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Messages - maxonennis

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If Shkat is a replacement for a certain four letter English word that starts with the same sound, then I'd prefer to have a spade called a spade...

Does anybody else have any thoughts regarding this?  Yes, "shkat" was intended to be a replacement for sh**, and is Aric's way of using it.  I guess I could just call it what it is, but generally in sci-fi/fantasy, I see a lot of authors use replacements for cuss words.

It works really well in Battlestar Galactica, anyway!  Then again, using the work "frak" is just a really creative way to get around using swear words on TV.

I intend to use more cuss words in later chapters because the characters would likely use them.  But I don't want to pull the reader too far out of the world to do it.

What do you think?

What really threw me off was that you used a one-for-one replacement in a modern phrase. If it hadn't been a common phrase used in "our world", then the replacement wouldn't have bothered me.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Me
« on: January 22, 2009, 05:24:57 AM »
What's your gut instinct? What kind of vives do I send through your computer screen? (Wow, that was creepy...)

Rants and Stuff / Me
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:49:19 AM »
I have to ask those who know me least, am I a horrible person? Just answer based on instinct, no reasoning here.

Movies and TV / Re: Will your show be Canceled?
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:17:11 AM »
American football will soon be over for the season (actually, I'm more of a college football fan so the real season has been over for awhile for me).

Reading Excuses / Re: Podcast?
« on: January 21, 2009, 05:31:13 PM »
It's not so much any one thing, but a combination of a lot of small oddities that I think would put off any publisher. Or at least I believe that most publishers would look at it and think that it would be too much work to buy. As I'm going through rewrites in my second draft, I'm trying to make the entire novel a single emotion that will linger with the reader and in doing so I have to write it very impersonal (and I'm not even began to talk about some of the more graphic scenes in the novel). The problem is that I don't think most readers acknowledge if I had done a good job of this because it isn't what they expect from a fantasy, thus I think most would pin it for bad writing = unpublishable (if that's a word).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 21, 2009, 06:03:46 AM »
Joe, we can't get enough of this!  You're on my favorite book.  I think all the characters improve in the re-reading... at least for me they did.  Or re-listening.  I do recommend the audio versions while doing dishes.

No life quite like the vicarious!  :D

Reading Excuses / Re: Podcast?
« on: January 21, 2009, 03:31:42 AM »
Reaves, I am planning to send it out to both agents and publishers after I've had it looked over by you fine folk, but it's just too...

Well here, I post up a summary of the novel I'd used as roughdaft query. I repete, a rough draft of a query, not a final product. Note, I've already made several changes to Chapter One which has been sumitted here already.

PHYLES is the definition of experimental. It is written in a point-of-view that I don’t think anyone else has ever used (after taking six months to write just the first draft of the manuscript, I realize that there are probably several good reasons that no one has). Also there’s the tense, instead of being easy, I decided to get cute and write PHYLES in present tense due to the way the story is told. The added fact that I give none of the main characters’ true names, makes this the oddest of all my stories or any novel I’ve read for that matter.

The story revolves around five characters; Capstone, a kleptomaniac young foreign noblewoman; Magistrate, the morally confused leader of a the city state’s constabulary; Red Eye, a drug addict, cross-dressing assassin; Healer, a lying foreign doctor; and Shaman, the oldest living resident of the state, an unknown man who is the most mistrusted person in the city.

The plot is fairly simple, with a few major twists, but over all very basic. I wanted a story that stayed true to who the characters were, and let them shine. I think I did that. The world building isn’t too original, but I have, what I think is, an interesting magic system that ties into the story, setting, characters, and theme nicely. I don’t use the fantasy archetype species, characters, or plot points. There will be no hero’s journey, orcs, or damsel in distress. Also, don’t look too hard for a protagonist, antagonist, hero, or villain, because there aren’t any, as far as I can tell.

The story is a 90,000 word long, first person point of view, fantasy novel, with Shaman narrating while never (the opening and closing chapters aside) allowed to refer to himself as “I”. It is being told as Shaman is watching from the outside as the story unfolds. This means that there is no internal dialog, thus the characters’ personalities, thoughts, and feelings are relayed to the reader through sensory descriptions (you get a lot of the characters talking to themselves, facial expressions, and exaggerated body language). I call the POV First Person Cinematic after Orson Scott Card’s Third Person Cinematic.

The underlining theme of PHYLES is the nature of God (god, or gods); with minor themes addressed being insanity, and leadership. Minor-minor themes brought up, but not addressed are, homosexuality, gender confusion, self sacrifice, fascism, anarchy, and mental disorders.

Impersonal, controversial, disturbing, and layered, PHYLES is book that will leave a lasting impression.

Reading Excuses / Podcast?
« on: January 21, 2009, 12:32:14 AM »
My latest finished novel, PHYLES (of which I will continue submitting as soon as I finish my second draft), is a work I really like. The problem is I don’t think it’s publishable. The tense, the POV, and the characters all add up to be too weird for me to be able to see any publisher having any real interest in buying.

