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Messages - Bastille

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I thought Ook said it was coming out in October? And usually with Barnes and Noble you can get a book a book a month early. I got Scriveners Bones like a month and 1/2 early.

Yeah, I figured that.

thank you.  :D

Oh, well. What's done is done.  ;D Doesn't really matter does it.

hey Bastille you can re-site more then the entire first chapter and the prologue along with randome quotes; you can recite the whole book and the letter from Shasta in the second book along with the alternate ending and random quotes. ;D
i have really spent too much time around Bastille, i know too much about you. ::)

Shasta, were extended family. Of coarse you know me to much and I know you to much. Stop telling them things!!! I don't want people here thinking I'm weird like everyone else!!  ;D

Yes Ookla we would like to know!!!   ;D Oh, allot of romance. Ideas are turning in my head now. I hope it involves some A+B=<3  ;D

Hang on. Are you saying she is right???????  :o

Yeah. Me and Shasta thought that a while ago but in the end things just didn't match up. And if they were related Bastille and Alcatraz couldn't get married like most of us want to.

Sorry I didn't put this in the last post but I need this to be big and important. We all talked about how we want Bastille to get a Talent by Alcatraz breaking her but if he doesn break her what will her Talent be? I think it will be ether breaking or fixing. Fixing because when he breaks Bastille he breaks the Talent as she gets it!!!

I could see a shotgun wedding. >>'  Ook, darn you and your cryptic messagingness.  Perhaps Bastille is actually related to the Smedry's somehow.  She just . . . somehow hides her talent, or perhaps we've seen it, but don't recognize it?  Perhaps failing?  She seems to do that a lot.

I've tried thinking about that but it doesn't work. In the first book Alcatraz said he saw Bastille's foot prints disappear quickly (Even though now he can see them clearly.) And Bastille looks  just like her mother and Alcatraz said that he could see Draulin's footprints disappear.
Ookla, darn you!!! I swear if you say anymore, I'll.....oh never mind. Bastille's DAD!!! I wonder what he'll be like? If he is like his wife and daughter than I wouldn't be surprised  if he was grumpy too but if he's nice and laid back than I'll be surprised and Brandon can do that in these books really well. I'm just hoping that Bastille's brother isn't a knight of Crystallia. That would ruin everything for me. I want Bastille's brother to be just like firstrainbowRose said. Maybe he can get through to Bastille. If Bastille's Talent (even  though she doesn't have one) was failing then how do you explain her success or the groups success during the Library Infiltration.

she has probably read the first chapter a least 100 times and now i regret getting her hooked

Yeah, it's all your fault. You got me hooked so your now paying the price!!  :D ;D

It's worth it completely!! I didn't have to pay though. Shasta's  parents let me borrow the discs so, yeah. But it's completely worth it. Sing's voice is really cool. Shasta's and Bastille's are as well, but I still think  Sing's is cooler.

I meant your post.  You have Alcatraz on your iPod?

Yah, I have Alcatraz on my iPod and Shasta knows how much I listen to it and how well I can repeat it. Charlie McWade does a really good job reading it. He does a different voice for each charater and it sounds so cool. If I find a way to get it on here so you can hear how each person sounds I will because it's sounds really cool.

Before you understood what? Don't worry it's taken me like 50 times listening to it to finally understand it. :) (Yes I did say over 50 times and I'm serious about that. My iPod says I've listened to the fist chapter around like 80 times!! Oops!!!)( I can repeat the entire first chapter and prologue and occasional random parts I listen to, to much.  ;D)

Okay!!! You let me think how Bastille looks so you can think about how Sing looks without me criticizing you.

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