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Messages - Bastille

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Hey!! I'm not a mega nut and I would be talking!!!! I can share a few thing here about you so don't make fun of me!!  :D
About the pic..... :o no comment.  :D That is just so weird. I'm sure we can find a better pic though. (Not that your is bad, it just frightens me.)
 Also, Shasta be nice please. You don't make friends here by calling them meanies. It's not nice and your 14 so grow up!!!


I admit defeat!!!! It's a boy!!!!Okay, were going to drop the gender thing.  ;) Sorry for even bringing it up. Back to topic. Who's next?

See!!! That person does look like a girl!! It has the wrong face to be a guy!!! I guess your kinda right on how old he/she is but you can't really find allot of nice pictures of people who have silver hair who look just like your favorite character. When you look for pics of your favorite character then it's harder because your more specific on how they look. To me that's a okay pic for her. (even if the person is a guy  ;D)


THAT'S A BOY!!! oops!!  :-[  :D

I know. And I looked at the rest of the pics on the internet of her and now I'm even more convinced. Now I need to find a pic of Alcatraz!!  :D
OMG!! (This is the updated part of the post)  Look at this I found on the internet. (I know some people don't think it looks like Bastille but whatever, I do.)  :D I love the look on the face and what it says!! It just fits!!

If this has another meaning or if someone wants to correct me in any way with this pic just let me know and I'll delete it because I don't really want to look stupid.   ;D

OMG!! Your post count is so weird. I always saw Bastille with short silver hair even though the book says it's long with hair like that. When I found this it just seemed to say what I pictured Bastille to look like. I really don't care if people think it's weird or not because it's what I think and that is that.  :D That sounded so weird coming out of my mouth.


Good answer.  :D That's a good example because if something like his Talent (I'm using the next word because I can't think of a better one) exploding, Grandpa Smedry would arrive late to it so the next closest person would be Bastille!!! Whoa. If any of you can understand what I just wrote I applaud you because I can't.
Just a little thing I found in the 2nd book. When Alcatraz first sees his first Curator and he puts on his Discereners Lenses he says the Curator glowed white so that Curator could have been his father. Just a little note I wanted to share.
Okay. I found this on the internet and to me it looks just how I picture Bastille to look like in the book. I just thought it looked cool so here it is. Sorry it's so big. I can't size it down so it's small.  :-\

Okay, you win. I wonder why that is though.  ???

Brandon Sanderson / Re: What MB character are you and why?
« on: March 14, 2009, 11:36:07 PM »
Okay, I know I'm a girl but i like Elend anyway. The way he changes from a foolish nobleman to a ruler of a dominance is just so cool.

Music / Re: iPod!
« on: March 14, 2009, 11:21:01 PM »
Same here.  ;D

the idea of him braking himself is very likely because he is very capable of bracking living thing like that chickenin the firs book and if he is not carful then one day when he gets angry he will brake the closest thing to him, the person nearest to him inboth of the books is Bastille so that would  be interesting. :o


I actually think the closest person to him is Grandpa Smedry but since we didn't have Grandpa Smedry in the little group in the first and second I guess Bastille would be the closest person.


Oh..breaking the Worldspire!! Now THAT would be fun.


Music / Re: iPod!
« on: March 13, 2009, 11:05:30 AM »
Um. Never mind. I really don't want to be spending my money on something like that.

I agree with both of you. If the Talent doesn't break him then it's going to break every thing and everyone that he loves.


Music / Re: iPod!
« on: March 13, 2009, 02:19:12 AM »
They are? That's weird.

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