Cullens had died. **Rose***

This thread has been infiltrated red alert!!!!

PS does this poll show us who voted so we can weed out spy votes?

Hmmmm, no I don't beleive they do.  :-\
As a side note, we really need an organization name. We can't just be the cake lovers, especially not when we're competing against the order of pie. So, whichever of the candidates is able to come up with the best name for the Cake Organization Thingy gets my vote.

I don't think that's fair....or is it? I mean it should be the person who you think would do the better job hitting someone in the face with a cake!!!  :P  ;D But Andrew is right about the name though. We need one. I think once the winner is chosen then they can decide the name.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon and girls.
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:38:07 AM »
I like the female characters that B. Sanderson writes, but I would like him to write more books with male protagonists. I think I just relate to them better. 

I loved Lightsong in Warbreaker. He cracked me up.

I think he does a good job evening out the female and male protagonist.

Looks like so far there's a three way tie!! (for now...)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Pie VS Cake: The Official Thread
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:42:25 PM »

it is done!!!!  ;D

This is were we will decide the leader of the cake voters. Again, no pie leaders/voters vote on here please. If you have any questions, concerns or problems please ask me!! Thanks, and have fun voting!!!!!!!

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