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Messages - Fireborn

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:35:44 PM »
I have a couple of things I'd like to point out concerning various opinions expressed on this thread.

I don't think Hoid is a shard.  Why?  Cuz he still has a physical body.  When Vin became a shard, her body vanished, so if Hoid is a shard why hasn't this happened to him?

I also don't think that the Elantris pool and the Dor are different shards.  Everyone is basing the intentions of the pool on a full two sentences, which can hardly be used to assume all of it's intentions.  But the point still stands: why would the pool offer Raoden rest if he was the only one who could fix the Spirit of Elantris?  Simple: choice.  He gave Raoden a way out of his pain, something so overwhelming as to make him hoed.  He would not be a benevolent god without giving him that option, in my opinion.  And it is a triumph of Raoden's character that he did the right thing, not the easy thing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: March 25, 2010, 06:45:45 AM »
Thanks, Peter.  I already read it, but I had mostly forgotten that post.
So Vin technically is a Sliver.  So, maybe her leftover power let her intuitively notice something being up with Hoid, so she left him alone.  So the implied question is: what is it about Hoid that only Slivers can see?

This seems like a bit of a leap to conclusions.  It could also possibly be Ruin's influence that makes Vin wary.
Was Ruin present in that scene?  And that could have implications of it's own: Vin knows a trap, maybe that's why she dashed, so would Ruin recognize Hoid and use him as a way to bait a trap for Vin?  A stretch, I know, but it's an idea I like.

I doubt that the stacking works through exponential growth due to the "power loss" catch of Hemalurgy in general.

But #1 is a good question.  This could be the root of another allomancy/feruchemy combo trick.  Combining burning in general with brass could create a nice wealth of excess heat.

Yeah, well, I am six foot seven and 240 pounds.

Edit:  Sorry, thought we were fighting over biggest fan.  My bad.
Wow, you guys are awesome.  I live about an hour from BYU and can't match half of these.  Heck, I don't even own any of Brandon's books, being the poor teenager that I am. *is shamed*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: March 24, 2010, 11:52:36 PM »
Thanks, Peter.  I already read it, but I had mostly forgotten that post.
So Vin technically is a Sliver.  So, maybe her leftover power let her intuitively notice something being up with Hoid, so she left him alone.  So the implied question is: what is it about Hoid that only Slivers can see?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:50:48 AM »
Brandon said TLR is a Sliver. He didn't say anything about him being a Splinter.
Yep, my terminology is messed up.  I could really use some definitions here.
But is Vin a Sliver, cuz she held the power of the Well, like Rashek did?  Or did he only gain that status by keeping it?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:47:25 AM »
I was at, if I remember right, our school's fall band concert near the beginning of the year.  Afterward I ran into a friend who had graduated the previous year and he had a friend with him who was a bit older and a film buff.  Our mutual friend went off to talk to someone else, and I wound up talking to him about various things.  The subject of books came up and he mentioned the WoT, he asked if I'd read it, and I admitted I hadn't.  Well, he didn't really tell me about the books, but about how the series was going to be continued after RJ died.  I'm not actually sure if he said the name Brandon Sanderson, but that was where I first witnessed his influence.  I didn't think about it at all after that.
In December, I was getting a ride home from a friend after one of very many Christmas choir performances, and another choir friend was in the car.  The subject of books came up, and he recommended Mistborn to me, spilling out buckets of praise about the books, which I decided to take with a grain of salt (unnecessary, of course).  When I was getting out of the car he mentioned how it had three magic systems, which earned a raise eyebrow and a "what the?" when he told me the names of the systems.
So I put a hold on FE at the library and about mid January I got my hands on it.  I proceeded to ravenously devour it, reading late into the night.  I then got the next two from the library and glutted myself on those, confiding in my friend about different plot twists as I got to them.
I've since read everything that Brandon has put out, save for the WoT, which I'm actually downloading the audiobook for right now.  Interesting how life works, isn't it?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 24, 2010, 04:58:58 AM »
Again, in his words, Universal has the rights to WoT and has exercised the option. Similarly, Dreamworks has the rights to Alcatraz at the moment.
He also had updates on the various movie options. In his words:

