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Messages - Dex1138

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Everything Else / Re: Profile Names
« on: September 08, 2004, 12:09:31 PM »
Well, my handle is part RL nick (Dex) and part homage to THX-1138. So there you go!
Archon: I would have guess you took your name from the old C=64 game. I used Archon a lot on bbs back in the day b/c I loved that game :)

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff on the Internet IV
« on: September 03, 2004, 11:01:51 AM »
They should use that for their ad campaign. rofl
I've gotten spooked a couple times in my long gaming career but never that bad.

Everything Else / Re: Soda pop just gets weirder
« on: September 03, 2004, 10:56:09 AM »
Well, my friend who worked for Pepsi said that there will be a new Mountain Dew coming out in october. A spicy flavor.

Taco Bell already has a Baja something Mt Dew, maybe that's it?
Spicy soda? That's weird.
Anyone ever been to Epcot and the Coke exhibit thing where you can sample beverages from around the world? Mmmm, watermelon soda!

Everything Else / Re: Soda pop just gets weirder
« on: September 02, 2004, 10:17:38 AM »
I have yet to meet a Mt Dew I didn't like. Pitch Black (why they call it black when it's grape I don't know. Have you ever seen Black Grapes in the store?) is great.
Grape and Orange are kinda the step-children in the soda world. They only get attention once in awhile when you need something different or have a weird craving.
Now as a kids, we used to mix whatever store brand soda Grams had in the fridge for our fiendish experiments. Then as we get older, it cola this or citrus that. Grape and Orange kinda fall by the wayside. Where is the media push for them? Why are they left out?
Thank you Pepsi Co for giving us a refreshing new grape!

Video Games / Re: City of Heroes
« on: September 02, 2004, 09:55:07 AM »
This morning I got to experience one of those rare wonderous moments in the game: feeling like the hero you are.
 Capt Blaze was cruising around Steel Canyon searching for Vahzilok's minions (with his new flight power!) when his helmet scanners picked up a fierce battle at the entrance to a nearby back alley.
 Blaze focused his sensors to find a hero scrapper besiged by a pair of 5th Column Nazis. The fallen Nazis at the hero's feet made it clear this fight had been long and taxing. The hero was holding them off as best he could, giving as much as he was getting. But the lieutenant and his flunky had the scrapper on the ropes.
 Capt. Blaze swooped by, switching his jet boots into hover mode for better aim. He let loose with a powerful sniper blast, knocking the Nazi lieutenant down and almost into unconsciousness.
 The fatigued hero knocked out the minion and had no trouble cleaning up his superior. Blaze flipped the hero a casual salute before kicking his jet boots back into flight mode and continuing his search of the city.

These events are only a minute or two in the game but it makes the whole playing experience that much better.

Video Games / Re: City of Heroes
« on: September 01, 2004, 01:17:40 PM »
Tiny typo:

"The second option is to wait for an opponent to wake you up"
I'm sure the villians would find it amusing to rez you then beat you up again though :)

Finally got flight over the weekend. Wooooo!

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff on the Internet IV
« on: August 27, 2004, 12:19:52 PM »
I got one of these last x-mas and it's pretty sweet! Not sure why Luke's RotJ saber is blue on that page, but what's a geek to do?   ;D

Movies and TV / Re: SWIII
« on: August 27, 2004, 11:56:44 AM »
  That's funny, I feel the opposite way about the Clone Wars figs. I think the "realistic" ones are a bad attempt at cashing in and love the animated ones.

(*Let me just say ther may be some spoiler-ish stuff beyond here, but it's all been released thru Lucas so I don't consider it spoiler*)

 As for some of the predictions that have been made...

Chewie is indeed in the movie.
Jar Jar will not die (sad I know!)
Sam Jackson asked to not go out like a punk and he's getting his wish.
Padme is pregnant during the movie.
There have been shots of fake babies.

(*end spoiler-ish stuff*)

the same guy has been in 4 of the 6 movies as the Emperor.
[ubergeek mode on]
This will actually only be true once the dvds come out. A seperate actor was used in Empire Strikes Back and had monkey eyes composited on his face to get the creepy look. The DVD version will have him replaced with the "real" Emperor/Palpatine.
[ubergeek mode off]

I think the kids will be born towards the end or they will at least show them being split up. Luke's line in ESB "something familiar about this place" on Dagobah makes me think he's there when Yoda is dropped off to go into hiding ;)

Movies and TV / Re: The Village *Major Spoilers*
« on: August 27, 2004, 11:37:33 AM »
  MHO: I was bored through most of the beginning, thank god for Ivy *dreamy sigh*. I had, unknowingly, already figured out he whole village thing before ever seeing the movie so that was no big shock. I was expecting it to be scarier, a lot.
 Why would you send a blind girl out in the woods alone? I get they didn't want to blow their cover, but come on. I can only stretch my disbelief so far.
 And don't get me started on his cameo. Ridiculous! I agree with most everyone that he needs to get away from the shcok ending thing or his career is going to tank.

Movies and TV / Re: Sky Captian and the World of Tomorrow
« on: August 27, 2004, 11:24:57 AM »
  I have been drooling/waiting for this flick since the first trailers last year. I don't often get tingly when I see a trailer, but this one did it for me.
 I know this movie is not going to let me down. How can you go wrong with giant robots, dogfights, mysterious assassins and ray guns? Even if this turns out to be the suckiest movie that ever sucked I am still going to love it at least for the visuals.
 While we're talking about pulp flicks and my darling Jenny, what's everyones thoughts on Rocketeer?

Table-Top Games / Re: Best place to buy a game online
« on: August 27, 2004, 11:13:07 AM »
(ok bit of necro-posting)

Hey Stacy! Was that the Compleat Strategist you went to? I've been going there since I could drive, back in the days before large book chains carried gaming stuff and comic specialty shops.
There's also in Somerville which is very T friendly.

For online buying I've used they have decent prices.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Roleplaying Superstition
« on: August 27, 2004, 11:04:39 AM »
A friend of mine would always roll his entire set of dice pre-game, putting them aside when they rolled their max, until the whole set was showing its max value.

CCGs / Re: Dex's game
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:46:06 AM »
Off their wumpus? The ASPCMonsters would have a field day with that!
Poor wumpus, been unemployed for so long.
But yeah, just let me know what you need. I have all the cards in purty pdf format. Just have to set the rules down so normal folk can understand them.

CCGs / Re: Now this is one CCG i'm gonna have to get
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:40:01 AM »
Should be interesting to see how this one goes. I kinda enjoyed the old Mythos game, insanity not withstanding.

CCGs / Re: Dex's game
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:36:58 AM »
And to think I came in here (CCG) just to see what was going on.
The game I made isn't a CCG, don't know if that makes a difference? It could definately have some mini-expansions, but it's played from one main deck.
Hey I'll take my 15 minutes wherever I can get it ;) At least this way, someone outside the state might get to play it.  :D

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