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Messages - Dex1138

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Books / Let's bring back book burning!
« on: March 16, 2005, 01:13:28 PM »
Full article here
A top Catholic cardinal has blasted The Da Vinci Code as a "gross and absurd" distortion of history and said Catholic bookstores should take the best-seller off their shelves because it is full of "cheap lies," the Reuters news service reported.

I guess they didn't get the memo this was a work of fiction?
You don't see anyone from the Illuminati speaking out about "Angels and Demons". just don't see them anyway I guess.

Movies and TV / Re: StarWars: Revelations (and a familiar face)
« on: March 16, 2005, 01:07:17 PM »
Definately have to check that out, looks good. Of course, the geek within me is screaming that it doesn't appear to fit within the canon, but he can be beaten into submission.

Movies and TV / Re: Herbie?
« on: March 16, 2005, 12:56:07 PM »
Saw the trailer with Robots this weekend. Looks like a decent Disney family flick for what they've turned out lately.

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith
« on: March 16, 2005, 12:52:47 PM »
I just went through frame by frame (I know, I'm a geek)
Watch near the end where that huge lava wave comes up over the walkway. Kinda looks like someone is standing right under it  ;D

Do you think Palpatine always looks like Sidious and he is just projecting some kind of Force-illusion so he appears as Palpatine? Just something I was curious about.

Don't remember if I mentioned it in this thread (or even on this forum) but IMO one of the reasons the fan(boy)s hate the prequels is that it's not the same formula. Because of the nature of the story it can't be another hero's journey.

Lucas, intentionally or no, also leaves much of the personality/detail construciton to the viewer.
It's intentional. He's mentioned it before in interviews. He's not as concerned with the performances, just telling his story. The main actors in Star Wars have said many times his direction consisted of "Do it again. Faster and more intense."

Everything Else / Re: Holy Bad Idea, Batman
« on: March 16, 2005, 12:34:57 PM »
On a slightly more comedic note:
Star Wars: The Musical Edition
I had a chance to see this at MIT and it was hilarious (as intended). Obi's hut had a Moulin Rouge poster  :D

Movies and TV / Re: New Trailer
« on: March 11, 2005, 10:56:20 AM »
That has got to be the best 2 minutes and change of film I've seen.
Lucas is appearing on 60 Minutes this Sunday as well. In an interview excerpt he says he wouldn't take a 6 year old to see this movie. And also stongly suggests it will be PG-13.

Movies and TV / Re: The New Doctor Who
« on: March 11, 2005, 10:51:51 AM »
I don't remember the mirror scene in the version I saw. I was a big Baker fan back in the 70s/80s and never really watched outside of his episodes.
This new version is cheeky and cheesy...and I love it :)
But how did the mannequins get guns in them? Were they built that way to start?

Video Games / Re: KoTOR 2
« on: March 11, 2005, 10:49:09 AM »
Yeah I've tried that. Even that aspect needs some tweaking. No matter the setting though, they shouldn't go about willy-nilly opening doors

Video Games / Re: KoTOR 2
« on: March 09, 2005, 12:51:16 PM »
I've had people go running off opening doors that had more enemies behind them while fighting.

Video Games / Re: KoTOR 2
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:25:25 AM »
Having now finished the game, I'm seriously disappointed with the ending and the unresolved sub-plots. Not to mention, what's the deal with Visas' master? All that buildup, a brief fight and that's it ?!?
There's a good editorial here discussing the lack of an ending and missing elements. It also has links to some of the missing cutscenes and dialog.
Bao's voice bothered me too, just something weird about it.
I mostly used Mira (packing a pair of pimped out Mandalorian disintegrators) and Visas. Hardly ever used the droids except when I needed some comic relief by HK.

Movies and TV / Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
« on: March 03, 2005, 10:02:43 AM »
I know some have read this so though it would be of interest:

New Line Cinema has set Oscar winner Christopher Hampton (Dangerous Liaisons) to adapt Susanna Clarke's best-selling supernatural novel Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell for the big screen, Variety reported. The book concerns a magician and his apprentice who use their powers in the war against Napoleon, but are eventually pitted against each other.

Video Games / Re: KoTOR 2
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:59:05 AM »
I'm close to finishing the Light Side (I think). It seems it's been easier combat-wise than the first. I've hardly used any stims or grenades. But I have been making a lot of my own upgrades to get the most out of my equipment, so that may count for something. Or it could be there are less force using opponents.
The dialog choices are definately weird in places. I didn't pick anything that wasn't revealed to me in the game...just didn't seem right. How should I know if my character remembers this or that?
One minor annoyance: There was a point where I had taken care of a crime lord and walked back past his receptionist. And they said "Don't kill me, I just work here." For my response I chose "Then you'd better find a new place to work." My kind of humor.
What it really means is "Oh well, I'm going to kill you anyway." I suppose I should have known by that point that most dialog in that slot leans toward Dark Side. Thankfully I am a paragon of light, so it wasn't too detrimental.

When you play, do you find yourself using certain characters more than others or do you mix it up when you head out?

Books / Re: news: upcoming CoH comic
« on: March 02, 2005, 11:42:13 AM »
That's good, now we can finally see Positron do something other than send up and coming heroes on death missions.

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith
« on: March 02, 2005, 11:40:43 AM »
Couldn't get the link to work, said I'm not authorized...story of my life.
There's an amazing fan created trailer that's popped up.

Actual trailer will be airing during The O.C. next Thursday (10th), online for Hyperspace and AOL members around 12am EST and with the new release Robots on the 11th.

Video Games / Re: M.A.X.
« on: March 02, 2005, 11:33:25 AM »
You could also check out this place:

They have lots of old games there. For some you will need to get a program to emulate the game's original platform.

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