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Messages - maxonennis

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Reading Excuses / Re: What is YOUR Writing Process?
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:08:52 PM »
I do things the hard way. Instead of thinking up a plot, world building, or developing characters, what I do first is list about a dozen ideas "tension" ideas. I think let those ideas roll around in my head for about a month, and then sit down and write the opening scene. With the opening scene down on paper, all the ideas of how to weave together click in my mind. I then sit down to write a plot outline, and then write.

Of course, only about two thirds of a really good plot outline makes it to the final draft. As I'm writing the first draft, it often changes. Little ideas come up for unespected places for how to better convay the story and I add them in. The second draft is all about fixing consistency erros, adding depth to the side plots, and scattering info. The third draft is all rewrites.

Writing Group / Re: Get rid of all the elves?
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:20:33 PM »
I forgot to mention that he cut the little mini skirt off of the Pink Ranger's outfit, and he still hasn't heard the end of it from Zoron. (They don't make power suits like they used to.)

Writing Group / Re: Get rid of all the elves?
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:10:02 PM »
But now I am wondering about that male pink power ranger. What are his hopes, dreams and aspirations based on being a pink power ranger? Does he somehow feel inferior to the other power rangers? Could he finally find someone to look beyond his pink exterior and love him for who he is? Oh, the drama!  ;)

The Pink Ranger’s name is Kyle Grant. He is seventeen, and a senior in high school. He was raised by a single mother (who had “attachment issues”) and his three older sisters. His mother was in her early forties when he was born, and his eldest sister, Linda, had graduated from high school two months before. His other two sisters were also in high school when he was born, but their not important enough to his story to talk about right now.

Linda and his mother alternated the responsibilities of raising Kyle. He was the baby of the family…until Linda got married and had a daughter named Trelawney. Kyle was six going on seven when this happened (five when Linda married) and suddenly found that he was without mommy number two.

That began the competition for Linda’s attention between Kyle and Trelawney. (Linda was a strong willed, level headed woman who acted the part of "daddy" for Kyle.) The battle was long and bitter, each of the children going to great lengths to catch Linda’s attention (her husband wasn’t too happy about the ongoing war between the kids, and he eventually divorced Linda in part because of it).

Then puberty came kicked in…

Kyle had long ago adopted the theme of “imitation is the most sincere form of flattery” and has been copying Linda’s strong, assertive personality for years. It got to the point that they had eventually become his own. So when it happened that he came to  be chosen to be a Power Ranger and the only available costume that was left was pink, he didn’t hesitate to accept it and the duty to his planet. (The other Rangers think he’s gay, but Kyle doesn’t feel compelled to correct them.)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Me
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:53:33 AM »
I dunno, anyone who makes Polls has to be a horrible person, maybe even evil.... ;)

Oh, you've caught on to my evil plan! Good guys don't care about the opinions of others, they merely assume that everyone likes them.  8)

Writing Group / Re: Get rid of all the elves?
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:46:07 AM »
Every angle for vampires, elves, dwarfs, warewolves, orcs--powerrangers?--, has already been done. If none of these species were ever used in a book again it would still take you YEARS, probably more along the lines of decades unless that was all you did, to read all the books with just one of them.

The reason I won't read a book with these (and more) creatures (and varying colored powerrangers) is because the only way you can keep my interest is for them to be so different from the originals that they should be named something else (why is the pink ranger always female ???).

Writing Group / Re: Get rid of all the elves?
« on: January 29, 2009, 11:30:12 PM »
As a reader, if I see on the back of a book vampires, elves, orcs etc, I don't read it. Because the odds are if the author is using Tolkien-eque species, then they are also using Tolkien's plots. (In regards to vampires and werewolves, they're far too over done in every way--I hate Twilight :-X )

I've never written using any already created species, particularly the Tolkien-eque, because they've explored too far anyway that there is nothing new to say about them.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Me
« on: January 29, 2009, 02:53:49 AM »
Wow, I have two that say yes, and one that says no, most of the rest are refusing to answer by saing Maybe  :'(

I don't care to read about that kind of stuff. They could just mention it in passing, without the dirty details, and it would still work fine. When it describes that kind of stuff... Jordan did it right in WoT. He mentioned it briefly, no details, and life went on. You know what happened and it didn't distract or whatnot. I've only read a Game of Thrones but I've heard that GRRM is the worst of anyone in that kind of crap.

Song of Fire and Ice is all about the dirty facts of live plus magic. There isn't near as much sex, killing, and violence in his books as people think, the problem is that George RR Martian a really good writer. He makes each one of those "controversial" scenes stand out, he makes each hurt because you get so close to the characters. That is good writing, even when its depicting something you don't like. (Of course if it is a scene that someone doesn't like I wouldn't expect them to admit that he got his point across.)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a scene in Well of Ascension that takes place directly after Vin and Elend have sex?

You just beat me to it  :)

I've been reading Goodkind and just got done with a Game of Thrones, and those books overly use sex and... well... it distracts from a plot that is barely there in the first place (IMO). I really appreciate the lack of it in Mistborn.

I'll give you Goodkind, he puts a lot of junk in his books that just doesn't fit. But George RR Martian uses sex as a way to farther the plot (rape, incest,...just plain sex, it's all used for character development). There isn't any sexual overtones in Mistborn because it isn't apart of the story, it wouldn't fit. If Sanderson had put a sex scene, or whatever, in Mistborn it would've felt as unnecessary as it does in the Sword of Truth.

ryamjm, I don't care what the legal age is, I don't want to read about a sixteen year old having sex (especially when my little sister is a month away from turning sixteen). (Spoiler warning for those who haven't read book two) Also, it's obvious that she and Elend have been having sex since they've married... I honestly don't know what you're looking for :-\

I could see Elden getting a little bugeyed when checking out Vin (of course the times he would've done this were probably during Vin's POV), but honestly If Kelsier, or one of the older men did I would've been a bit creeped out. I don't think too much "dddaaang!" would've helped the novel.

Vin was a sixteen year old when the first book starts... :-[

Writing Group / Re: Everybody's Current Projects
« on: January 24, 2009, 05:21:22 PM »

No, sorry, but I was reminded of Trogdor when you described your story.

Burninating all the country side. Burninating all the peasants. Burninating all the thatch roof cottages. Trogdor strikes in the NNNIIIIIIGGGGHT!

Writing Group / Re: Everybody's Current Projects
« on: January 24, 2009, 04:48:44 AM »
I'm going through rewrites and editing for a story I finished a month ago. After I'm done with that I plan on starting something equally weird, and unique... 8)

This is probably the biggest reason I didn't use cursing in my latest manuscript, because it didn't feel right. There are numerous essays about cursing in fantasy, and to sum them up: What the author is trying to do is translate a different language into english (or whatever language you are using), and so there by if something is a direct one-for-one translation, why use the english translation instead?

Now, I'm not saying that you should do this, but I think culturally relevant and derived curses are more effective if you don't want to uses real ones as jjb has said.

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