I, like many of  the posters on here, have recently become addicted to Bob Defendi’s podcast novel Death By Clique. (For those of you who haven’t heard it yet, check it out at, you haven’t been born until you’ve heard the first episode.) Listening to it makes me wonder if my own work wouldn’t be better suited for self publication in podcast form. Of course that would mean I would have to spend a year saving up money for podcasting equipment, and software, but I was wondering what you guys thought about it. IF I did this, would anyone listen to it? (It would be free, no one would pay to listen to my crap.)

(Note: by making a podcast of the novel I would be giving up any chances of selling electronic rights if by some off chance that a publisher did want it.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 20, 2009, 07:24:11 PM »
Joe, glad you're enjoying the series (like we all knew you would).

I want to warn you, if you're like me you'll probably like Rand less and less as the series progresses.  That is, he gets weirder and weirder.  I think his character development is realistic and necessary, but as the story goes on, I begin to like other characters more and more in comparison, and to be glad when the POV switches away from Rand.

Moiraine, on the other hand, gets more likeable and more understandable soon.  I think you'll love Egwene's development too - though you'll have to wait till book 11 for some of her best moments.  Perrin and Faile (Zarine) have some cool stuff coming up too.

Whaaa?! I can't stand Egwene or Elane, nothing happens in their POV (Egwene in book 11 aside).

Also, I've never like Parrin or 9 and 10 were just painful!

One more thing and then I'll leave you alone, your font left me squinting for a few hours. It really hurt my eyes, and I have good eyes,  :o  see.

Hmm. I just used courier new. Double spaced. 10 pt.

Did anybody else have trouble?  It works well for me, but I can export differenly next time.

I think it is the 10 point, I usually read in 12 point (it makes the letter bolder and not as faint).

One more thing and then I'll leave you alone, your font left me squinting for a few hours. It really hurt my eyes, and I have good eyes,  :o  see.

A lot of comments on the prologue being too passive, it worked for me because of your use of languish. It could uses some toning down in some sense, maybe having more action in the first page (just having the narrator do something is all), but over all I really liked it.

I would've liked to have seen Aric's (is it pronounced Erik?) audience with the King revealed through uses of external dialog rather than some much internal looking back.

I don't know how many people on the ship had armor, but if it were any significant number, then it would be a bad idea because of salt water exposure.

There is a strong sense of negative uses of tension (the narrator with holding information from the reader). I find that a little irritating (that has nothing to do with your writing but dangle a carrot in front of a horse while always keeping it out of reach will get it mad too).

If Shkat is a replacement for a certain four letter English word that starts with the same sound, then I'd prefer to have a spade called a spade...

The fact that the meeting with the ship's captains didn't last more than a page and a half made me very glad...for a moment I thought you were going to hit me hard with some blatant info dumping :P

Writing Group / Re: My writing dilemma
« on: January 19, 2009, 11:09:05 PM »
I’m going against the grain here and saying that if you are a discovery writer, try writing it backwards. Start with the ending and work back (while using one POV) to the beginning. IF you like it, then go back and add other POVs to it to add depth to the story, and maybe a few related side plots. I’m doing that in my latest work and so far I’ve been able to discovery write the entire first half without any problems.

Don't you mean the last half? jk.
How does that work exactly? I think my brain would explode. You'd have to figure out what they did...and then right about what they were going to do...I'm confused already.

Does it ever! I haven't had to world build because working backwards, I can make it up as I go a long and forshadow eariler in the story! (I hate world building, so this is a huge advantage.) Also you can develope the characters backwards and see their progression better (or at least I can). But I'm only doing one POV backwards at a time and then when I'm finished I will pick out the scenes of importants and place them all going forward again into place. This is probably going to take longer than it would if I had world built, plot outted, and gone through pre-writes before writing, but I like it better.

On a side note, I have to have some kind of oddity in my works to keep me interested thus the reason I decided to write backwards on a whim (I had an ending in mind and started with it).

Writing Group / Re: My writing dilemma
« on: January 19, 2009, 08:52:58 PM »
I’m going against the grain here and saying that if you are a discovery writer, try writing it backwards. Start with the ending and work back (while using one POV) to the beginning. IF you like it, then go back and add other POVs to it to add depth to the story, and maybe a few related side plots. I’m doing that in my latest work and so far I’ve been able to discovery write the entire first half without any problems.

Writing Group / Re: Writing the Other
« on: January 19, 2009, 08:47:50 PM »
I have several "minorities" in my latest work, though I don't call them such or focus on their appearances, instead I concentrate on who they are as characters. That is what most speculative fiction writers do rather than say "this is a black man" or whatever. After all we are talking about making them fit into their background, so if you're writing Tolkien-eque fantasy you probably shouldn't lable someone of color as such. It would make them stand out in a bad way.

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