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Messages - Fireborn

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Trilogy Sequel *Spoilers*
« on: July 12, 2010, 03:01:26 AM »
I'd bet that Atium and Larasium would still exist, in addition to Sazedium.  That'd be a trip.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 12, 2010, 02:59:41 AM »
I read on some website...that there are these weapons/armors that are sort of a big deal.

The Shardblades/Shard-armour-whatsits? How do you figure?

I mean, admittedly, I haven't read the sample chapters yet, but I have a feeling that the Blades and armour won't have that much of an impact on the story. MAYBE a few mentions here and there, in passing, but I doubt they'll tie into any of the book's plotlines.
If you read the prologue you'll realize that what you just said is a complete miss.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: July 10, 2010, 10:00:08 PM »
How much will the book cost at the BYU Bookstore at the release?  Also, do you think it would be okay for me to ask a him two questions when he's signing my books?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 10, 2010, 07:38:43 PM »
Well, the magics can obviously be interrelated, like the magic in Mistborn is all focused around metals and it looks like at least a few of the systems in SA are based around Stormlight.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 10, 2010, 09:50:27 AM »
He said that the exact number depended on how you counted it, so I'm not sure.

I think there are five shards on Roshar.  Why do I think this?  Well, we know that each magic system is connected to a shard: Allomancy to Preservation, Hemalurgy to Ruin, and Awakening to Endowment (presumably).  We also know that that the influences of different shards can mix and create new magic systems, Feruchemy as the balance between Preservation and Ruin.  So, if you find every possible combination between different shards on a world, you can get the number of magic systems: one shard, one system; two shards, three systems.  Not just combinations between two shards, but any number of shards present: thus, three shards, 7 systems; four shards, 15 systems; five shards...31 systems.  I came up with this theory after seeing the number, but you can't ignore the pure and simple "aha!" factor to it.

Brandon Sanderson / Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 10, 2010, 08:29:55 AM »
I remember reading somewhere (don't ask me where, I can't remember) that Brandon said the exact number of magic systems in the Stormlight Archives would be 31.  Is this number accurate?  Cuz I have a theory based around that I think makes a lot of sense.

You may also use this topic the magic of series in general, which is why the topic is named what it is.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deus-Ex Machina in Hero of Ages? *Spoilers*
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:13:06 AM »
I give up.
...I honestly don't get why this bugs you so much.  The way you see the character is obviously different than the way everyone else and, more importantly, the author do.  You are entitled to your view but you keep saying that our view is wrong while you don't seem to consider either that you might be mistaken or that there is no right or wrong when it comes to an opinion, which is what you're arguing about.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Breeze's Girlfriend?
« on: July 04, 2010, 05:15:13 AM »
That, good sir, is my purpose in life. Making people think I must die for 20 seconds at a time.

BACK ON TOPIC - Breeze is the single character getting the most consistent action in the whole trilogy, least that we know of!

I guess Straff is a bit of a player, too.
But Straff is...y'know, a Complete Monster...yeah...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 03, 2010, 06:32:11 PM »
Okay I hope you're joking too.  Jack Black?  This is supposed to be a (mostly) serious movie!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Trilogy Sequel *Spoilers*
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:18:16 AM »
Too many people, so many ideas flying about that most of them overlap in some fashion or another.

But, Chaos, that's a passive thing, I do the stairs thing consciously (mostly anyway).  Iron steel tin pewter zinc brass copper bronze chromium nicrosil aluminum duralumin cadmium bendalloy gold electrum.  Bases before alloys, external before internal, physical mental enhancement temporal.  I think I might be OCD like that.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Trilogy Sequel *Spoilers*
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:18:59 AM »
It's spelled Nicrosil, yes.  I have them memorized.  (Am I crazy for listing off the allomantic metals in a very specific order whenever I go up or down the stairs of my home?  There are 16 steps!  It's too good a setup to pass over!)

Didn't Brandon also say something about a Mistborn serial killer?  I think he might have been inspired by one of his podcasting buddies.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Breeze's Girlfriend?
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:11:54 AM »
Maybe Brandon will do retellings of the whole series from her perspective.

and then others!

the timeframe Mistborn 1 told entirely from Elend's perspective. Lots of brooding and stuff. Plus we'd get an in-depth look at how he feels about sparkling in the sun.

*snicker*  Mixing things up, are we?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Breeze's Girlfriend?
« on: July 02, 2010, 06:27:05 AM »
I think, despite the very little we see of her, Allriane has a lot of character depth.  I get the feeling that she'd have a lot to say if she ever got her own viewpoint for more than a page or two.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 02, 2010, 06:10:32 AM »
Kelsier has long, kinda messy hair, he's skinny but muscular.  With black eyes and a mischievous smile.

You know who kinda looks like what I'm thinking?  Paul McGann.  But with slightly darker hair.  And maybe a bit thinner.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deus-Ex Machina in Hero of Ages? *Spoilers*
« on: July 02, 2010, 06:00:22 AM »
Yeah, Deus ex Machina is the wrong term.  Out of character is what you're thinking.

Also, and this really bugs me.
No I haven't faded away.  I just recognize an impasse when I see it, (I still believe that Vin's survival instinct would be stronger than any qualms she might have over hurting someone... particularly if that someone was one of her captors) and perhaps, also, it was a misjudgment on my part to seek out critical assessment this on the author's own website...
Wow, seriously?  I understand not agreeing with someone's opinion, but that's just low.  Inclined to think the author is doing it right?  Yes.  Automatically blocking out everything that criticizes the work?  NO.

You're new, and I get that you wouldn't be familiar with what goes on here, but we are a level-headed, carefully analytical bunch that doesn't blindly follow Brandon no matter what he says.  And I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't make assumptions like that after being here for less than a week.

I think that it was entirely in character for Vin to drink the wine.  She took a gamble, and it is a credit to the development of her character that she prioritized getting work back to her friends in a timely fashion over her own immediate safety in order to do so.

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