"Wheel of Time is looking at maybe a 1 in 2 chance of being made, and Alcatraz has about a 1 in 4 or 5 chance. Mistborn is going to be the long shot of long shots - it's like a 1 in 50."
Well, that's a funny thing to say since Mistborn's the only one that he's actually sold the movie rights for...unless I'm out of the loop and the other two have already gone.
See: totally out of the loop, that's what I get for being a newbie. :P
Also, I would LOVE to see an Alcatraz movie, not sure how'd they would handle the narrator, he's the best part of the books for me.

Might be true but that doesn't mean that there isn't interest for Wheel of Time & Alcatraz. I imagine studios are looking for the next replacement to Harry Potter. Something that can fill that void. Alcatraz feels to me like it'd be a good match.

Also, the rights to Wheel of Time aren't Brandon's. They are Harriets (I would assume). With the huge following that series has, a movie doesn't surprise me in the least.
See, totally out of the loop.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: March 24, 2010, 04:54:11 AM »
What I wanna know is why did Vin avoid Hoid in HoA?  Does he have some kind of bad vibe that only some people can notice.
Now, I'm not sure what the Splinters are exactly, but I know that TLR and the Returned are Splinters.  Is Vin one?  Cuz that, and Hoid giving off some sort of vibe would explain something about both the nature of Hoid and the Splinters at the same time.  I don't know if this is even based on correct premises or close to be in the realm of possibility, but I  noticed something and I want it noticed, dangit!  (dern run on sentence)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:05:00 PM »
He also had updates on the various movie options. In his words:

"Wheel of Time is looking at maybe a 1 in 2 chance of being made, and Alcatraz has about a 1 in 4 or 5 chance. Mistborn is going to be the long shot of long shots - it's like a 1 in 50."
Well, that's a funny thing to say since Mistborn's the only one that he's actually sold the movie rights for...unless I'm out of the loop and the other two have already gone.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:59:35 PM »
Malatium is atium+gold.
Yeah, so my theory still has a shot!  Though it's not really my theory, it's more of a popular idea that I've kind of adopted, but still, I would like some vindication!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:45:50 PM »
Let me see if I'm understanding this alright: Two books a year, that's a definite, with it being two SA books one year, then an SA and one other book the next year?  Feel free to correct me on this, but that's the idea I'm getting.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:37:32 AM »
It's most likely the base metal, due to the fact that there's different names for electrum-mistings (oracles) and atium-mistings. (seers) That's certainly not proof, though.
I'm not sure what your logic behind this statement is.  Are you saying that because the names for the two misting types are different that they can't be connected?  Well, even if my theory is right, Atium and Electrum would still be two different metals, just put together to get what we've observed.
I think that this would be something that Preservation would want to do.  Raw Atium would be extremely powerful, so he'd want to diminish its power, as well as offering a power that would better fit into his plans.  So he had Ruin's power manifest in a place where it would mingle with an already present metal to dilute its power.
It makes sense in my opinion, but I just need one more proof to make it official, and that's Brandon's confirmation.

I do want to know what a Atium Larasium Alloy would do, though.

And that's simply bizarre, douglas.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings Cover Art
« on: March 18, 2010, 04:56:10 AM »
I think it looks pretty sweet.  I can see where the artwork could be considered pretty generic, but this is sort of the epitome of such covers, superseding other, similar pieces.  That sheer quality will probably be enough to make this stand out from a gaggle of similar covers, cuz its just so cool.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 18, 2010, 03:39:28 AM »
This particular Mistborn has been really bugging me lately:

"Is the Atium we're familiar really the base metal or an alloy, maybe with Electrum?"

If you could ask that and get a straight answer, that would ROCK.

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